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Event Emails

📬Subject: Reminder: [what problem you’re solving]


Dear [NAME],

Did you see this yet?

This is just a quick reminder about our upcoming free event on [DATE/DAY]. At this event, you’ll learn…


  1. Talk about the information
  2. In a bit of detail
  3. Share the general topics
  4. But don’t provide too much
  5. You want your prospect
  6. To be intrigued enough to
  7. Sign up.


When we’re done, you’ll be able to:

  • Benefit #1
  • Benefit #2
  • Benefit #3


Here are the details again. Just make sure to register now while there are still spaces available:


=>Title: =>Time: =>Complete your free registration here [LINK]


I can’t wait!


To your success, [YOUR NAME]




📬Subject: Last call. Will you be there [tonight/today/tomorrow]?


Dear [NAME],


[There are just a few hours left OR whatever time is left] until [NAME OF FREE EVENT] gets started. I didn’t want you to miss out on the amazing information and resources we’re going to share.


And it’s not just me who thinks this is going to be an amazing opportunity…


[Insert testimonials from past customers or feedback from people who have already registered. Make sure you give new registrants an opportunity to leave feedback as this is great promotional material.]


Remember, once we’re finished with [what the free event is], you’ll discover new ways to:

  • Benefit #1
  • Benefit #2
  • Benefit #3


Click here to register for free before it’s too late [LINK].


I’ll see you there!


To your success, [YOUR NAME]




Subject: [ask/suggest problem your audience is having]? Free solution here…


Hey [NAME],

If you’re like a lot of [insert type of audience], you probably [Share a few sentences that introduce the primary problem your audience is facing.]


You’re definitely not alone. But it doesn’t have to be this way.


I’d like to invite you to [NAME OF FREE EVENT]


Join us…absolutely free and you’ll discover: [Introduce the topic of your free event and the problems it solves]

  • Benefit1
  • Benefit2
  • Benefit3


You can get all of the details and register here >> [LINK TO FREE REGISTRATION PAGE]

[Provide a hint to something special they’ll only get if they attend the free event]

Here are the complete details:

=> Title: [insert event title] => When: [insert date / time] => Claim your free spot now [LINK]



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