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Facebook Formulas

Facebook Formula


A lot of ad copy needs to be written for your ads. It can be daunting to know where to start and what to include.


It can be costly if you don’t put too much thought into your ad copy. And, rather than spending thousands of dollars on a copywriter, or waiting for Facebook‘s algorithm to tell you your ad copy isn’t working, you can use this checklist that the best Facebook ad copywriters in the world use to structure and create winning ads in minutes.


Much of the following information is in the branding doc that you hopefully created when you established your customer‘s pain points and your business benefits etc., but if not, get the following information in front of you so you can easily craft your Facebook ads.


Write this down and keep it in a document so you can refer back to it. You can use the structures we provide below to create ad content in minutes.


What are the free offers (lead magnets) that your competitors are giving away to capture leads?


Free weekly newsletter? Free e-Book? Free Guides? Free Trial? Webinar? Free Consultation?


What Digital products are your competitors selling and at what price points?


Do they have membership subscriptions? Courses? Guides? e-Books? This can be on monthly subscriptions or one time costs. If it’s a software service or membership etc, do they have tiered pricing? If you’re a physical goods business don’t dismiss this, still, check to see if competitors are offering digital offers too. A magazine or Newspaper can also charge digital membership fees or an e-commerce store can sell guides and courses.




Your answers here will help you form your actual script…


1) Who is your ideal customer?

Remember their interests, age, location, income, language, etc

2) What are the top 3-5 pain points?

E.G. Overweight, Skinny, Unhealthy, Out of Shape, Low Confidence, expensive solutions

3) What are the top 3-5 challenges?

E.G. No guidance, no plan, no will power, no inspiration, no motivation

4) What are the top objections the avatar has about what you have to offer? E.G. Cost, Quality, Commitment 5) What benefits does your offer provide? Inspiration, guidance, motivation, savings, a better body, increased confidence, happiness, healthy

6) What is the underlying cause of all your customer‘s problems? Low self-esteem, no education or guidance

7) The Hook – E.G. If you’re looking to improve your fitness, lose weight, get stronger while getting the motivation, inspiration, guidance, without the [XXX] then [Your product] is for you.


To build on the Hook… the hook is the sentence that will capture your audience‘s attention. It’s your main headline. So you can use these in your ad descriptions and content.


Remember, different hooks will work better than others so you will need to test which works for your product by creating variations and testing them out.


The hook should follow the structure: “How To Go From Never [PAIN POINT] While [BENEFITS], Using [SOLUTION] Without [CHALLENGE]…”

Or How To Never [PAIN] To [BENEFIT] With [SOLUTION] Even If [CHALLENGE]… Or

It Took Us X Years To [PAIN] and/to [BENEFIT] Until We found [SOLUTION]… Which works even if [CHALLENGE]



Ad Copy Framework


The main goal of your ads is to build self-identification and trust with your customers.


Here’s a structure for how you can craft your text ads, and your video scripts:


1) Excite them about their dreams

2) Reason and remove their fears of taking action 3) Rationalize their failures

4) Confirm their suspicions

5) Throw rocks at their enemies

6) The Bind (or hook reaffirmation)


If you were to use the above script for a video ad where you are talking into the camera to your audience, here’s how it could look:


Example Script:


Pain Point: ‘Women Not wanting to get fit, but not wanting to go to the gym’


1) Excite them about their dreams

Hey Ladies, [NAME] here, speaking to you from my Gym here in [LOCATION], and today I want to show you all some really cool workouts that you can do from home to help you get your killer body and give you the confidence and sassiness that we girlies need. Without having to go to the gym and without having to spend an hour working out!


2) Reason and remove their fears of taking action

So… today, you don’t have to get to the gym and workout in front of everyone. You don’t even have to get dressed! You can relax, you can chill out in the comfort of your own home and do what you can! This workout won’t hurt, it’s enjoyable, fun, and pretty easy so you’ve nothing to lose. If you want to get moving with some of us fellow ladies empowering each other to get fit, then give it a go. If not… remember the workout for the next time you feel like you want to move


3) Rationalize their failures

And by the way… the best thing about this workout… how nice is not to have to go to the gym?! All those times when we get busy with work and life… when we feel a little bit down… a little an- xious, flat, or disheartened about our bodies and fitness routine, or you’re just lacking the moti- vation to get up and moving… It’s all OK!!! It’s normal for us all to feel like that. It’s human nature. Trust me, all those feelings are completely normal! The good thing is that we’re going to hit it together! All of us girls are empowering each other to get fit, healthy and happy.


4) Confirm their suspicions

And, we get to do without the gimmicky fad diets, and without the fad workouts. Trust us, we’ve tried most of them out there and as you’d probably expect they don’t work. Maybe for a short time… but nothing is sustainable other than getting a regular routine.


5) Throw rocks at their enemies

So, don’t be trusting those expensive weight loss ‘systems’ or ‘magic pills’, please please don’t fall for them. They are unethical and unhealthy. And, you don’t have to hike for hours on the tread- mill every day to get the results you want either…


6)The Bind / Hook Reaffirmation

These false promises and misleading information are some of the main reasons we created [product] too… Everything we do here is all about getting you into a state of happiness and well- being. So if you are sick of spending a lot of money on fitness products, workouts and diets that don’t work but still want to reach a state where you feel content, healthy and strong, then [Product] is for you.

Additional Inclusions: You can also add other sections to your ad content if you feel you need to:


7)The Offer Stack & Call to Action:

This is additional information for those who need to be sold more before making a decision. This is used especially if the add requires an action or conversion…So tell them what they will get by taking action:

    • » “Here’s what you’ll get/find out/learn/uncover:”
    • » List your deliverables in bullets, while associating the bullets with any objections they might have about your offer
    • » Overcome the main objection that’s holding them from taking action right

now: e.g. “This isn’t just another 2 hour-long webinar where I’ll sell you a

million-dollar product at the end”

  • » Reassert your hook with a binding statement: “If you’re tired of [PAIN] and want to finally [ULTIMATE BENEFIT],
  • » “Click here”… Add a call to action to the script if this is an add where you want to drive signups or sales etc.



Note*: Of course, not all of your ads have to be this long, or it can even be longer. It needs to be in line with your brand and audience and where they are at in the funnel.


If the above script is in a Facebook description then you can use bullet points and emoji’s to split things up and highlight key points.

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