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Video Marketing Emails – Mass Videos

Subject 1: Traffic Formula Revealed! Mass Video = Mass Traffic.
Subject 2: Get 1000+ Visitors a Month with Videos… (and make more sales…)


Back in the late 90s, the web had nothing more than text and images. Then came audio streaming and MP3. Internet users started downloading MP3 musics from P2P networks. The Internet had slightly more to offer.


Up until this point, video streaming was, for most parts of the world, impossible. After that, the first Internet broadband was introduced and in the mid-2000s more and more Internet users in developed countries started to hook up to the net with speed a thousand times faster than a mere 56k modem.


Then came video streaming sites like YouTube. Marketers now no longer have to depend on shipping CDs and DVDs when their customers can just download videos off the net after purchase, saving a bundle on shipping costs!


We’re in the middle of history in the making. And yes you too are in the right place at the right time to tap into the power of video marketing.


However to achieve substantial results from video marketing you need to have the following ingredients in your video marketing campaign….


  • Interesting – if your videos are boring, there’s no reason for your viewers to continue watching. Remember: they’re one click away from closing the browser!
  • Viral – it must be newsworthy so that your viewers will tell others, who then in turn tell others, about your video. Thus allowing you to leverage on the best form of advertising i.e. word of mouth!
  • Call to Action – This is usually missing and experienced marketers can tell the seasoned pros apart from the rest just by observing whether the video has a call-to-action.


Be it you work in a team, a company, or even an internet marketer on a shoe-string budget you can tap into a wealth a traffic when you know how to create quality video content.


Check out the link below for full details…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Want traffic from videos but don’t know how? Try this…
Subject 2: RE: 7-Steps to Profit with Your Videos (and get more traffic in YEAR…)


If you want to tap into a wealth of traffic, pre-sell your prospects, get them to trust you, and get them buying almost everything you have to offer, then you absolutely must use the power of videos.


Much like article marketing, videos are a form of content that ‘warm up’ your traffic before they start buying from you.


It’s the perfect opportunity to not only show off your expertise to your potential buyers, but also gives search engines a reason to rank you in the search results.




Inside this course you’ll discover…


Module #1 – Overview: Using Videos to Get Massive Traffic

This first video talks you through the power of video, why you should include it in your marketing campaigns and the massive effect of traffic it can have on your websites. We’ll be taking a deeper look at some interesting stats so you know this is not all theory.


Module #2 – Keyword Research Before Getting Started

Next we take a look at keyword research, the strength of your competition and the types of backlinks you can and should acquire to rank your videos to the top of the search results. This is a key ingredient to making a successful video!


Module #3 – Types of Videos That Will Go Viral

The best videos are the ones that go viral and continue to bring in traffic years after you’ve released it. We’ll take an in-depth look at the characteristics of these videos including case studies on videos that have over a million views.


Module #4 – How to Create Your Own Simple Videos For Marketing

Won’t be going through step by step on how to use create a video with camtasia, etc, but I’ll be giving a walkthrough on the equipments, tools and software they’ll be needing.


Module #5 – Uploading and Search Engine Optimizing Your Video

Search engine optimization stuff on youtube so that people can find your video easily on the Google and video directory search results.


Module #6 – How to Use Videos to Promote Your Products and Services to Skyrocket Your Sales

The art of leveraging on video informercials to promote products you create or affiliate for, and optimize your conversion rates!


Module #7 – How to Distribute Your Videos Everywhere on the Internet

How to mass distribute your video for maximum exposure. Using tools like Tubemogul, traffic geyser, using videos for sales letter, affiliates embed, etc.


Check out the full details below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: CLOSING DOWN Want traffic from videos but don’t know how? Try this…
Subject 2: CLOSING DOWN 7-Steps to Profit with Your Videos (and get more traffic in YEAR…)


There are 3 things your videos need if you want to attract traffic and get them to your website…


  1. INTERESTING – if your videos are boring, there’s no reason for your viewers to continue watching. Remember: they’re one click away from closing the browser!
  2. VIRAL – it must be newsworthy so that your viewers will tell others, who then in turn tell others, about your video. Thus allowing you to leverage on the best form of advertising i.e. word of mouth!
  3. CALL TO ACTION – This is usually missing and experienced marketers can tell the seasoned pros apart from the rest just by observing whether the video has a call-to-action.




If you want to tap into a wealth of traffic, pre-sell your prospects, get them to trust you, and get them buying almost everything you have to offer, then you absolutely must use the power of videos.


Module #1 – Overview: Using Videos to Get Massive Traffic Module #2 – Keyword Research Before Getting Started Module #3 – Types of Videos That Will Go Viral Module #4 – How to Create Your Own Simple Module #For Marketing Module #5 – Uploading and Search Engine Optimizing Your Video Module #6 – How to Use Videos to Promote Your Products and Services Module #7 – How to Distribute Your Videos Everywhere


Be it you work in a team, a company, or even an internet marketer on a shoe-string budget you can tap into a wealth a traffic when you know how to create quality video content.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log in with your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Mass Video Formula Lesson #1 – Introduction To Video Marketing




There is no better way to penetrate your market and get people excited about your offer than with video marketing campaigns. Not only can you exploit the power of video marketing to propel your viewers into taking action, but you can quickly establish a defined brand of your own.


Videos add life to our marketing campaigns. They transform static, traditional campaigns into action-driven presentations that unleash our message in a powerful, dramatic way.


Videos also give you the unique opportunity to communicate with your target audience in a way that puts you in touch with what is truly important to them, what motivates them, and what will leave an everlasting impression.


But videos are even more valuable than just providing you with an interactive vehicle for your marketing message.


