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Your postscript is the high-traffic element below your signature. It contains your last persuasive offer to get them to buy or act on your suggestion. Studies show that, after your headline or subject line, the P.S. is the most-read part of your content. Your readers are busy, just like you. They scan and many of them skip directly to the P.S., before they read anything else. This is why it’s so important to your “bottom line” that your postscript is effective.


Making your postscript effective is easy. Include your item’s most important and appealing benefit here using persuasive, powerful words. Include a deadline or limit. Remember, the offer should be compelling. You can compel your readers with positive or negative wording. Consider using negative occasionally.


Since a reader doesn’t want to be associated with a negative, such as, “this item isn’t for you if you don’t truthfully want to succeed.” Don’t use negatives too often or it will lose its edge.


Keep in mind that your P.S. should never be an “afterthought” and written on the fly. It must be carefully planned and crafted to be effective and persuade readers to take action, and I don’t mean closing the email or page.


The effectiveness of your P.S. strongly depends on how well you know your niche, as well as understanding your readers’ problems, needs, and motivating factors. If you don’t get the offer or wording right, test and research to make needed changes.


Here are a few P.S. examples to get you started and inspire variations that work best for your audience:


P.S. Don’t need the whole system, but are interested in ____? (Downsell) You can get just [that part] here.

P.S. Every day that goes by [insert pain point]. [Product] can help you _____.

P.S. If it’s really time to make a change, there is no better time than now because _____.

P.S. All it takes is a few clicks and you are on your way to _____. Get in while you can!

P.S. The response to ________ has been overwhelming and extremely positive. There have been over [number] [type of actions/reactions] already! If you that haven’t jumped on this, you can still get a copy today.

P.S. If you act by [date/time], you’ll ________.

P.S. If you’re tired of ________, you have the power to _______ by clicking here.

P.S. Now that you know about _______, receive _______ when you order now.

P.S. Remember you’re always __________.

P.S. Skeptical? [Reassure with a benefit and guarantee with your item link].

P.S. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed or your money back.

P.S. You won’t find a better ____ when it comes to ______. Click here and order now.

P.S. Find out why everyone is raving about this [item type]!

P.S. I almost forgot to mention… order now to get [this sweet bonus item].

P.S. Treat yourself by ordering __________, now. You deserve it!

P.S. Say, “yes” to [type of] success by ordering ___________ now.

P.S. Be one of the first to get your hands on [this exciting product] today!

P.S. Remember there is, absolutely, no reason to leave empty handed. You can take advantage of the 100% Risk Free Offer and begin ______ today!

P.S. Quick, there are only [number] copies of ______ available at [discount] so hurry and order!

P.S. Here are the keys! Test drive ____ down the road to success today!

P.S. It’s impossible to lose with _______, unless you walk away empty handed. Pick up your copy today.

P.P.S. EXTRA BONUS: Order now and I’ll include my special [item type] “_____!”

P.S. Time’s running out! To secure a copy of ______ at the pre-launch price of $99, order now.

P.S. You could learn ____ on your own, by trial and error, but it will be a MUCH more costly “education.” For years, I learned ____ the hard way, until I figured out the “secret” system. I made bad choices and wasted lots of money. I don’t want you to go through any of that misery.

P.S. If you accept my invitation immediately, I’ll rush you this special report, called _______.

P.S. Quick-response bonus! Reply within __ days and you’ll receive ________. If you liked the opportunities I outlined, you’ll love this exclusive special report.

P.S. Your __% discount expires in just __ days, so order today, and increase your ________.

P.S. What kind of a life can you provide for your family if you _____? Imagine the look on your loved one’s face when you bring home that surprise gift they’ve always wanted.

P.S. Please Don’t Order this product unless you are looking for a high quality, comprehensive guide you can use to _____.

P.S. If you need more information on _____, look at _____. You will be amazed at the amount of _____ that is covered.

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