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Graphics Emails – Design Masterclass

Subject 1: Get Instant Access to 23 Graphic Design Tutorials (for internet marketers only…)
Subject 2: How to Become a Graphic Design Guru (make your products look slick!…)
Subject 3: 23 ‘How To’ Video Tutorials (to make your products look amazing…)


For some marketers graphic design is probably at the bottom of their to do list either because a) they don’t think it’s important, or b) it’s a skill they’d rather not develop.


If you have the budget it’s wise to think about outsourcing this task but what if you’re just starting out?


How do you work your way into the more competitive markets and grab your audience’s attention?






You portray quality and trust, not just from the content of your product but from the presentation of your product.


You could have the best eBook in the world but no one’s going to know about it cause it didn’t grab their attention.


Forget reading it, they may not even want to download it!


This is why Graphic Design Masterclass was created.. so you can grab that leaking traffic and convert as many as possible into buyers!


Inside you’ll learn…


  • How create your own eBook cover from scratch!
  • How to create cool looking buttons
  • How to create stylish styled headers
  • How to work with Photoshop layers
  • How to use scripts to semi-automate the design!
  • How to work with Photoshop, Fireworks, and GIMP!
  • and much much more…


Check out the link below for full details…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: RE: How to Become a Graphic Design Guru (make your products look slick!…)
Subject 2: REMINDER: 23 ‘How To’ Video Tutorials (to make your products look amazing…)


If you’ve ever wanted to create your own website graphics, headers, footers, product covers, banners and more yourself without having to pay $100s to a professional designer, then this is for you…




There are tons of graphic software out there with plenty of features and cool tricks. However you’re a marketer and you need to use graphics to help you make more sales.


And that’s what these tutorials are about… graphic design tutorials for internet marketers only.


Module #1 – Adobe Photoshop For Newbies


  • Video #1 – Understanding Adobe Photoshop Features You Will Use
  • Video #2 – The Importance of Royalty Free Images and How to Find Them
  • Video #3 – How to Use the Adobe Lasso and Crop Tool
  • Video #4 – How to Work with Layers to Make Art Creation Easier
  • Video #5 – How to Understand the Art of Balancing Your Designs
  • Video #6 – How to Create a Minisite Header
  • Video #7 – How to Create a Minisite E-Book, DVD, E-cover
  • Video #8 – How to Create a Minisite Background and Footer


Module #2 – Create Your Own eCover Graphics


  • Video #1 – Getting Started Creating Your eCover From Scratch
  • Video #2 – Creating The Front Image For Your eCover
  • Video #3 – Creating The Front Of Your eCover Part II
  • Video #4 – Creating The Side Graphics For Your eCover
  • Video #5 – Making The Disc Image For Your eCover
  • Video #6 – Making The eCover Box And Disc Image
  • Video #7 – Making The eCover Box And Disc Image Part II
  • Video #8 – Using eCover Software And It’s Functions


Module #3 – How To Create Web 2.0 Graphics Using Gimp


  • Video #1 – How to Download and Install GIMP
  • Video #2 – Understanding GIMP’s Features and Tools
  • Video #3 – How to Make a Shiny Button Using GIMP
  • Video #4 – How to Create Image Reflections and Shadows Using GIMP
  • Video #5 – How to Create a Shiny Badge Using GIMP
  • Video #6 – How to Create a Text Logo with a Reflection Using GIMP
  • Video #7 – How to Create a Cool Striped Style Header Using GIMP


Producing quality website graphics, buttons, covers, banners and more above will place you well and truly above the other internet marketers who are still trying to figure out why their products are not selling whilst you’re selling your products day in day out!


For once, your visitors will stop skimming through your sales pages and take the time to read what you have written! In fact, your graphics will look SO GOOD that the customers will think they’re getting a physical product!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! Get Instant Access to 23 Graphic Design Tutorials (for internet marketers only…)
Subject 2: CLOSING DOWN How to Become a Graphic Design Guru (make your products look slick!…)


Graphics represent your product, your website, your business and ultimately affect your profits.


When combined with great sales copy, graphics can boost conversion rates significantly and can make all the difference in your sales.


So it only makes sense that you invest a little time getting your site and products to look and feel right.




Graphic Design Masterclass are graphic tutorials created by a marketer for marketers. You’ll learn only what you NEED to know to give you the edge in your business.


