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Emails Examples – Sales Video Formula

Subject: FREE Special Report! Download the “7 Step Sales Video Formula”


Every online sale ultimately depends on two things: traffic and conversions. Despite the availability of abundant training on traffic generation, the key factor is what you do with the traffic once you receive it.


While anyone can buy good quality traffic, not everyone can convert that traffic into sales. For instance, if you send 1000 quality-targeted visitors to a sales page and none of them buy, then you know there is something wrong with the sales page.


On the other hand, if you send 100 visitors to a sales page and you make a sale, break even, or even turn a profit, then you know it’s time to increase your ad spend.


So, how do you improve your sales page? You can work on your headline, sub-headline, write better sales copy, improve your guarantee, gather testimonials, add bonuses, adjust the price, and so on. However, one of the most crucial aspects of your sales page that determines whether or not your visitors want to spend money with you is your sales video.


In today’s special report, you’ll discover:


  • Four simple things your sales video NEEDS to close sales every time, and why you may be doing things wrong or the hard way.
  • The seven-letter word that appeals to sales videos more than any other written sales letter, and how you can use this to your advantage.
  • Should you or shouldn’t you? Discover five reasons why you SHOULD use video in your business, plus five reasons why you SHOULD NOT.
  • Get the 14-point checklist to ensure you’re creating sales videos the right way. If you’re not following this, then you may be launching a dud!
  • Why would a customer buy from you instead of your competitors? Discover the two simple words “social proof” that make all the difference.


Download directly from the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher

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