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Creating Your First LinkedIn Ad

LinkedIn ads are a good alternative channel to find traffic, lead and customers. Use this worksheet to learn the ins and outs of using LinkedIn Ads.

Why do you need to use LinkedIn Ads? How will they help you get more traffic or leads?

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Is the B2B platform right for your business? Do you sell something that benefits business owners or working professionals? If so, who exactly is your audience?

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Create your ads with Campaign Manager.

  • Set up your account in the LinkedIn Campaign Manager platform.
  • Enter your associated LinkedIn Company page if you have one.
  • In the member dashboard, enter your billing information to unlock your account.
  • Click the “Create Campaign” button to be taken to the page to set up your ad.
  • Name your Campaign Group as groups help you organize your campaign.
  • Choose your campaign objective. What you want people to do when your ad is seen.
  • Select the type of ad theme – awareness, consideration or conversions.
  • Choose the campaign objective – website visits, engagement, Video views, or lead generation?
  • Set your audience parameters. Answer the basic questions such as language and location. Click “+Add new targeting criteria.” You can choose things like company, demographics, education, job experience and more.
  • Next, set the ad format
    • Sponsored content are native ads that let you advertise to professionals, drive leads and target specific audiences. Sponsored Content is available in single image ads, video ads or carousel ads.
    • Sponsored InMail allows you to send personalize messages to prospects using relevant content through LinkedIn messenger. You can drive conversions to targeted products or promotions, promote content downloads and reach members when they are most engaged.
    • Text ads are the cheapest format. They are text only with a small image showing up next to them.
    • Dynamic Ads include:
      • Follower ads promote your LinkedIn profile and Company pages to encourage user follows.
      • Spotlight ads to send traffic to a landing page or specific site page. Or for promoting products, services, newsletters, or events. They can be personalized using LinkedIn profile data.
      • Job ads promote job openings allowing you to connect with potential applicants.
  • Determine whether you want your ad to be displayed on LinkedIn’s Audience Network, if available, or not.
  • Set your budget, scheduling and bidding options. Bid types include automated bid, Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid, or Maximum pay-per-1,000 Impressions (CPM) bid.
  • Set up conversion tracking for your campaign to track and measure the actions taken after they click on your ad.
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