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Offline Marketing Emails – SEO Service

Subject 1: Earn $100k a Year to Help Businesses get Traffic? (here’s how…)
Subject 2: Get paid for ranking keywords for others?…
Subject 3: 5-Figures a Year to Boost Offline Business SEO Rankings? (details inside…)


Did you know that there are many offline marketers who are making 4, 5, and even 6 figures a year by consulting offline businesses with basic online marketing techniques?…


That is a booming and lucrative industry and I know this because I’ve been moving part of my business offline too.


Now why is it so lucrative?…


The offline market is lucrative for an online marketer, because many offline businesses don’t know much about how to utilize online techniques to gain prospects.


Many are relying on offline marketing techniques that just aren’t converting and are dying out!


They are using them because of pure ignorance, and spending ten’s of thousands and wondering why they are not gaining anything back.


Here’s your chance not only to save them money, and to help them, but in turn it will help you…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Earn $100k a Year to Help Businesses get Traffic? (here’s how…)
Subject 2: RE: Get paid for ranking keywords for others?…
Subject 3: REMINDER: 5-Figures a Year to Boost Offline Business SEO Rankings? (details inside…)


Are there any benefits to helping offline businesses? You bet! Let me point them out to you…


  1. You instantly deliver more value offline than you do online. Therefore even an asking price of $497 for a one-off fix (which may be expensive online) would seem like a great deal for them.
  2. You build a real-world working relationship with offline businesses. Because you deliver what you’ve promised, they will want more of your excellent services such as helping them maintain their position in the search engine, advising them with pay-per-click and even building an online store!
  3. A chance to build recurring income! As you may already know, keeping a website at the top of the search engines requires a constant build-up of backlinks over time. If the offline business you’re helping have benefitted from high rankings who do you think they’ll turn to in order to keep them at the top?




The big misconception I hear from offline business owners is that they don’t need a website because they aren’t selling online.


Now as tons of people are using the internet, and even doing their research about a business before buying from them, it is vital for offline brick and mortar businesses to access these searchers.


So if their competition knows how to use this, they will soon be wiped off.


For many offline business owners, this is a secret, and they don’t understand it and that’s where you come in.


In any economy, recession or booming, businesses must turn to marketing to find their customers… and that’s why during a bad economy, so many businesses with this attitude of not needing a website… FAIL!


This big need will allow you to tap into offline business markets that will beg you for your help and because there are thousands among thousands of offline businesses in a down economy, you maybe even their last resort!


This course was made for online marketers who want to sell services to offline business to help them rank better in Google and other search engines.


This step by step course takes you by the hand and shows you how to perform very simple services for offline businesses that can land you a couple thousand dollars, and help them get more customers! It’s a win-win situation!


If that sounds like something you’d be interested in then check out the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! Earn $100k a Year to Help Businesses get Traffic? (here’s how…)
Subject 2: LAST CALL: Get paid for ranking keywords for others?…
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN 5-Figures a Year to Boost Offline Business SEO Rankings? (details inside…)


Did you know that offline businesses need your online skills to help them rank in the search engines for specific keywords so they can get more traffic and more customers?…




Offline SEO Profits was made for online marketers who want to sell services to offline business to help them rank better in Google and other search engines.


Module #1 – Introduction to the System Module #2 – What Offline Business Need Module #3 – Making SEO-Friendly Websites Module #4 – Google Local Business Module #5 – Yahoo Business Directory Module #6 – Craigslist Ads


You’ll be shown how to perform very simple services for offline businesses that can land you a couple thousand dollars, and help them get more customers! It’s a win-win situation!


If that sounds like something you’d be interested in then check out the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: SEO Lesson #1 – Confused By The SEO Terms?




Confused on what a lot of SEO terms actually mean?


I’m going to spill the beans on SEO terms that every citizen of the World Wide Web should know.


