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HEADLINE: How To Get Your Digital Product Created For You


Having your own digital product is key to making big profits online. However, if you have never created your own digital product before, it may seem overwhelming to accomplish. Fortunately, there are easy ways for you to have your own digital product without doing the work yourself. You will find out about some of these ways below.


One way to have your own digital product created for you is to use an outsourcer who specializes in creating digital products, including ebooks and/or software. You can find outsourcers on sites such as,,,,, and Each site varies in terms of the outsourcers available on the site and what they specialize in. You can also look on Internet marketing forum sites such as the Warrior Forum and look in their ďWarriors For HireĒ section.


If you are just starting with outsourcing and looking to create an ebook, Fiverr is a great place to start, as everything is $5, with additional services provided by Level 2 (i.e. advanced) sellers costing more. Sites such as Elance, Guru, and Upwork allow for more specialized services if you are looking for specific features in your digital product, such as a software program, etc. Outsourcers on these sites usually get paid more because they do more specialized work and often take on larger projects.


If you chose Fiverr, look through the listings until you find an outsourcer who can do what you require, contact the outsourcer, list your requirements, and pay the $5. If you chose one of the other sites, get in contact with the outsourcer (usually through the siteís messaging service), discuss your requirements with him/her, negotiate a price to complete the project, then assign him/her the project.


Another way to get a digital product created for you is by using Private Label Rights products, often referred to as PLR products. These products allow you to sell them as your own, as indicated in their license. However, it is advised that you modify them to fit your writing style and communication, as well as to update the information within them since some of the information within can be outdated, depending on how long ago the PLR product was created. You should also have the cover of the ebook modified or even redesigned from scratch to make it appear totally different. You can either make the modifications yourself or have an outsourcer do them for you. Using a PLR product to build your digital product off of can save considerable time and effort, as you will not have to start from scratch in creating your own product.


Thus, you have two easy ways to have your own product created for you. Once you have your own digital product, you will have the ability to considerably increase your online income through your own marketing efforts and through any affiliates you recruit to promote it for you.






HEADLINE: Quick Tips For Naming Your Digital Product


When creating a digital product, many new internet marketers do not focus much on naming it. However, the title of your digital product is key to gaining the attention of your interested target market. If the title you choose doesn’t garner the attention of your target market, your product won’t sell well, even if the information inside it is of high quality. Thus, the name of your digital product is crucial.


To learn what you should name your digital product, look at similar products in your industry and see how they are named. Check if there is any pattern or anything of note you can replicate. This doesn’t mean you should copy their title word for word. Instead, if you have an email marketing ebook, and a competing email marketing ebook is called “Getting More Profits from Your Email Marketing,” you could use a similar structure to name your ebook, such as “How to Earn More from Your Email Marketing.”


You should also look at websites such as (including their country-specific websites like, Barnes & Noble, Apple’s iBooks Bookstore, and Google Books to see what similar topic books in your industry are selling well on those platforms. Observe what their titles are; their books are selling well because the titles are drawing the attention of their target markets.


You can also look at digital marketing platforms such as and see what their top-selling digital products are. Observe the titles of these products and see if you can use a similar structure to form your title. Once again, the amount of sales these digital products are making tells you that their target markets are paying attention to the titles and purchasing them.


While the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover,” unfortunately, that is precisely what people do when it comes to books, especially ebooks. With ebooks in particular, people can’t hold them in their hands, so they want to see a descriptive title and a vivid cover that gives them an idea of what is inside the digital product. This is why you need to come up with a title that grabs their attention and entices them to purchase your product. The information above gives you some ideas on how to come up with notable titles that will attract your target market’s attention and get them to buy your ebook.






HEADLINE: 3 Ways to Create InfoProducts Quickly


Having your own infoproduct is essential for maximizing profits online. However, the thought of creating one can be overwhelming, especially if you have never done it before. Even for experienced marketers, starting from scratch can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are ways to come up with infoproducts quickly. Below are three ways to do it.


The first way is to use outsourcers from sites like,,,, and Find a listing from one of these sites that can create the infoproduct you want. The amount of detail and cost will vary by site, with Fiverr being a good place to start for basic infoproducts. For more detailed and intricate products, consider using an outsourcer from one of the other sites listed above. Provide the details of the infoproduct project you have in mind, negotiate the price and timeline, and hire the outsourcer to do the work. You may have to use a different outsourcer to create an appropriate cover if the first outsourcer cannot do it.


