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Email Marketing Emails – Promotion Methods

📬Subject 1: 11 Steps to Profit from Your Emails in YEAR (proven system inside…)
📬Subject 2: How to Profit from Your Emails in YEAR (made $1,987.82…)
📬Subject 3: How a System Makes $705 in 1 hour with ONE simple email…
📬Subject 4: 10 Tricks to Boost Your Email Profits in 60 Minutes…


Have you ever purchased a product and somehow felt that it would be the last time you bought something from that place?…


Did you feel neglected by the seller and that once you made a purchase, they didn’t want to have anything to do with you?…

Unfortunately, many customers out there feel the same. They get the idea that all the business does is grab their hard-earned pay and ask them to leave after that.




The truth is, sometimes customers make a purchase from someone based on trust alone.


You see, your prospects and customers are human too. They want to deal with someone they know they can trust and who will always give them value and be honest with them at all times.


And this is where, as a business owner, you’ll need to start looking at building a customer list so you can not only connect with your target audience but also transform your skeptical subscribers into die-hard customers and raving fans!


And one of the best ways to connect with your customers is through email. For some, it’s a communication and trust tool, for others, it’s a tool to constantly bombard their subscribers with promotion after promotion…


If you want to tap into the REAL power of email marketing and see sales coming in from EVERY email you send out, then check this out…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: STILL AVAILABLE How a System Makes $705 in 1 hour with ONE simple email…
📬Subject 4: REMINDER: 10 Tricks to Boost Your Email Profits in 60 Minutes…


I don’t know if you can relate or not, but nothing used to frustrate me more than working so hard at “building my list,” only to finally send out an email offer with absolutely no results.


Everywhere I turned, marketer after marketer would be there saying “the money is in the list, the money is in the list!” but I couldn’t even get my subscribers to open the emails, let alone buy anything.


I was left wondering, was it just me, or was I the only one who simply couldn’t make any money with email marketing?


I honestly tried. I bought course after course, some of them ranging upwards of $1997, trying to figure out how to tap into this fortune everyone was talking about.


I changed the subject lines, rewrote the offers, and the only reason it seemed like people would open my emails was to unsubscribe.




I became a student of copywriting, conversions, and persuasion, in a way where I gave the word dedication a whole new meaning.


I spent hundreds of hours researching, weeks reading, and months testing technique after technique until the day where the chain of “no response” broke, and I made just over $700 within one hour of sending one email… and then went on to make over $1,900 within a single weekend.


This wasn’t from a huge list either.


AND, this was from a list that I severely burned and annoyed time after time after time.


I only had about 300 subscribers left, but I finally broke through. And today, I want to show you exactly how I did it so you can too.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: ENDS SOON! 11 Steps to Profit from Your Emails in YEAR (proven system inside…)
📬Subject 4: LAST CALL: How to Profit from Your Emails in YEAR (made $1,987.82…)


Hands down, one of the best ways to connect with your customers is through email.


For some, it’s a communication and trust tool; for others, it’s a tool to constantly bombard their subscribers with promotion after promotion.


If you want to tap into the REAL power of email marketing and see sales coming in from EVERY email you send out, then this is for you…




Inside this eye-opening course, you’ll discover:


  • Module #1 – What Email Services to Use
  • Module #2 – Converting Leads into Buyers
  • Module #3 – How to ‘Heat’ Your List
  • Module #4 – Before You Write a Single Word
  • Module #5 – Structuring Your Emails!
  • Module #6 – Telling a Story
  • Module #7 – Tackling the Subject Line
  • Module #8 – Getting the Click
  • Module #9 – The ‘Rush’ Technique
  • Module #10 – Training the Click!
  • Module #11 – Soaring Your Conversions!


Check out the link below for the full scoop…




To Your Success!

[YOUR NAME] Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’, it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Simply log into your customer account, and everything will be there for you.


📬Subject 1: Lesson #1 – So Why Build A List?…




The advantages of having a subscriber list are obvious when compared to a ‘one-time sale’.


  1. You can save loads of time and effort in trying to attract new customers.


Imagine you have a list of a few hundred customers. All you’ll need to do should you have a new product they would be interested in is just to send an email out to all of them, and you’ll have a substantial amount of cash even without having to search for new customers!


  1. Build trust with your current subscribers and customers.


Offer them value, tips, and freebies, and trust me, they will love you for it! The more they trust you, or rather, become your loyal customers, the more likely they are to make a purchase from you at the drop of a hat without hesitation!


This will give you a massive advantage over other new marketers who keep trying to attract new customers day after day without knowing why their profits remain stagnant!


The next question you’ll probably ask is: “Sounds good, but how do I build a list? I have no idea where to start or what resources I need to work on!”


Well, there’s no need to worry. You see, when I started out building my own list, it was done the hard way. I had to spend heaps of cash on half-baked list-building ebooks that taught me nothing.


It wasn’t until I went through hundreds of trials and errors that I was able to master the technique that is responsible for four-figure earnings with emails alone!


So if you haven’t already, you may want to start putting together the tools to start building your list today!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing expert!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: Lesson #2 – 3 Email Marketing Mistakes…




While email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and clients, there are many common mistakes that companies make that can cause a loss of customers.


Learning what not to do is as important as knowing how to optimize your email marketing plan.


  1. Sending out too many emails


This is the most common mistake that a company can make when it comes to email marketing. Your customers do not want to get two or three emails a week. Some companies send that many out in a day. This can lead to the customer adding your email address to their spam list.


When this happens, they will have no chance to receive the emails that they may want to see. You will not get any click-through activity that will increase sales if your customers are sending your emails to their spam folders automatically.


  1. Sending out ‘generic’ emails


Who wants to read a general email saying ‘hi how are you doing?’…


When starting out, there is a tendency to do this which is a big no-no.