  1. Google PageRank – This is a rank that Google gives you to determine how important your page is. You can get a rank of 0 to 10
  2. SERP – Stands for Search Engine Results Page. These are the results that contain web sites after the user as entered a keyword.
  3. Keywords – These are the words that internet users use to find product, services and information through the search engines.
  4. Keyword Density – The percentage of how many times a keyword shows up on a particular webpage or article.
  5. Backlinks – These are links pointing to one site from another. If you click on a link from yahoo news to your site that is considered a backlink.
  6. PBJ – Stands for Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich. A tasty snack while you build backlinks.
  7. Anchor Text – This is the actual text that shows when you click on a link.
  8. Spider – Think of it as Google and other search engines advanced software tools that scour the web looking for websites and webpage’s to include in their search engine.
  9. Blog – short for “web log”, it’s origins come from keeping an online journal.
  10. Alt Tag – This is the text you add within your HTML code that gives an image a title just in case the image doesn’t show.


Well there you have it! Hopefully you learned a term or two.


SEO may sound difficult but with the right training and techniques you could become a PRO in no time!


Follow the link below to find out how to use this knowledge in your offline business…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: SEO Lesson #2 – The SEO Report You Should Have For Clients




When you provide an SEO service for offline businesses, you will be helping local businesses with the ability to reach out to new customers where they never once thought possible.


By following some simple steps you’ll be able to help businesses grow and succeed and yield good return on their investment in you.


So what does your job entail at first? – Detailed study of the project

  • Marketing research and defining the future goals in search engine advertising
  • Keyword Research
  • Study of past ranking in various search engines
  • Link Building
  • Development of web solutions
  • Providing web design services so that it will be easily read by the search engines
  • Creating and maintaining internet resources
  • Planning and implementation of internet campaigns and
  • Consulting


Whether the campaign needs the key words research, its selection, structure mapping and assessment, analysis on site rank, web analytics, search engine optimization services, online marketing management and consultation, link building, pay per click services or the competitors’ analysis, you’ll be able to come with all solutions for your offline client.


Follow the link below to see how to put it altogether…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: SEO Lesson #3 – 9 Rules For On-Page SEO




If you’re optimizing someone else’s website, or building one of your own you should always keep these 9 simple rules in the back of your mind to ensure your efforts are not wasted.


  1. Title


This is probably the most important thing to do almost as soon as you create your page. Ensure your most important keyword is towards the beginning.


  1. Description


Although this will not help your rankings, this does help Google identify what your page is about.


  1. H1 header tags


The main title of your page should be a H1 HTML tag. This lets the search engines know what your page is about. It serves the same concept as reading a newspaper headline. The H1 heading should match your page title to increase its relevancy.


  1. File naming conventions


When naming files DO NOT use spaces but hyphens instead as these are seen as spaces. For example, Also, keep your filename in the root directory or as high up the hierarchy as possible and in an ideal world, your domain name should also be keyword rich or at least contain your keyword in some way, shape or form.


  1. Clean Code


Try and avoid using any JavaScripts, heavily nested tables or session IDs.


If you want to specify fonts, colours, sizes and more then these can be incorporated inside CSS or external include files. This means that the Googlebot can crawl your content quickly past all the clutter and without any major problems. The more the code conforms to web standards, the better.


  1. Navigational Structure


Create a site structure which the crawlers can access quickly. Try to avoid using Flash or JavaScript and stay with simple HTML keyword anchor text for maximum effect.


  1. Image Optimisation


Place your keywords inside the ‘alt’ text and then place this code towards where the keyword is mentioned in your site content. So our code will look something like this; < img src =”blue-type-widget.jpg” alt=”Blue Type Widget” >. You may rank high in Google images or other search engines.


  1. Interlinking


Internal page linking can be a good way to tell Google about the theme of your pages. By using targeted relevant anchor text, you can help increase your rankings and also help to distribute any PageRank your site may have.


  1. Content


They say that ‘content is king’ and this has always been the case ever since the inception of the world wide web. Don’t forget to use bold and italics to emphasis points in your content but don’t overdo it.


Check out the full video training below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: SEO Lesson #4 – Benefits Of Offline SEO




Lately there has been a rush of video products teaching online marketers how you can help offline businesses. A lot of these videos are great by teaching you how to approach business owners and close the deal which is necessary!


Once you’ve closed the deal and given these offline businesses several services, then what? They are they are going be hungry for more services, especially if you’ve helped them before.


Are there any benefits to helping offline businesses?


Yes there sure are, let me point them out to you..