The second quick way to create an infoproduct is to use private label rights (PLR) products related to the topic you want your infoproduct to cover. PLR products allow you to use them in almost any way you choose. However, it is advisable to modify the original PLR product to include more current information (especially if it is older) and modify the style of writing to reflect your own. You or an outsourcer should also modify the PLR product cover to make it appear brand new and not based on an existing product.


A third quick way to create an infoproduct is to talk it out using speech-to-text software. Both Windows and Mac computers come with speech recognition software that allows you to talk to your computer and have it transcribe your words. Many people find it easier to speak information rather than write it. Using such software (which is usually available on mobile devices as well) can help you to easily create a document and then turn it into an infoproduct.


In conclusion, creating infoproducts quickly is possible using outsourcers, PLR products, and speech-to-text software. Choose the method that works best for you and get started creating profitable infoproducts.






HEADLINE: Affiliate Marketing vs Selling Your Own Product


Many new internet marketers often grapple with the decision to either create and sell their own product or promote someone else’s products through affiliate marketing. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both approaches.


Affiliate marketing is an attractive option for beginners since it doesn’t require them to create their own product or provide customer support. Affiliates only need to refer prospects to the product creator’s website through a specialized affiliate link and earn a commission for each sale. This way, affiliates can start making money quickly without the hassle of creating a product.


However, the downside to affiliate marketing is that you lose potential long-term customers since you don’t have the opportunity to add them to your email list. Furthermore, the commission earned is typically less than 100% of the purchase price, sometimes as low as 50%. As a result, affiliates need to make more sales to earn the same amount of money they could make from selling their own product.


On the other hand, creating and selling your own digital product has its advantages. When you get prospects to click on your link and buy your product, you keep 100% of the price, without sharing it with anyone else. Moreover, new customers are added to your email list, giving you an opportunity to build a long-term relationship with them and sell them future products, thereby increasing your income.


However, the downside of selling your own product is that it takes longer to get started. Creating a product from scratch or using outsourcers and private label rights products requires more work than promoting someone else’s products. Also, you have to provide updates to your product and customer support if needed.


In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a quick way to make money online without creating a product or providing customer support. However, selling your own product may take more time and effort, but it offers the potential for greater profits and the opportunity to build long-term relationships with your customers.






HEADLINE: What Exactly is a “Digital Product”?


If you’re wondering what exactly a “digital product” is, it can come in many forms, such as an ebook, a software product, a membership site, an email series, an audio or video training program, and more. Essentially, it’s a product that cannot be physically held in your hands, like a physical book, CD, DVD, or software box. Instead, it can only be used on a PC/laptop or a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.


One of the most common types of digital products sold online is an ebook, short for “electronic book.” Ebooks contain useful and interesting information just like physical books, but can only be accessed on electronic devices such as a PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or ebook reader (such as a Kindle or Nook). An advantage of ebooks for buyers is that they don’t take up physical space. For sellers, ebooks can be delivered digitally to buyers via email attachments or download links, eliminating the need to physically ship them.


Another popular digital product is a software program, which provides users with features to aid them in their tasks, such as creating graphics or infographics, composing emails or text documents, doing keyword or book research, and more. One benefit for buyers is that they don’t need to use a CD or DVD to install the software; they can either use it online or download it directly from the internet. For sellers, digital delivery via email attachment or download link means they don’t have to physically ship the program.


Digital products allow buyers to use them like their physical counterparts, without the need to store them. For sellers, they eliminate the need for physical inventory and shipping, making them a convenient option for both parties.






HEADLINE: Benefits of Digital Products Over Physical Products


There are several advantages or benefits that digital products have over physical products. When it comes to ebooks, buyers don’t have to take up any space in their homes or apartments to store them. Instead, they can access the ebook and its contents using their PC/laptop or mobile device (smartphone, tablet, or ebook reader). For sellers, they don’t have to store ebooks in a warehouse like they would with physical books. When a buyer purchases an ebook from them, all they have to do is attach the ebook to an email and send it to the buyer’s inbox, or send a download link in an email for the buyer to download at their convenience.


