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How to Maximize and Leverage the Power of Twitter

With over 300 million visitors tapping into Twitter each and every month, there’s a world of opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of by astute business owners. Whether
your new to Twitter, or have been utilizing it for some time and consider yourself a
savvy user, in this special report you’ll discover some inside tips you can use to
maximize and leverage the power of Twitter.

Understanding how to leverage Twitter for maximum results has now become an essential marketing skill for business owners who are looking to build loyalty and up the level of engagement between themselves and their customers.

Today, customers, prospects and suppliers, follow Twitter business accounts with as much anticipation as they do individuals. If that isn’t enough reason to increase your level of engagement on Twitter, brand advocates, industry leaders, competitors, influencers and numerous professional organizations can also be included in the above list of those who follow Twitter business accounts.

With all this in mind, here are some Twitter best practices you can use to increase engagement, attract more prospects and increase sales and revenue:

  • Pay Close Attention and Dissect
    The first order of business is to stop for a moment, and begin to watch how other brands (especially your competitors) are operating their Twitter accounts.
    Specifically, note:
    • How they interact with customers
    • The type of content they share with their audience
    • Be sure you take a particularly close look at your competitors’ activities.
    • Examine and make a note on the elements of their Twitter marketing strategy that you like, and can use for your brand.
    • Monitor relevant conversations your competitors have with customers. You can use to do a manual search.

Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Because there is an ongoing, non-stop flow of information on Twitter, “real-time” updates mean that brands which decide to maximize their Twitter account must then be willing to commit to maintaining a consistent level of engagement on it.

What exactly does this mean?
This amounts to an ongoing monitoring of your channel, manually or with a selected social listening tool like Brand24 and maintaining a high level of engagement both with your followers, as well as with any other user you discover is tweeting about your business.

Being dedicated to doing this is necessary. This is because a skewed tweet or a lack of engagement on your site can harm your business in many ways, including a serious brand-reputation crisis. Opening a business Twitter account and leaving it unattended is like inviting your friends for a party and sneaking out the back doors.

Build Rapport
The purpose of a social media platform like Twitter is to be social. It is all about sharing information. Subsequently, your Twitter marketing strategy should include both sharing your content and following other Twitter users.

There are plenty of great online tools, such as Brand24, that can help you build your audience and find relevant users to follow. Doing this is a process and building up your account will take some time. If you become too aggressive with the “following,” it may
result in a suspension due to dubious activity.

Instead, channel your efforts on generating:

  • Interactions
  • Retweets
  • Replies
  • Likes

Initiate a twitter chat!
What is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation that takes place around one unique hashtag. The hashtag is the element that allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. This is a brilliant marketing tool!

Twitter chats are usually recurring and on specific topics to regularly connect people with these interests. If you’re a blogger, you can connect using #Blogchat hashtag.

Bonus Tip:
If you publish and post to a blog or a newsletter, or when you post new content to your website, and maybe have a big announcement about an upcoming webinar or other event, or perhaps you have a new product or service you want to sell and or generate some buzz around. Consider initiating a “Twitter Chat” around the topic or theme!

Maximize and Brighten the Spot Light on Your Brand

The broader your marketing coverage and the more media channels involved in your communication, the bigger your challenge will be to keep your brand image consistent.

In Twitter, your account name and the content you post should have the same feel and look as your website! In other words, your Facebook page, blog, and other elements should complement each other, as well as have the same look and feel as the rest of your online property.

With the Twitter bio limited to only 160 characters, be sure you make the most of your Twitter Cover Photo, which generally the first thing social media users notice when they visit your page.
When promoting your brand, use a friendly, conversational communication style that is authentic, friendly, and unique. Throw in some tasteful wit and humor, if that’s your thing. When done tastefully, it can help in providing your followers with a form of lighthearted entertainment. It also adds a human feel to your business that can give you an advantage over your competition. Your customers will love you for it.

Use Hashtags
A hashtag or pound symbol can be used to follow any word or phrase to identify a common topic or theme. Its main role is to help us find posts we are interested in or reach the topic we would like to be involved in. From a marketing and business perspective, hashtags let you categorize your social media content, expand your Twitter audience, and engage your target market in a creative online campaign.

When you’re going to launch a campaign that is focused on a hashtag, remember that you will need a special promotion. You may also want to consider creating a landing
page, where your posts can be published. You can also launch a social stream with mentions posted during the campaign to show the world what people wanted to share with you.

Develop Your Strategy
In your Twitter marketing strategy, use SMART goals. Start by asking yourself this question: “What do I want to achieve, and when do I want to achieve it?” Be precise as possible. Your goal should be properly expressed like this: I want to grow my Twitter audience to 4,000 fans in 2 months.

Keep an Eye on Your Business
Sound observation and listening skills are useful at the beginning of your Twitter adventure, as well as when you make friends on it. Keeping an eye on your competitors, staying up to date with all the mentions about your brand, identifying your customers’ pain points and then immediately addressing them with outstanding customer service are the things you need to do on a consistent basis if you want to build your brand, increase engagement, and ultimately increase sales and profits.

By following the tips as laid out in this special report, you now know how to maximize and leverage the power of Twitter by simply following the guidelines you have discovered here.

This Package:
Our goal every month is to make things simpler for you…to make it easier for you to reach more people in your business and get more sales. With that in mind, let’s look at this month’s
worksheets and planners.

Twitter Domination Daily Planner – One Month
In the included daily planner for one month, we’ve given you a planning page for the whole month along with a page for every day of the month with space to focus on your Twitter posts, tasks, profile ideas, hashtags and ads. Use this planner to give you a jumpstart on your monthly plans, evaluate the previous month’s progress and plan out your Twitter strategy each day.

Twitter Domination Daily Planner – One Year
In the included dated daily planner for one year, we’ve given you a planning page for each month along with a page for every day of the year with space to focus on your Twitter to do list, profile, exploration and ads. Use this planner to give you a jumpstart on your monthly plans, evaluate the previous month’s progress and plan out your Twitter strategy each day.

Create a Professional Twitter Profile Worksheet
Use this worksheet to optimize your Twitter account and profile.

Tweets That Engage Your Audience Worksheets
Use this worksheet to help you determine what to post in order to increase audience engagement.

Grow Your Twitter Audience Worksheet
Use this worksheet to attract Twitter followers and grow a successful business.

Maximize Hashtag Power Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help build your social media following using hashtags.

Use and Maximize Twitter Analytics Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help track your analytics and implement the lessons you learn as you go.

Ins and Outs of Twitter Ads Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help you create your Twitter Ads using best practices.

Maximize Live Video for Audience Growth and Engagement

Use this worksheet to help you use live video to grow your Twitter audience.

As you can see, everything included in this month’s worksheets and planners will help you leverage the power of Twitter in your business.

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