  1. You instantly deliver more value offline than you do online. Therefore even an asking price of $497 for a one-off fix (which may be expensive online) would seem like a great deal for them.
  2. You build a real-world working relationship with offline businesses.Because you deliver what you’ve promised, they will want more of your excellent services such as helping them maintain their position in the search engine, advising them with pay-per-click and even building an online store!
  3. A chance to build recurring income! As you may already know, keeping a website at the top of the search engines requires a constant build-up of backlinks over time. If the offline business you’re helping have benefitted from high rankings who do you think they’ll turn to in order to keep them at the top?


Watch the full video training below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: SEO Lesson #5 – 3 No-Nos When Building Backlinks




When it comes to building back-links there’s a right and a wrong way of doing them.


The search engines like Google rank the order of sites according to the amount of links it receives.


Normally a site would generate links naturally because it has good content and visitors would bookmark them on their social bookmarks as well as link to the source from their site.


These are all NATURAL linking methods which the search engines love.


However, there are those who build links the synthetic way just to stay at the top which do have their repercussions.


Here are 3 big no-no’s when it comes to building links, either for your own site or someone else’s!


  1. Mass Link Packages


There are people out there selling link packages that are not even worth a mention.


Most of the time they blast ads out to classified directories or other spam filled network. These links are the equivalent of buying spam email lists.


Don’t do it. Your links might end up on banned sites that can really hurt your Google image.


  1. Link Exchanges


Back in the day, exchanging links was the main SEO link building strategy.


You link to me, I link to you and we both win. Right? Wrong! Google caught on to this when hundreds of link farms opened up. Google can easily trace reciprocal links and they simply don’t count for much anymore. Getting links from big link exchange networks can actually hurt you.


  1. Linking From Non-Indexed Sites


Most people who spend hours building those free back links make the of building links on non-indexed sites. For your back links to count, the page on which you have your link has to be indexed. Having links on non-indexed pages means nothing. It’s a waste of time.


Watch the full videos below to see how to optimize websites the right way…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: How to Create Hot-Selling Software! Even If You’re NOT a Programmer!…
Subject 2: eBook sales not doing good?… Try this…
Subject 3: 7 Steps to Create Software for Monthly Recurring Income!…


It’s a fact that software has the highest perceived value, and it often sells like hot cakes.




TRUE STORY: A few years ago, I was a programmer working for a company. While working for this company, I created a software product, that soon became a six figure success.


However, the secret was this… while I created the ‘idea’ behind this software product, I actually hired a programmer from India to ‘produce’ it, for LESS than $4,000… which includes ALL future updates!


The problem is however most people don’t know how to create software and they don’t know where to start.


They are even afraid of going into this business, because they don’t know how to turn their ideas into a software, or maintain it.


However…you can finally get over this roadblock.


Software Cash Generator takes you by the hand and shows you how to take a simple idea, and turn it into a simple, yet ‘Hot Selling’ software product


With it you’ll be able to create a hot selling software product within 30 days or less… sometimes within 5-10 days for a windfall of profits.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: How to Create Hot-Selling Software! Even If You’re NOT a Programmer!…
Subject 2: REMINDER: Marketer Revealed Insider Secrets to Creating Best-Selling Software…
Subject 3: re: 7 Steps to Create Software for Monthly Recurring Income!…


Whether you realize it or not, certain product formats have a higher intrinsic value than others.


For example…


An eBook has more value than a report… An audio has more value than an eBook… A video has more value than an audio… A membership site has value than a video… and so on…


The same can be said for software. Think of software like Windows, Office, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Lightroom, Norton Antivirus and so on…


Why is it that software companies can charge $100s, if not $1000s for their programs?…


Why is it that software companies can charge monthly and annual fees to their customers?…


The answer is simple. Because the benefits of using it is worth way more than the price.


If you want to develop your own software and charge high ticket prices, monthly or annual subscriptions and boost your overall earnings then software is a great opportunity.


And contrary to what you may think, you don’t have to know a single thing about coding. In fact your entire idea can be outsourced.


Software Cash Generator takes you by the hand and shows you how to take a simple idea, and turn it into a simple, yet hot selling software product.