Similarly, for digital software programs, buyers can install them without using a CD or DVD. They can either use them online or download them directly from the Internet and install them. For sellers, there’s no need to physically ship the program to the buyer; instead, it can be delivered digitally either as an attachment to an email or as a download link for the buyer to download at their convenience.


When it comes to digital ebooks and software programs, they both have an advantage over their physical counterparts when it comes to updates. If an ebook or software program needs to be updated with new information or a new feature, the seller can modify the main file or program and send a notification to buyers via email that the ebook or software program has been updated. Buyers can then download the updated version at their convenience. In contrast, updating physical products requires the seller to create the product again from scratch with the new information or feature, advertise to buyers that new information or features have been added, and encourage them to buy the product again. Clearly, digital products make it much more convenient for buyers and sellers than physical products.


In summary, digital products allow buyers and users to use them without taking up physical storage space, and sellers to avoid carrying inventory of physical products. They can be easily delivered and updated digitally, making the process more convenient for both buyers and sellers.






HEADLINE: Quick Niche Research Using Amazon Books


When deciding on a topic for your infoproduct, it’s important to do some research to determine what’s popular and selling well in the market. One way to do this quickly is to use Amazon Books. Amazon lists the best-selling books based on customer reviews, and it also provides information about the number of books in each category and the dates they were first listed on Amazon.


To get started, go to and enter a keyword or key phrase related to your topic of interest. Take note of the number of books listed and the total number of pages (i.e., the total number of books in the category). Also, check the publication dates of the books on the first page of search results.


If the first page of search results shows only a few books or if they were published several years ago, it’s an indication that the topic may not be in high demand. Additionally, check the number of reviews for each book on the first page of search results. If the number of reviews is low (say, under 100), it suggests that the topic may not be very popular. In that case, it may be worth considering another topic that’s in higher demand if you want to sell a large number of infoproducts.


Make sure to also check the Kindle Edition listings, as they may differ from the regular physical book listings in terms of sequence and the number of reviews. If you plan to write or have an infoproduct created, pay attention to the Kindle Edition listings, as they provide a good idea of how popular your topic of interest is in digital book format.


If your original topic doesn’t appear to be popular, use the side panel and select other related categories under “Books” to check other listings. You may discover that a more specialized topic related to your original idea is more popular and would make for a better infoproduct topic.


In conclusion, using Amazon Books is a great way to conduct quick niche research to determine if your topic of interest is a good choice for an infoproduct. By looking at the number of listings, number of customer reviews, and publication dates, you can quickly determine if your chosen topic is likely to sell well or if you need to consider a related category or entirely different topic for your infoproduct.




HEADLINE: How to Find Qualified Writers to Write Your Book


If you’re interested in creating an infoproduct but can’t or don’t want to write the ebook yourself, you’ll need to find qualified writers who can do it for you. Here are some places where you can start looking:


  1. Outsourcing Websites: Fiverr, Guru, Upwork, SolutionInn, PeoplePerHour


Fiverr is a great place to begin for most outsourcing projects, with services starting at just $5. While Level 2 sellers can charge more, they have many high-rated customer reviews and an established track record for providing quality services like ebook writing.


To find an ebook writer on Fiverr, type “ebook writer” or “ebook writing” in the search box and browse through the listings. Many sellers offer several different packages that vary in word count, revisions, and cost. You can choose a seller based on their reviews and the package that suits your needs.


On the other hand, outsourcing sites like Guru, Upwork, and SolutionInn work differently from Fiverr. You need to find an outsourcer you want to work with and contact them through the site’s messaging service to discuss your requirements. After you negotiate a price that works for both of you, you can hire them to write your ebook.


  1. Online Writing Forums


Another option is to join online writing forums and ask fellow members if they can write your ebook. These forums focus on specific elements of writing, so it may take some time to find the right person with the writing experience and expertise in your topic of interest.


  1. Social Media and Networking


Lastly, you can use social media and networking to find writers. Share your requirement on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, and you might find writers interested in working with you.


To sum up, there are several sites where you can find qualified writers to write your ebook. Fiverr is a great place to start, but outsourcing sites like Guru and Upwork can also provide quality writers at a higher price. You can also join online writing forums or use social media to find the right writer who can turn your ideas into a well-written ebook.