Module #1 – Adobe Photoshop For Newbies


  • Video #1 – Understanding Adobe Photoshop Features You Will Use
  • Video #2 – The Importance of Royalty Free Images and How to Find Them
  • Video #3 – How to Use the Adobe Lasso and Crop Tool
  • Video #4 – How to Work with Layers to Make Art Creation Easier
  • Video #5 – How to Understand the Art of Balancing Your Designs
  • Video #6 – How to Create a Minisite Header
  • Video #7 – How to Create a Minisite E-Book, DVD, E-cover
  • Video #8 – How to Create a Minisite Background and Footer


Module #2 – Create Your Own eCover Graphics


  • Video #1 – Getting Started Creating Your eCover From Scratch
  • Video #2 – Creating The Front Image For Your eCover
  • Video #3 – Creating The Front Of Your eCover Part II
  • Video #4 – Creating The Side Graphics For Your eCover
  • Video #5 – Making The Disc Image For Your eCover
  • Video #6 – Making The eCover Box And Disc Image
  • Video #7 – Making The eCover Box And Disc Image Part II
  • Video #8 – Using eCover Software And It’s Functions


Module #3 – How To Create Web 2.0 Graphics Using Gimp


  • Video #1 – How to Download and Install GIMP
  • Video #2 – Understanding GIMP’s Features and Tools
  • Video #3 – How to Make a Shiny Button Using GIMP
  • Video #4 – How to Create Image Reflections and Shadows Using GIMP
  • Video #5 – How to Create a Shiny Badge Using GIMP
  • Video #6 – How to Create a Text Logo with a Reflection Using GIMP
  • Video #7 – How to Create a Cool Striped Style Header Using GIMP




So how can you benefit from better looking graphics in your business?…


Your products become easier to sell.. quite simply because your graphics will do all the ‘talking’ for you!


Your price starts to seem minute in comparison to what you’re selling… that’s because you now know how to create huge package images that look like you’re giving so much value for the price you’re asking!


You can start increasing your pricing… simply because the perceived value of your product has just gone up!


You start to attract more affiliates to sell your product than you could have ever imagined… because affiliates like promoting products that covert so that they can profit from it years from now!


Your sales page dramatically improves with the graphics makeover… which invites your customers to read what’s on the sales page to improve your conversions.


You have the ability to profit from ANY resell rights product… you’ll never suffer from marketing the same resell rights product in the same way as another marketer because you’re smart and you’ve now got the ability to transform ANY product!


You can use this skill to capture more leads and build a mailing list… by applying design layout, eCover graphics and mini-site design techniques you’re in control of what your visitor should do when they land on your squeeze page which means more sign up for YOU!


I really could go on forever about the difference good graphics adds to your business but I’m sure you’re already aware!


If you want to learn these basic, yet highly effective skills then be sure to grab these tutorials now before it’s taken down to limit competition.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log in with your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Lesson #1 – Place Yourself In The Top Percentile Of Marketers!




Did you know that by producing top 3D eCovers like the examples shown in Graphic Design Masterclass will place you well and truly above the other internet marketers who are still trying to figure out why their products are not selling?


Graphics alone can seriously increase your conversions and your visitors will stop skimming through your sales pages and take the time to read what you have written!


In fact, your graphics will look SO GOOD that the customers will think they’re getting a physical product!


More leads equates to more customers which leads to more sales and finally more profits and money in your bank!


For example..


The most effective squeeze pages from my experience are the ones where the prospect doesn’t have the ability to scroll down. All the content on your squeeze page should be above the fold of your page and this by all means includes your eCover.




Well because when your potential lead sees an image of a very real-looking cover graphic, this gives them the subconscious notion that they’re receiving great quality in return for their details.


Again this is visual psychology working it’s magic and it’s a great little perceived value booster.


Check out the link below to see how you can add that perceived value to increase your conversions…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #2 – Good Graphics vs Good Product




Is it possible that your websites are being let down by the lack of attention in the graphics department?


For the majority of online marketers, graphics is at the bottom of their priority list, if there at all!


Here are the real advantages to being able to represent your product the way it’s supposed to be..


Your products become easier to sell..

quite simply because your graphics will do all the ‘talking’ for you!


Your price starts to seem minute in comparison to what you’re selling..

that’s because you now know how to create huge package images that look like you’re giving so much value for the price you’re asking!


