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How to Grow Your Twitter Audience-Worksheet

Use this worksheet to attract Twitter followers and grow a successful business.

I tweet more often by including these tweet types:
□Tweets from followers (retweets)
□Relevant industry article links
□Buzz-worthy stats
□Breaking industry news
□Personal updates
□Comments & questions
□Niche topic quotes
□Niche related memes
□Niche tips
□Special offers
□Support or Q&A info

My audience is usually active on Twitter at these times (my time zone):
Monday – AM PM
Tuesday – AM PM
Wednesday – AM PM
Thursday – AM PM
Friday – AM PM
Saturday – AM PM
Sunday – AM PM

These activities and events affect when my audience is present on Twitter:

Holidays & Events Scheduling Considerations for my audience:
Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:


Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:



Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:



Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:



Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:



Holiday/Event:                Date/Range:    
Tweet Schedule:


I have decided to incorporate more visuals in these types of content:
□ How-Tos
□ Case Studies
□ Charts & Graphs
□ Ebooks
□ Email
□ Newsletters
□ Autoresponders
□ Book Summaries
□ Tool Reviews
□ Giveaways
□ FAQs
□ Q & A (text)
□ Webinar
□ Guides
□ “A Day in the Life of” Post
□ Interviews
□ Online Game
□ Helpful Apps
□ Video Transcripts
□ _______________________
□ _______________________
□ _______________________
□ _______________________
□ _______________________
□ White Papers
□ Vlog
□ Templates
□ Surveys
□ Slide shares
□ Resources
□ Quotes (text)
□ Quizzes
□ Polls
□ Podcasts
□ Original Research
□ Press Releases
□ User Generated Content
□ Worksheets
□ Checklists
□ Company News
□ Timelines
□ Audience News (Mailing List
□ Team Connections (Get to know
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

I will match these types of visuals to the kind of content I share:
□ Infographics
□ Lists
□ Mind Maps
□ Quote Memes
□ Tip Memes
□ Cartoons
□ Illustrations
□ Videos
□ Photo Collage
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ ____________________________

I have chosen to use these hashtags based on:

Primary Business/Site Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

Audience Vocabulary Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

Buzz Word Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________ □ _____________________________

Niche Topic & Category Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

My Humorous Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

My Product or Service Related Hashtags
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
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□ _____________________________

My Affiliate Sale Hashtags (Personal)
□ _____________________________
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□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________
□ _____________________________

Audience Segments
□ Twitter Followers Only
□ Newbie Level (Member)
□ Intermediate Level (Member)
□ Advanced Level (Member)
□ Affiliate (Member)
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________
□ Trait: _________________________

I have made connecting on Twitter easy by:
□ Using hashtags that are easy to remember and spell
□ Researching existing hashtags
□ Creating & using my branded hashtags
□ Making hashtags fit into the message naturally, as part of the content
□ Providing motivation or a reason to use the hashtag
□ Encouraging followers to re-tweet helpful, informative messages.
□ Focusing on one hashtag and one goal per tweet
□ Increasing visibility by capitalizing the first letter of each word in long hashtags
□ Using an app like HootSuite to maximize my efficiency and time management
□ Retiring hashtags that are out of date and no longer active or relevant
□ Including my website link
□ Highlighting the Support Center link
□ Adding humor and memorable content
□ Tweeting at least 3 new tweets each day


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