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Free Download Emails


Example 1:

📬Subject: Exclusive Offer – Free Download of [Product/Service]

Dear [Name],


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to offer you an exclusive opportunity to download [Product/Service] for free.


[Product/Service] is a [Description of Product/Service] that can help with [Benefits of Product/Service]. We believe that this product/service has the potential to be valuable for your business and would like to offer you the opportunity to try it out for free.


This offer is only available to a select few and we believe that you would benefit greatly from this product/service. To access your free download, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions:


[Link to Download]


We hope that you find this product/service valuable and would love to hear your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything that we can help with.


Sincerely, [Your Name]


Example 2:

📬Subject: [Product/Service] – Free Download Offer

Dear [Name],


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to offer you a free download of [Product/Service].


[Product/Service] is a [Description of Product/Service] that can help with [Benefits of Product/Service]. We believe that this product/service has the potential to be valuable for your business and would like to offer you the opportunity to try it out for free.


To access your free download, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions:


[Link to Download]


We are confident that you will find this product/service valuable and would be happy to answer any questions or provide further information. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything that we can help with.


Best, [Your Name]




📬Subject: Free Download: [problem download solves or download name]


Hi there [NAME],

If you need a bit of help [insert what your free download helps with], I recommend you go here


right now [LINK] and get this [free report / free software, etc.].

It [helps you / shows you how to]:


  •  Benefit #1
  •  Benefit #2
  •  Benefit #3


Click here to grab it [LINK]. Just do it quickly because it won’t be available long.


To Your Success,

[Your NAME]




📬Subject: Free Download Reminder: [problem you’re solving]


Dear [NAME], Did you see this yet?


This is just a quick reminder that you can download [insert what they can download]…absolutely

free for a limited time.


It [helps you / shows you how to]:

  • Benefit1
  • Benefit2
  • Benefit3


Go get it while you still can!


To Your Success, [YOUR NAME]




📬Subject: Last call for this free [insert what it is] Dear [NAME],

[There are just a few hours left OR whatever time is left] to get your [free copy of XXXX]. I didn’t want you to miss out on this, so grab it here now [LINK].

Get it now before it’s too late. And hey, let me know what you think. I always appreciate the feedback.

To your success, [YOUR NAME]

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