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Facebook Emails – Facebook Profits

Subject 1: Is Facebook Ads Worth It?


Dear {!firstname_fix},


Did you know that Facebook is by far the fastest growing online advertising program in the world? Now with Facebook Ads, anyone can get their advertising campaign up and running in a matter of just minutes! Facebook has an enormous amount of potential because it markets specifically to age, gender, your region of choice, and much more.




If you’re a business owner and are thinking about increasing your conversion rates, Facebook is the place to do it. We’ve tried Google AdSense, and it can also be effective, but nothing really beats the niche marketing opportunities that Facebook provides. Google AdSense can be tremendously expensive too – another good reason to try Facebook Ads.


I’ve just released a 10-part video series that reveals everything you need to know about using Facebook Ads to generate more business for yourself no matter what your target market is!


Inside you’ll learn…


  • Researching Your Target Market
  • Planning Ahead to Make Your Ads Work
  • Writing Your Ads and Getting them Approved
  • Setting Up and Testing your Ads (CPC vs. CPM)
  • Increasing Your Networking and Building Relationships
  • And much more!


Check it out at the official site below and for a quick video demo:




To Your Success,


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Facebook Lesson #1 – Researching Your Target Market




Welcome to the first lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and promote your page.


The first thing you need to consider is your choice of keywords. Which keyword aligns best with what you want to sell – your product or your page? There are different ways to find the most effective keywords, such as using Google’s powerful free tools.


The next thing you want to do is find out where your keyword is most searched – are more people searching for your product in Florida, Canada, or California? There are simple and free tools you can use to find these trends.


Once you’ve done this research, which could take only a few minutes, you should find out the top sites in your niche area. You can use to help you with this for free. Visit the top two or three sites in a particular search so that you can compare their demographics.


Next, you want to find out a little more about the people who are searching these sites, if that information is available. This information can be found on Quantcast, another free and great service to help you find the demographics you will use to place your ad on Facebook’s Advertising interface.


Stay tuned for our next lesson, where we will tell you what to do with your demographic information.


To Your Success,


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Facebook Lesson #2 – Planning Ahead to Make Your Ads Work




Welcome to the second lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and promote your business.


Now, in order to plan ahead and save yourself time and money, you want to know where you are going to send all this new traffic. Are you going to send them to a Facebook fan page, or are you going to send them to a regular website?


I have found that sending traffic to a fan page is a lot more effective in the long run because you can develop a deeper relationship with your audience. From there, you can direct them to your landing page.


Doing this has other benefits, including sending them updates and offering free downloadable items.


So the first thing you need to do before jumping in and creating your ad is to create a fan page. I recommend doing this whether or not you decide to send them to your own site at first.


In our next lesson, we’ll review how to write your ads and get them approved!


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Facebook Lesson #3 – Writing Your Ads and Getting them Approved




Welcome to the third lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and general PR Promotions.


Today, we are going to briefly talk about how to actually write your Facebook Ads and get them approved. Now we need to remember all of the data that we worked hard to get. Keep that handy.


Now we want to make sure that users have a great experience, so we need to review a few do’s and don’ts.


Here are a few don’ts:


  • Don’t mislead.
  • Don’t insult race, religion, etc. in the ad.
  • Don’t use all capital letters.
  • Don’t use redirected landing pages.
  • Don’t use numbers in place of words.




  • Use proper grammar and capitalization.
  • Use an action picture that relates to your audience.
  • Do use a landing page, whether it’s a fan page or squeeze page.
  • Do have a call to action.
  • Do make sure keywords are in your title and body.


As far as Facebook approval goes, make sure that you are not selling any drugs, alcohol, or anything illegal. Make sure that you don’t post anything that could be offensive based on religion, race, ethnicity, or nationality.


In our next lesson, we will review the ins and outs of setting up and testing your ads.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Facebook Lesson #4 – Setting Up and Testing your Ads (CPC vs. CPM)




Welcome to the fourth lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and promote your brand.


A few things you should remember when creating a Facebook ad: make sure you have a call to action. That essentially means asking people to do something, such as clicking a link, watching a video, or downloading a free report.


The essential thing you want to do is build trust with your audience and those you are trying to sell to. By using Facebook’s ability to micro-target demographics, you can get higher conversions.


Remember to limit your ad spending at first so that you can analyze the effect of the advertisements. On Facebook, you have two choices: CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per impression). I would recommend CPC because often times you get the impression anyway. Facebook may also be getting rid of CPM in the future. If you want to try CPM, you can create a new advertisement and see how it works for you.


In our next lesson, we will discuss how to increase traffic to your fan page.


To your success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Facebook Lesson #5 – Making Deeper Relationships with Facebook




Welcome to the fifth lesson of my five-part crash course on Facebook advertising and how you can increase your conversions and promote your business.


If you have followed along with us, you have already created your Facebook fan page. Now, you want to drive more traffic to your page by building a relationship with your audience. This obviously takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it. If you don’t have much time to develop these relationships, consider outsourcing this work. There are many places to do this, such as, where you can outsource this type of work for about $1-$2.22 per hour. If you do go this route, I recommend finding someone who is passionate about your field and enjoys discussing your particular topic.


You can also use other social media sites, like Twitter, to help build your profile and develop these relationships. After some trust is developed, you will be able to sell anything to your Facebook friends.


We hope that you have enjoyed this series and use it to create better opportunities for you and your business on Facebook.


It’s time to get started and apply what you’ve learned. Head over to our site, watch over our shoulder, and we’ll show you what to do step by step.




To Your Success!

[YOUR NAME] Your Online Teacher.

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