HEADLINE: How to Find Affiliates to Promote Your Product


After creating your digital product, you need to find affiliates to promote it. While you should market your digital product yourself, your sales and profit potential will be much lower if you’re the only one doing the marketing. Affiliates can help you reach a broader audience, increasing your sales and profit potential.


One way to find affiliates is to contact internet marketers that you know and inform them about your product. You could also provide them with early access to the product to check it out and give feedback on how to improve it. If they believe that their lists could benefit from your product, they may be interested in promoting it. Encourage them to inform other marketers they know about your product and whether they would be interested in promoting it.


Another way to get affiliates for your product is by using an ecommerce platform like ClickBank or JVZoo. These platforms make it easy for you to gain affiliates for your product. You add your product to their product library or listings and allow affiliates to promote it.


When a person is interested in your product, they can apply to become an affiliate by clicking the “Promote” button next to your product listing in the ClickBank Marketplace. They then enter their ClickBank nickname and an optional tracking ID to get a personalized affiliate link to promote your product. In JVZoo, they must log in with their credentials, click “Affiliates,” then “Find Products,” and find your product listing to request affiliation. You can choose or reject their request based on how they plan to promote the product, how much experience they have, how big their email list is, and other factors. This way, you can selectively choose which people you approve as affiliates on JVZoo.


Therefore, you can boost the number of affiliates who promote your product by contacting different internet marketers, using the ClickBank and/or JVZoo platforms to host your product, and selectively choosing which people to approve as affiliates. By using these methods, you can increase the exposure of your product, resulting in more sales and higher profit potential.






HEADLINE: Benefits Of Using JVZoo To Sell Your Product


When selling a digital product, you need a place to host and process orders, as well as a secure download area for customers. While you could host the product on your own site, there are benefits to using JVZoo for these purposes.


JVZoo is an ecommerce platform that allows you to process orders and enable customers to download your product easily. It accepts credit card and PayPal payments, ensuring that customers can instantly download your product. JVZoo also has a secure download area that only allows authorized access, providing an extra layer of protection. Additionally, JVZoo makes it easy to process refunds if customers are not satisfied with your product.


Another advantage of using JVZoo is the ease of recruiting affiliates to promote your product. By listing your product in their catalog, interested individuals can request to become affiliates. You can then review their credentials, such as their list size and marketing experience, to determine if they are a good fit for promoting your product. Rejecting requests is also possible, giving you control over who promotes your product.


In summary, using JVZoo to sell your product has numerous benefits. It provides an easy and secure way for customers to order and download your product, and for you to process refunds. JVZoo also simplifies the process of recruiting affiliates and provides you with control over who promotes your product.






Subject: FREE Special Report – Download 23 Proven Tactics to Build an Army of Affiliates


Dear [Recipient],


Are you struggling to launch your product successfully? Do you want to generate an unstoppable flood of hungry buyers to your website 24/7? Look no further! Nothing powers up a product launch like a responsive team of affiliates. They can spread your message throughout your niche market, faster than any other method online.


Our FREE special report, “23 Proven Tactics to Build an Army of Affiliates,” reveals the secrets to recruiting and motivating affiliates to promote your product. Unlike pay-per-click marketing, affiliate marketing is more cost-effective and has the potential to outperform any other marketing tool online. Best of all, it costs you absolutely nothing to recruit and motivate affiliates to promote your product, as they only receive payment when they generate a sale.


In this report, you’ll discover:


  • The REAL reason why product owners happily give away 100% of the sale to their affiliates, and why this is one of the most profitable tactics you can apply.
  • 4 scenarios that make affiliates and JV partners want to promote YOU over anyone else, killing off any competition and giving you a serious advantage.
  • How to motivate your affiliates to promote you ASAP, plus 3 simple things your JV partners will find hard to resist!
  • 1 perfect example of a BAD affiliate proposal and 4 things you could do in this scenario to turn things around.
  • The 5 letter word that trumps all technical and clever marketing gimmicks, and why going back to basics will ensure affiliates and customers will ALWAYS want to do business with you.
  • How to get your affiliates to promote multiple products over many years to keep your cash flowing.


Download your FREE copy of the report by clicking on the link below:




Start building your army of affiliates today and take your business to the next level!


To Your Success!

[YOUR NAME] Your Online Teacher.

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