Every email you send out must have a purpose to it. If you’re informing them, inform; if you’re promoting, promote; if you’re handing out a freebie, do so.


Don’t send an email for the sake of it because after all, these are real people at the other end who signed up for things related to what you’re offering.


  1. Greed


I’ve been on lists that constantly promote day after day. It’s tiresome and doesn’t give the reader any chance to read and fully digest what you have offered the previous day.


1-2 emails a week are more than enough!


These are just three things that come to mind when sending out emails. To get the most out of your mailing list, check out the Email Marketing Demon video series.


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher


📬Subject 1: Lesson #3 – 4 Ways To Send People To Your Squeeze Page




Once you have created your squeeze pages and incorporated your opt-in code, you need to drive targeted traffic to your website, consisting of potential leads interested in the overall focus of your newsletter or email campaigns.


Here are a few ways to build the highest performing mailing lists, quickly and easily:


  1. Video


With video websites like YouTube, it has never been easier to use the power of viral video to generate fresh traffic to your website. All you need to do is develop a video or slideshow presentation that highlights your giveaway and directs people to your squeeze page.


  1. Social Marketing


If you have a Squidoo lens (, you can now add opt-in pages right into your existing page. It’s available as a module, and it’s a great way to generate instant traffic to a remotely hosted opt-in page.


Since Squidoo is considered an authority website and carries exceptional weight within the search engines, not only will you be able to generate fresh leads from your opt-in page itself, but you could also add links to your Squidoo lens pages that lead visitors to your other squeeze pages as well.


Hub Pages ( is also another great method of drawing in new traffic and subscribers. HubPages works similarly to Squidoo in terms of being able to create instant single websites even if you are unfamiliar with HTML.


  1. Articles


With article marketing, it’s all about offering high-quality, relevant content that targets your market and propels them into investigating your resource box and visiting your website to find out more about you.


Start out by submitting 3-5 articles every week, and before you know it, your article campaign will generate consistent traffic to your squeeze pages. As you continue to expand on the number of articles in circulation, you will be able to generate more traffic on a regular basis.


  1. Giveaways


If you do not plan on having a monthly newsletter, you can still offer free give items at certain points in the year. These free offers can be the same as the ones that are offered in newsletters.


You can make these offers every couple of months during your regular email campaign. You do not necessarily have to do them regularly, you can stagger them or offer them at times of the year when most will be interested in the free gift you are offering.


These are just a few ideas to get you going. Apply just one of these techniques, and you’ll start to see the opt-in count soar!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: Lesson #4 – Elements Of A Good Squeeze Page




If you didn’t already know, I use squeeze pages to build my list.


They are simply HTML pages which are designed to collect the name and email of my visitor.


In exchange I offer something of value to them. This could be a report, mp3 audio, a video, or just weekly newsletter updates.


A squeeze page is much more than what you see on the surface. You need to add some elements to add to a squeeze page which will capture the visitor’s psycho so that he is ready to get into your list.


Some of these elements are:


  1. A short but bold and catchy headline


You want to grab the reader’s attention and let them know that they’re on the right page that will answer their questions or concerns.


This is why it’s important to know what your visitors are after before hand and have content ready to hand out to them.


  1. Ticks and Bullet points


This will describe a little bit about the product or free gift you are offering. Treat your squeeze page as a part of your sales copy. You don’t need you be a great copywriter to write a squeeze page, just be sure to craft your squeeze page with the same skills that you have used in crafting your sales.


  1. Audio


A little bit of audio will further enhance the appeal of your squeeze page and if you are an expert, your audio will hypnotize the visitor so that he has no other way but to subscribe to your list. But again, don’t over do it. Use it sparingly. Also audios don’t work for everybody-if it works for me, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you too. Test out every squeeze page. If you see that by adding audio, your conversion levels have dropped, then don’t use it.


These are just some basic elements that make for a high converting squeeze page.


In the video series we’ll cover exactly what you do with them once their on your list!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: Lesson #5 – The ‘Secret’ Weapon In Your List




Most people believe that a large mailing list is the secret to making big money. However, what really counts is the quality of the people on your list. This means that they are likely to buy when you send out an email.


As you can see, if they aren’t buyers, it doesn’t matter how many people you have on your list. No buyers means you get no business.


The real “secret” to making money online is having a list populated with people who are willing to hand over the money when you show them a great opportunity. Certainly, they won’t buy every offer you have, but they will purchase those items that make sense to them. It isn’t more complex than that.


Here are three ways I make sure I build a list of buyers:


  1. Offer something cheap!


While there’s not a lot of profit potential from $10 sales, I go as low as $7, even as low as $1.


If no one is willing to buy even at these low prices, especially if I’m offering something of great value, then you know that they shouldn’t be on your list in the first place.


  1. One-time offers!


This is where I’ll provide something for free, and then after they sign up, they’re presented with a mid-range priced offer, somewhere between $27-$97.


If they buy, I’ll use an automation feature to subscribe them to my ‘buyers’ list. This way, I get to filter out the buyers from the freebie seekers.


  1. Low-cost membership.


If someone is willing to spend, say, $4.99 a month on how-to content, do you think they’ll be interested in the higher-end products you have to offer?


Of course, they would. This is why I focus on setting up low-cost, low-profit recurring membership sites that provide information in the form of PDF reports.


I can then gauge that up-selling a higher-priced one-off $97 product would not be so much of a problem since they’re already used to spending with me.


These are just some of the ways I generate a buyer’s list, and it’s the same mentality you should be adopting to get the most out of your list!


No one wants a list of freebie seekers, do they? It’s better to have 100 REAL buyers than 100,000 freebie seekers!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to become an email marketing demon!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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