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List Building Emails – List Profits

Subject 1: Get Your First 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days Challenge!
Subject 2: Build Your List of 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days!
Subject 3: Your First $1000 with 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days Blueprint!


How would you like a full blueprint to building a list of 1000 subscribers?…


And how would you like to convert those subscribers into $1000… cash?


And how would you like to do this within the next 30 days?…




Right now you can get your hands on a 21-part blueprint that will show you how to build a list of 1000 subscribers in any hot niche, sell your own product and recommendations and do with all within 30 days or less… step-by-step.


This is a complete course that covers everything from…


  • market research
  • keyword research
  • creating free offers
  • niche list building
  • creating products for free
  • creating squeeze pages that convert
  • writing sales copy
  • writing an automated email sequence
  • and so much more!


PLUS we reveal the BEST traffic strategies that you can apply in your own business that have stood the test of time.


This is the blueprint EVERY newbie needs because it put everything you’re about to learn into one structured plan.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Get Your First 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days Challenge
Subject 2: re: Build Your List of 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days!
Subject 3: re: Make $1000 in 30 Days with 1,000 Subs (21 videos reveal all…)


How would you like to build a list of 1000 subscribers in any hot niche, sell your own product and recommendations and do with all within 30 days or less… step-by-step?


First List Profit a complete course that covers everything from market research, keyword research, creating free offers, niche list building, creating products for free, creating squeeze pages that convert, writing sales copy, writing an automated email sequence that does all the selling for you, PLUS the best traffic strategies that have stood the test of time.




Inside you’ll discover…


  • The 5 vital steps you need to take to setup your list building system to build a list of people who actually spend money with you!
  • Exact steps to find profitable niches that you can actually make-money in!
  • Secret for finding niches that make money and can start building a list with.
  • Ways to create free offers that will make people not think twice and jump on your list.
  • Product creation “cheat sheet” that you can use over and over to create products, services, and more that people want to buy!
  • An entire blueprint to creating a product by leveraging the knowledge of others that will willingly create products for you for free.
  • Step-by-step video tutorials showing you how to easily create a squeeze page! Ideal for non-techies.
  • Real life examples of squeeze pages that are sucking in subscribers each and every day, and making a killing. Model off them for success!
  • How to write copy for your squeeze page that entices almost everyone who sees it to jump on your list right away. Get the 3-step process to creating the right “triggers” to build a list fast!
  • An A-Z tutorial on how to use autoresponders and why they have so many different functions. This is your most important tool!
  • How to create an email series that builds your relationship with your subscribers, and gets them buying what you promote!
  • Get 5 different blueprints to 5 different kinds of emails that suck money out of your list over and over again. Use these and you’ll never have trouble making money from your list.
  • A complete video walk through and explanation of one of my profit pulling email series. You’ll also get to download these emails and edit them to suit your own needs.
  • Email templates and examples for getting affiliates to promote your offers, getting interviews, getting jv partners to help with product creation, and so much more.
  • The top 10 traffic tactics used to build lists in over 22 different niches! Traffic is a huge thing that people struggle with. You’ll be shown I shown 10 different traffic tactics that are proven to work!
  • How to drive traffic each and every day to your squeeze page so you can continually get subscribers and keep the money rolling in.


This is the blueprint EVERY newbie needs because it put everything you’re about to learn into one structured plan with no stone unturned.


Grab the course below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CALL: Your First $1000 with 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days Blueprint!


If you’ve heard the saying that ‘the money is in the list’ but struggle to turn a profit with your email list in the real world, then you’re in for a treat!


Right now you can get your hands on a 21-part blueprint that will show you how to build a list of 1000 subscribers in any hot niche, sell your own product and recommendations and do with all within 30 days or less… step-by-step.


This is a complete course that covers everything from…


  • market research
  • keyword research
  • creating free offers
  • niche list building
  • creating products for free
  • creating squeeze pages that convert
  • writing sales copy
  • writing an automated email sequence
  • and so much more!


PLUS we reveal the BEST traffic strategies that you can apply in your own business that have stood the test of time.


This is the blueprint EVERY newbie needs because it put everything you’re about to learn into one structured plan.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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