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25 Ways to Incorporate Snapchat into Your Marketing Strategy Checklist

  1. Get to know your audience – Snapchat is a great platform for speaking directly to your target audience. Show them you get them and the problems they face. Ask for their input and feedback and respond to them with Snaps.
  2. Promote your editing skills – If you’re a video editing guru or graphic design pro, upload content that showcases your talents!
  3. Market research – Tease new product ideas, discuss common issues in your industry, current solutions, etc. and get feedback for product development.
  4. Use trends to your advantage – Keep tabs on current Snapchat trends and look for ones that you can use to feature your business in a relevant way.
  5. Build trust – Build rapport with followers and gain trust by sharing insider secrets and informative industry content.
  6. Put your products on display – Talk about problems that plague your target audience and show how your products can help.
  7. Thought leadership – Create content about news and trends in your industry. Use your experience to show provide insight on why those things are relevant.
  8. Book reviews – Offer followers a PDF copy of your book for free in exchange for reviews that you can use in other marketing materials.
  9. Put your expertise on display – Position you and/or your business as the “go to” experts in your niche by answering common questions about your industry.
  10. Promote upcoming webinars – Highlight upcoming webinar content and invite Snapchat followers to register by visiting your website, messaging you for the link, or visiting one of your other social channels to get more information.
  11. Video testimonials – Get video testimonials from past and current customers and share them to establish trust and authority with your target audience.
  12. Audience feedback – Offer Snapchatters an exclusive free report or checklist in exchange for their feedback. Use their responses for product improvements and future marketing.
  13. Increase sales – Don’t go too heavy on the sales talk, but in some of your Snaps talk about the products and services you have to offer and tell people how to find out more if they are interested.
  14. Generate leads – Drum up interest by sharing helpful industry information and then invite Snapchatters to grab your free training.
  15. Social growth – Since Snapchat videos are so short, you can direct people to your other channels to get additional content. Promote your Snapchat on your other social channels and by email as well.
  16. Influencer collaborations – Do some research on Snapchat to find users that are already reaching your target audience. Reach out to them and propose a collaboration to promote your business.
  17. Build your email list – Direct people to message you in order to get a special product. Send them a link to a landing page where they can claim their freebie by subscribing to your email list.
  18. Demos – Share quick demos that subtly show your knowledge and expertise while also showcasing your products and services when relevant.
  19. Reach new audiences – Use Snapchat to reach demographics that may not be as active on other social media platforms.
  20. Content marketing – Save your Snaps for use on other platforms. When you share the videos, make sure you tell people that they can get more content like that by following you on Snapchat.
  21. Contests – Run strategic contests that help you reach your ideal audience. Give away prizes that only that audience would care about in order to avoid getting tons of unrelated followers only interested in winning something.
  22. Be a trendsetter – Start a niche-related Snap trend that helps you identify more of your target audience.
  23. Paid advertising – Run paid advertising to the audiences you want to reach on Snapchat. You can send Snapchatters directly to a landing page for an offer, promote your Snapchat account to gain followers, and more.
  24. Case studies – Create and share shocking/enticing highlights from case studies and then invite Snapchatters to grab the full study for free on your site.
  25. Establish authority – Put your knowledge on display by sharing tips, tricks, and hacks that Snapchatters can use to make their life/job easier.
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