Videos also help to increase the value of your products, and even your brand. If you are involved in information marketing, you can instantly ramp up the perceived value of your products by adding in video based components. People often learn better when they are given a visual as to their tasks and the end result, and creating dynamic video lessons or tutorials will instantly increase conversion rates, and skyrocket your income.


So, now that you understand just how important high quality video presentations are to your marketing message, let’s take a closer look at how you can develop laser targeted video campaigns that speak your customerís language.


After all, not all videos are created equally.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Mass Video Formula Lesson #2 – Creating High Quality Videos




Imagine if you were able to personally welcome people to your website, to guide them through your information and direct them to your order button. Imagine what that would do for your conversion rates.


Well, with videos – that’s exactly what you can do.


You can use videos a number of different ways, including in sales pitches, in tutorials, within your launch sequence to warm up customers and to simply develop brand awareness. The more often people see you or hear you, the faster they’ll recognize your brand on the spot.


The trouble is, many new entrepreneurs struggle with the technical aspects of creating high quality videos. They aren’t sure what programs to use, how to edit videos, how to enhance the quality, or even how to create scripts or motions that guide viewers from one frame to another, retaining their attention every step of the way.


The great news is that even if you have absolutely no experience creating videos, there are tools and resources you can use to develop high quality, interactive videos in a matter of a few short hours.


For starters, the majority of new computers come bundled with video production software already, but if you really want to ramp up the quality of your videos however, you’ll want to consider purchasing an industry grade program, such as Camtasia or CamStudio.


These programs will help to add functionality to your videos, while making it easy for you to integrate sound (audio narratives, music, etc), as well as highlight important notes, and of course, they provide you with added flexibility with editing video content.



If you’re a Mac user, check out any of the following video creation tools:


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Mass Video Formula Lesson #3 – Can’t Create Videos? Not A Problem!




Now, here’s what I’m going to show you how to not only simplify the process of creating videos but how to AUTOMATE distribution!


There’s a secret weapon online that will give you the opportunity to develop dozens of high quality videos in a matter of seconds, and best of all, you can use this video production suite to repurpose content, so that your videos are created from existing articles you’ve already written!


The resource is found at and with this powerful software, you can take existing content and create live, talking videos that interact with your audience unlike anything else!


This software makes it not only easier to get MORE videos out there, but it requires absolutely no training or experience, instantly eliminating the learning curve.


I’ve used this resource for over a year now and have been able to generate unlimited traffic just by letting the program create interactive videos and best of all, they’ll distribute your videos all over the Internet for you!


Keep in mind that your videos don’t have to be lengthy productions.


Even 3 minute videos can do wonders at generating fresh interest and exposure for your product, so start off by developing simple video presentations and as you become more familiar with how your viewers respond to your videos, you can begin to tailor them towards better communicating with your target audience.


Article Video Robot will help you get started, and then you can spend time learning how to create powerful video presentations yourself, as you can continue to grow your business.


If you simply aren’t ready to develop your own videos, consider outsourcing the project to a qualified video developer.


There are plenty of places to seek out some help, including marketing forums such as and , or you can place a listing requesting help via the freelance marketplaces, including and


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Mass Video Formula Lesson #4 – Distributing Your Videos




Once you have a series of hot videos in your arsenal, it’s time to distribute them to the world! Once you unleash your videos, you’ll begin to see traffic coming in very quickly, as these video community sites and media hot spots are filled with new visitors every single day.


The leader in video marketplaces is so it’s important that you include it in all of your video marketing campaigns, however there are many other places where you should focus on getting your video circulated, including:



Distributing is very easy, but you’ll need to create an account with each video site before you can upload your video.


Also keep in mind that many of these video networks will manually review and approve your video before it’s published, so it might take a few hours before all of your videos are online.


You can automate the process by signing up for an account with Tube Mogul at , an online video distribution service that will push your video message out to hundreds of popular video communities.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Mass Video Formula Lesson #5 -Boost Your Video Response Rate




Videos are used to propel viewers into taking action. You want to invoke a positive response from your viewers, but you also want them to take action immediately after watching your broadcast.


One way of doing this is by including a direct link to your website or squeeze page at the end of the video, highlighting the benefits of visiting your website. Keep in mind that you still need to use a direct call to action, even in videos, so don’t forget to spend time crafting the most action-driven call to action possible.


If you want your video to go viral, make sure that you add a “Tell a Friend” link to the video, and that you work in ‘entertainment value’. Your video needs to really stand out in the video community and motivate viewers to send it to their friends, and share it with everyone they know.


You can do this easily by creating a video that adds comic influence, entertains the viewer, shocks the viewer or offers a unique perspective that differs from the majority of other videos in the same market.


Controversy is one of the easiest ways to drive eyeballs to your videos, but make sure that your video works directly towards building a positive brand stature. You don’t want to create videos that leave viewers entertained but finding it difficult to trust you.


Professional but Entertaining – that’s what it’s all about.


Before you distribute your videos, you want to make sure that the quality and size is optimized and that is viewable on all operating systems.


You also want to optimize the actual video features, including keywords and tags so that when your video is distributed, it’s able to grab ranking in the search engines based on your primary phrases and keywords.


Keywords also help viewers find your video, both through on-site searches and directly through the search engines, so conduct quick keyword research to determine what the most important keywords for your niche are, and include them in the tags associated with your video.


For example, when uploading a video to, you are able to assign different keywords to your video, which highlight what your video is about, and help YouTube to properly organize your video in their database.


You can take this a step further by optimizing your video’s title tags, to also include relevant keywords, while varying the keywords you use for each video.


It’s important that you are able to rank for multiple keyword phrases, so never assign the exact same keywords to all of your videos, but instead, vary it up!


You can often enhance your videos search engine optimization by using anchor text when linking to your video page, as well as within the description.


Again, anchor text should include relevant keywords that vary from the keywords used in the actual title or tags.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.



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