You can start increasing your pricing..

simply because the perceived value of your product has just gone up!


You start to attract more affiliates to sell your product than you could have ever imagined..

because affiliates like promoting products that covert so that they can profit from it years from now!


Your sales page dramatically improves with the graphics makeover..

which invites your customers to read what’s on the sales page to improve your conversions.


You have the ability to profit from ANY resell rights product..

you’ll never suffer from marketing the same resell rights product in the same way as another marketer because you’re smart and you’ve now got the ability to transform ANY product!


You can use this skill to capture more leads and build a mailing list..

by applying design layout, eCover graphics and mini-site design techniques you’re in control of what your visitor should do when they land on your squeeze page which means more sign up for YOU!


Check out the videos in the Graphic Design Masterclass and see what tricks you’ll be able to pull off…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #3 – The eBook Business Is BOOMING {!firstname_fix}!




Whether you’re ready for it or not, the eBook business is BOOMING and the demand for high quality eBook covers, virtual boxes, CDs, DVD cases, packages and site templates will always be in demand!


Do you want your product to blend in with the crowd and get washed away and forgotten?


Or do you want your product to stand out even a mile away even years from now and get recognition from your hard work?


The skills you learn from Graphic Design Masterclass will develop and stay with you for life and you can start producing your own high quality covers and even charging others for your service which is ANOTHER income for YOU!


Follow the link below to see what Graphic Design Masterclass can do for you…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #4 – _____________ Will Solve A Lot Of Your Sales Problems!




You may be new to the world of internet marketing but you understand the basics of selling a digital product.


You’ve spent several weeks putting your eBook together, writing it entirely by hand, researching your niche and getting to know your subject inside out.


NOW it’s time to present your product to the marketplace ready for selling..


You set up a website, slap on your eBook and sales page and drive traffic to it. You wait for that first sale to come in.. but nothing happens. You try adding more value to your product by writing a better sales page and improving on your eBook but still not a single poxy sale..


Why is this? The answer is simple…




Although the content play’s a large role in the quality and success of your product, you’re not even going to make a single sale or receive a second glance if your product looks like a pile of (insert your word here).


I don’t know about you but there is no doubt in my mind that people are naturally attracted to beauty and are generally not interested if it doesn’t appeal to their senses.


Would You Buy It?


Think about it, would you buy a physical product if the packaging was damaged or awful? Even though you know there’s probably nothing wrong with the product inside you’d still probably pick the one without the damage or bad packaging on it wouldn’t you?


To make matters worse, you and I both know that the internet is becoming more and more saturated with many digital products, some of which are direct competitors in your niche.


And with so many people investing in more resell rights eBooks and ‘make money’ opportunities, there is no sign this slowing down so the need to kill off any competition becomes more serious!


That said, making your product stand out of the crowd is going to be a challenge. Forget the quality of the product, or how good you think it is, if you can’t grab your prospect’s attention within the first 5 seconds you might as well give up.


They will be clicking the back button on their browser in no time. I can tell you this through experience but it’s no secret..


First Impressions Counts!


Thankfully, Graphic Design Masterclass is designed to do just that!.. Help your product make a BIG first impression!


Check out the videos here…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #5 – 2 Marketers Sell The Same Product, 1 Still Has The Advantage (here’s why…)




What do you think will happen when two marketers sell the same resell rights product at the same time, using the same marketing techniques and same price?


There is no more uniqueness because they both look exactly the same and the customers wouldn’t notice a difference.


One marketer will end up under-cutting the other, both prices will drop and both products will de-value until neither can make a profit and the customers are left reluctant to buy because of the low price and the lost perception of value..


Happens ALL The Time!


But what if one took a little time to change and enhance the eCover and presentation.. who do you think will come out with more sales?


Well you needn’t worry about anyone over-taking you and optimizing their presentation because I plan to make YOU that very person!


Wouldn’t it be great it you could kill off every competitor in your niche and maximize all the profit potential for yourself?


Don’t you think you deserve it?..


Especially after all the previous effort you have put in to get you this far!..


Believe me I know what it feels like!


You don’t want to be wasting anymore of your time moving onto the ‘next big thing’ and find yourself in the same position.


This is why Graphic Design Masterclass was created, so you can speed ahead of the game and hit them hard!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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