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Graphics Emails – Squeeze Pages

Subject 1: Download 10 Supercharged Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!
Subject 2: Grab 10 Sexy Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!


Quick question, what do you think makes for a good squeeze page?


The pre-headline?… The headline?… The sub-headline?… The benefit points?… The call-to-action?… The graphic design?… The content you give away for free?… Perhaps all of the above?…




You’d be right in thinking that ALL elements need to work together like an orchestra so that your squeeze page performs at it’s best!


However getting all these elements in place takes time, practice and real skill.


Not everyone has the luxury of fiddling around with Photoshop layers, playing around with different layouts, slicing images, and coding images into HTML tables or fine-tuning the design with CSS.


Those plain ‘text only’ squeeze pages that say ‘put your title here’, ‘put your benefit here’, ‘enter your call-to-action here’ from designs a few years ago, are just getting plain annoying and they’re starting to lose their impact on visitors because they’ve seen it all before!


Nowadays you need something MUCH stronger and louder, with more impact and something that speaks directly to the visitor.


This is what Power Squeeze Pages does.




They grab the attention of your visitor, allow them to soak up the presentation, state strong reasons why they should sign up and finish off with a very clear opt-in form.


With old style squeeze pages it’s been too easy to click the little cross in the corner of the screen, but with these squeeze pages, your visitors will think twice before leaving!


Check out the full package below.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: RE: Download 10 Supercharged Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!
Subject 2: REMINDER: Grab 10 Sexy Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!


Did you know that ALL elements on your squeeze page need to work together like an orchestra to get the highest conversion?


Nowadays you need something MUCH stronger and louder, with more impact and something that speaks directly to the visitor.




Here’s how to get the most from your Power Squeeze Pages…


TIP #1: Write your own report and save it as a PDF and hand out freely. Your report can be a general overview of the methods and techniques used to make money online e.g. Affiliate marketing, PPC marketing, Product creation etc. You’d then recommend products within the report which product affiliate products or your own websites. Not only are you educating your visitors, but you’re pre-selling them too – who better to send educated visitors to a sales page? If you can’t write a report then use private label rights content to get the job done.


TIP #2: Integrate the sign-up funnel with a tell-a-friend offer. You could offer your visitor a free website, another free report, a video training series, an audio interview or anything else of real value. They fill in your tell-a-friend form and receive your bonus gift and in turn, you receive more traffic without doing any extra work!


TIP #3: Add a one-time offer after sign-up to monetize your free traffic! I personally like doing this myself. I simply add a special upgrade offer which compliments the free report or product they just signed up for. For example if you just gave away a free report on how to start an eBay business, your upgrade could be step-by-step training videos to give the subscriber a better learning experience of a more in-depth eBook that goes through the finer details and reveal hidden strategies. Plan your upgrade offers in advance before creating your free content, and you’ll have an irresistible offer with high conversions!


TIP #4: Set up an affiliate program with promotional material so that any free subscriber can promote your website and earn a commission whenever someone buys the upgrade offer. Set your default landing page as your squeeze page so that traffic is tunnelled through your capture form first, and then the offer is made. This alone can send 100s, if not 1000s of subscribers to your list completely automatically!


TIP #5: Encourage JV partners and affiliates to add a banner or text ad on their download / thank you page with their affiliate link so that anyone who has just bought their product will see your free offer and more than likely take you up on your special upgrade. Placing yourself on the download / thank you pages of other people’s websites is prime real estate. You know the traffic source from there are real buyers, so why not make use of it. It’s a win-win-win situation for you, your affiliate and the customer who wants to invest.


TIP #6: Add 5-10 emails into your auto-responder that promote your products, affiliate products and tell the subscriber a bit about yourself, your business and what you can do for them. This not only builds a strong bond with your readers, but allows you to monetize subscribers automatically even if you haven’t created a new product recently or simply don’t feel like sending out a broadcast email! A lot of marketers over-look this technique and simply concentrate on list-building, but now you know where the real power is!


TIP #7: Get traffic from forums and blog comments! The easiest and fastest way to get traffic to your squeeze page is to start interacting in forums and blogs. As long as you’re allowed to leave a signature link or URL, you can start interactive with others, leave a link behind and receive free traffic. If you’ve applied all the previous methods, you’ll now have a system ready to keep that traffic flowing and generating sales and commissions for you automatically.


These are just a few ideas you can use to start getting the most out of these templates! Now it’s time to put it into action and see the results for yourself!


If you want to finally own squeeze pages that you can proud to send traffic to, then grab these graphic intensive squeeze pages from the link below before they’re gone for good…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CALL! Download 10 Supercharged Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!
Subject 2: ENDS SOON! Grab 10 Sexy Squeeze Pages That Will Shock Your Visitors!


For the past couple of days I’ve been informing you about the importance behind a well designed and well thought out squeeze page.


Whilst you can attempt to create your own from scratch, you’ll find it much easier and faster to take what already works and use that to start building your list from day one.




Q. “Do I Really Need A Squeeze Page?”


When you use a sign-up page instead of sending your customers directly to an affiliate site immediately, you can capture their information, build a relationship with them and market to them later on, regardless of whether they buy now or not.


If you are currently NOT using a sign up page you are simply leaving money on the table and putting the fruits of your hard work into the pockets the product owner.


Q. “I Don’t Have A Report To Give Away – What Do I Do?”


Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered on this one and went through the trouble of getting one written up and formatted with illustrations with a basic overview of the methods of making money online.


Better still, I’ve added resource links within the PDF so you rebrand them with your affiliate links and earn back-end commissions hand selected products.


When you hand out the free report to your subscribers and they click the link inside and end up buying one of the recommended products, you’ll earn 50% recurring commissions on membership sites, and 75-100% with others.


Reports are a great way to educate your visitors without doing any hard selling. And you get this absolutely free to use with your new line of squeeze pages.


Q. “I Already Have My Own Squeeze Page, What Makes These Different?”


If your current squeeze page is bringing in subscribers for you every day and you’re happy with the results then this may not be for you.


If you’ve a beginner and don’t have your own method of capturing new leads, or perhaps you tried to make your own and realized it’s not as easy as you thought, then this is something worth considering.


As for what makes these pages different, just take a look at them and you’ll see.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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