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Grow Your Pinterest Audience

Use this checklist to ensure you are doing all you can to grow your audience on Pinterest.

Why Should You Grow Your Pinterest Audience?

  • To help establish your brand’s credibility.
  • To generate awareness for your brand.
  • To drive traffic to your business online or in person.

Tips for Growing Your Pinterest Audience

  • Pin often and stay consistent!
    • Stay relative in the minds of your already established audience. Out of sight, out of mind – so stay in their sight! Instead of relying on memory to post, dedicate a few hours a week to scheduling posts by utilizing reputable scheduling software such as Hootsuite or Tailwind.
  • Focus on only pinning relative, quality images.
    • Create content relevant to your target audience and utilize easy-to-use creation suites such as Canva and Photoshop. Make sure the images you use are high resolution for an optimal browsing experience.
  • Understand what the Pinterest algorithm prioritizes
    • Quality of the source the post comes from
      • Pinterest prioritizes posts coming from reputable sites with an established following.
    • Pinterest Image Rating
      • High quality images, minimal text, no borders, and a helpful detailed description.
  • Confirm your website!
    • In the Settings tab, under “Website,” click “Confirm Website” and follow the instructions on the next page.
    • This will allow your posts to show your logo and profile picture on pins that users save on Pinterest.
    • Enables access to Pinterest-to-website analytics.
  • Use “Rich Pins”
    • A Rich Pin is a free type of pin that Pinterest prioritizes in laying out their feed. They provide extra information on the pin to increase engagement.
    • There are six types of Rich Pins:
      • App Pins – Includes a built in “Install” button so viewers do not have to leave Pinterest.
      • Movie Pins – Includes ratings, reviews, and cast members of movies.
      • Recipe Pins – Includes ingredients, cooking times, and serving information for recipes.
      • Article Pins – Includes a headline, the author’s name, and a brief description of the article.
      • Product Pins – Includes real-time pricing, availability, and where to buy the product.
      • Place Pins – Includes a map, the address, and phone number of the place.
  • Utilize your already established following on other social media platforms!
    • If you already have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat for your business, promote your Pinterest page on these platforms! If they already follow you on one platform, its likely they will follow you on another once they know you’re on it!
  • Follow and engage with other brands relative to your own.
  • Follow group boards relative to your business to find other Pinterest users that may be interested in your content.
  • Be interactive!
    • Have fun! Comment on popular pins, reply to your follower’s comments on your posts, re-pin other posts, mention other brands and people by name! Show your followers their content matters to you, and they are likely to reciprocate the love!
  • Find keywords and other relevant posts in your industry to understand what has worked well and what has not worked for other brands.
    • To find competitors, search your specific category, and click “People” under the search bar. This will show who else is involved in your field.
  • Gear some of your marketing budget towards promoting posts to reach far more Pinterest users than those who are already following you!
  • Utilize the hashtag!
    • Do some research on what specific and broad hashtags are popular and relevant to your target audience, and incorporate them into your post descriptions to organically expand your reach and grow your following
  • Create content geared towards upcoming seasons or holidays.
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