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Tips for Posting to Pinterest for More Views & Engagement

Naming Your Boards

When it comes to naming your boards, remember to make it interesting and relatable. Making your board name too creative or overly trendy can result in being lost in the search.

Base your board names according to your industry. If you have a cooking business, for example, do not use the word recipe alone; you could name one of your boards Gluten Free Recipes for Working Moms. Choosing a specific board name helps people searching for your solution to find your solution and your business.


Research on Pinterest or Google for popular board names to get some inspiration. You do not necessarily have to have hundreds of boards to begin with either. Also research popular pins such as food and drink, do-it-yourself, and crafting.


Follow the Seasons – Pay attention to when the stores are putting out inventory for the next holiday or season and get on the scene early, as well. When you see your favorite local superstore gearing up for back-to-school, use this as a reminder to start creating your own back-to-school pins. Same goes for all major holidays.


There are plenty of software programs for making visually attractive pins. Remember, there is a vast majority of people who are more visual than others. The good news is, mostly everyone on Pinterest uses this social media platform because they already are visual. Keep your pins attractive and streamlined. Canva is a wonderful tool to consider for making attractive pins; the templates are easy to use and you can get as creative as you like.


When it comes to your pin descriptions, remember, just as with your board names, don’t get too creative or fancy. Use hashtags and keywords so people searching for what you have can find you. Do your research. You may have already obtained things such as trademarks and watermarks for your pins and, if so, do not forget to include them in your pins for your own protection.


Keep abreast of the trends in your industry and try your hand at staying ahead of trends, as well. Use your innovation to feel into what might be the next, newest trend. Look at trends on home and garden shows, television, movies, magazines and whatever you feel is relatable.


Share your pins to many of your own boards; make sure to have your Pinterest icon linked to your Facebook page and on your website. Include widgets on your website and include the icon in your blog posts. Whether you are creating an encouraging meme, a how-to post, or pinning a photo, include that button. Add pins to your opt-ins, as well.

Extra Tips

Don’t forget to keep up to date with Pinterest as it can change just like all the other social media platforms.

Remember to create your boards as user-friendly for mobile users. Pin your seasonal boards on top as well as your most popular boards. This makes it easier for people scrolling on their mobile phones to see your most popular pins.

Keep your pins creative, but also useful. Pinterest users love to find pins they wish they had created themselves. Ask for views and opinions and trust your instincts on what you feel is a useful idea. Remember, any problem you find a nuisance is easily solved with a creative idea. That creative idea could very well be your next product, your next pin, and your next sale.

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