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18 TikTok Best Practices

  1. Mix it up Post a mix of evergreen and trending content
  2. Plan ahead Create evergreen content in advance and save it in your TikTok drafts so you always have content to post even when you don’t have time to make videos
  3. Be consistent! Whether you post one video per day or 5 videos per day, keep it consistent so that followers know what to expect from you
  4. Space it out Maximize your reach by posting your videos throughout the day
  5. Know your audience Know who you want to reach and who you are creating content for before you hit record
  6. Stay positive Every video won’t be a winner so don’t let that discourage you
  7. Be the expert Put your knowledge on display and show viewers why they should follow you and keep up with your content
  8. Be entertaining Keep the viewer’s attention by being interesting to watch
  9. Keep it vertical Vertical videos look and perform better than horizontal videos
  10. Choose the right audio Use music that matches the tone of the video
  11. Add text Some people won’t be watching your videos with the sound on, so be sure to add text overlays to the video that caption what you are saying
  12. Keep it concise and candid Get to the point quickly! Try to stick to 15 second videos for higher completion rates
  13. Use hashtags Find and use hashtags that are relevant to the content of your video
  14. Write captions Always write a caption that grabs the attention of the viewer
  15. Allow comments You can’t engage with people if they don’t have a way to talk to you! Make sure that you set each new post to allow people to comment
  16. Engage Reply to commenters and leave comments on other people’s videos
  17. Profile picture You only get one so really make it show who you are!
  18. Write a great bio Use your bio to tell who you are and why people should follow you. You only get 80 characters so be smart with what you post!
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