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Graphics Emails – Monthly Templates

Subject 1: NEW! Download Beautiful Mini-Site Templates Every Month!
Subject 2: BEAUTIFUL Mini-Site Templates Done For You (see inside…)
Subject 3: 10 BEAUTIFUL Mini-Site Templates Every Month (see inside…)
Subject 4: DONE FOR YOU! 10 Mini-Sites Every Month (designs inside…)




If you’ve done your research online you’ll know that outsourcing graphics for your products ranges from $100 to $200 for a full mini-site package.


Sure you can get cheap graphics done on sites like Fiverr but the quality will never up to standard and it could take many revisions and back and forth emails before you get the design you want.


What if you could get high quality templates every month but even more cost effective than Fiverr?


What if you could get designs done for you on a wide variety of topics that will put all that PLR you’ve been stocking up on to good use?


And what if you could get everything in one place?…




Right now you can get your hands on 10 beautifully created mini-site templates every month with unlocked layers for unlimited branding potential!


Each mini-site pack comes complete with:


  • Spiral bound report graphics in 30 different sizes and file formats (.gif .jpg .png).
  • Paperback book graphics in 30 different sizes and file formats (.gif .jpg .png).
  • Complete mini-site template with header, footer and mid-section in jpg format.
  • Photoshop PSD files with unflattened layers from unlimited branding and editing.
  • Fonts for editing custom text in your PSD files.
  • HTML templates to quick and easy editing. Includes template with all graphics, sales page, squeeze page, video squeeze page, and video sales page. Just pick a template and start editing!
  • Includes sales page and squeeze page copy-writing template to guide you when writing from sales letters and squeeze pages from scratch.


Creating new products has never been easier! You’ve now got your graphics department completely covered! Check it off your list and start focusing on the more important stuff like content creation and marketing!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: STILL AVAILABLE! Beautiful Mini-Site Templates Every Month! (designs inside…)
Subject 2: {!firstname_fix}, Do You Still Want Your Graphics Done For You?…
Subject 3: 7 Reasons Why Graphics Affects Your Success




If you read my email the other day you’ll know that you can get high quality mini-site graphics DONE FOR YOU every month for less than what you’d pay at Fiverr.




Ask yourself this… when was the last time you saw a ‘guru’ selling you a product which had poor quality graphics?


When was the last time you saw poorly designed graphics on a top selling Warrior Special Offer?


Check what today’s JVZoo Top Pick Of The Day is and I’m sure you’ll land on a page with excellent graphics.


It’s obvious that graphics play a large role to your online success and if you’re lacking in other skills graphics can really give you the advantage that you need.


Here’s 7 good reasons why not having a quality looking site can affect your business…


REASON #1 – Lower Conversions


The lower your conversions are, the harder it is for you to make sales or to capture a lead. A switch with these graphics will instantly reduce the time, effort and money needed to convert your visitors!


REASON #2 – Useless Domain Names


If you’ve put up a website before and got into a routine of doing so, I’m sure you’ll have domain names lying around that need filling up with a website? You can finally make use of that wasted $10 and earn your hard earn money back with a new product up and running on your new site!


REASON #3 – Wasted PLR Material


how many times have you bought PLR products but done NOTHING with them? Maybe the content was good, but the sales page and presentation was lacking which stopped you from going any further. Now you can put that PLR to good use and match it up with one of our templates!


REASON #4 – Less Subscribers and Withered Sign-Ups


How much is it costing you to have your sign-up rates crippled due to a poor mini-site design? Imagine what would happen if your opt-in rate doubled tomorrow because of a simple graphic improvement! How much difference would it make to you?


REASON #5 – Wasted Auto-Responder Series


Those beautifully crafted emails that you spent hours writing up to promote your own products and affiliate recommendations are not showing their true potential and not earning you the money you expected. And let’s not forget that it’s costing monthly to have an auto-responder system! Just a change in your mini-site graphics would lead to more sign-ups and more people reading your emails and buying your offers!


REASON #6 – Wasted Market Research!


How much time have you wasted doing keyword research and optimizing your website for that one keyword or key-phrase Ä– not to mention the so-called investment on the software to help do that for you?! You may already be getting the right kind of traffic but nothing converting because of your shoddy mini-site design.


REASON #7 – Less Sales!


With a lower conversion rate you can expect less sales and a direct impact to how much you’ll earn online. All it can take is a graphical make-over to ensure your success!


I could go on and on about how graphics can affect your online presence and your long-term success, as well as other factors like your affiliate program and viral marketing campaigns but I think you see the bigger picture.


If you’re still sitting on the fence about whether this graphics package is right for you, then head on over to the site, scroll down, check out the range of graphics we offer, sign up and decide LATER as to whether or not you still want to keep them!


Here’s the link:




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CHANCE To Grab Your Mini-Site Graphics {!firstname_fix}!
Subject 2: LAST CALL Beautiful Mini-Site Graphics Done For You! (designs inside…)
Subject 3: Download 722mb Graphics Before Price Bump!




This is just a friendly reminder to let you know that if you want to secure the best mini-site designs for $1 each, then here’s the place to go…




Every month you’ll be getting your hands on 10 beautifully created mini-site templates with unlocked layers for unlimited branding potential!


Each mini-site pack comes complete with:


  • Spiral bound report graphics in 30 different sizes and file formats (.gif .jpg .png).
  • Paperback book graphics in 30 different sizes and file formats (.gif .jpg .png).
  • Complete mini-site template with header, footer and mid-section in jpg format.
  • Photoshop PSD files with unflattened layers from unlimited branding and editing.
  • Fonts for editing custom text in your PSD files.
  • HTML templates to quick and easy editing. Includes template with all graphics, sales page, squeeze page, video squeeze page, and video sales page. Just pick a template and start editing!
  • Includes sales page and squeeze page copy-writing template to guide you when writing from sales letters and squeeze pages from scratch.


There’s so much content packed into every template design that you’ll be downloading 722MB of graphics this month alone!


It’s time for you to make a decision.


Are you going to continue struggling and getting by with what you’re currently earning online and making do with those cheesy graphics that came pre-packed with your PLR, or are you going to take action today and leverage of the time, effort and skills of the designer?


On our site are the graphics needed to give you a dramatic boost in your online presence! They will grab the attention of anyone who comes to your site, whether it’s for a sign-up, to purchase or even to recommend other products. They will stop and take a look, and give your sales copy a chance! And then, they’ll finally click that subscribe button, that order button or your affiliate link and you’ll close the sale.


Grab your graphics NOW before we close the doors…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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