Module #1 – Introduction on Software Creation Module #2 – What You Need To Have Beforehand Module #3 – Determining What the Software Does Module #4 – Planning Your Software Module #5 – Creating Your Software Module #6 – Testing and Maintaining Your Software Module #7 – How to Recycle and Create Software Fast


With it you’ll be able to create a hot selling software product within 30 days or less… sometimes within 5-10 days for a windfall of profits.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! How to Create Hot-Selling Software! Even If You’re NOT a Programmer!…
Subject 2: CLOSING DOWN Marketer Revealed Insider Secrets to Creating Best-Selling Software…
Subject 3: 24 HOURS LEFT 7 Steps to Create Software for Monthly Recurring Income!…


Here’s something to think about…


Why is it that software companies can charge $100s, if not $1000s for their programs?…


Why is it that software companies can charge monthly and annual fees to their customers?…


The answer is simple. Because the benefits of using it is worth way more than the price.




If you want to develop your own software and charge high ticket prices, monthly or annual subscriptions and boost your overall earnings then software is a great opportunity.


And contrary to what you may think, you don’t have to know a single thing about coding. In fact your entire idea can be outsourced.


Software Cash Generator takes you by the hand and shows you how to take a simple idea, and turn it into a simple, yet hot selling software product.


With it you’ll be able to create a hot selling software product within 30 days or less… sometimes within 5-10 days for a windfall of profits.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Software Lesson #1 – An Intro Into PLR Software




Most people involved with Internet Marketing have heard of, or have even used PLR (Private Label Rights) information products – usually ebooks or articles. In fact PLR has grown in popularity over the past few years to the point where I think the worst has become pretty awful in quality, while the better quality PLR has gone on to be excellent, both in quality and value for money. What’s the big attraction? Products carrying Private Label Rights are yours to:


  • Modify as you see fit
  • Rewrite, redesign or reprogram
  • Claim ownership…put your name on them as author
  • Split up into other products…make several out of one product
  • Change the title
  • Add graphics or delete them


As you can see from the list, you can pretty much do what you want to do with any product carrying Private Label Rights when you get it.


There’s probably thousands of marketers selling or giving away PLR article packs, with quite a few recycling the same articles. The marketing buzz about using PLR articles to monetize your blog or attract traffic can be found almost anywhere on the Web.


But there’s a new kid on the block.


A lesser known PLR product however, PLR Software, has been quietly carving a niche in the background and making a difference in both the product lines and income possibilities for those who can see the real benefits of selling it. It’s no longer the case that to make serious profits selling software you have to have vast amounts of money to invest or to be able to compete with the big players.


Now almost anyone can grab PLR software, resell it or adapt it and make very good profits from doing so.


Part of the reason that PLR software is so valuable is that there isn’t a great deal of it about, which as you’ll see, is both a good and a bad point on terms of earning potential.


The search for PLR software is much like a treasure hunt for Blackbeard’s buried chest of gold coins. The constant blast of “Look At Me” media offerings for the article side of PLR has overshadowed the benefits of selling software with the same rights.


Many opportunities for PLR software downloads exist, but finding them is the difficult part…Welcome to “The Treasure Hunt!”


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #2 – What Is PLR Software?




PLR software is simply software that comes with Private Label Rights which allow you to claim ownership by putting your name on it as author or to change or adapt it to add new benefits or applications. You can also merge it with other PLR software products, rename it and change the graphics or screenshots to make it unique among a virtual sea of marketers who do not do the same. With a little searching, you can find some real treasures for useful software that you can turn into valuable golden applications either for your own use or to sell on your websites.


Here are some examples:


  • A program that will help you generate website sales copy that will increase your conversion rate
  • One that allows you to quickly create sales letters focused at individual niches, including a secret formula that all copywriters supposedly use
  • Another will lead you through the keyword and SEO maze and make your web pages the darlings of the search engine spiders
  • Find the right pot of gold and you can create branded websites for your core of affiliates, making them happier and increasing the sales potential for your products
  • Worried about cyber thieves stealing your HTML code and the design of your website? A software application exists that will let you protect your website with a password on the source code and will make that same code unreadable and prevent downloading it


That’s just a short list. There is other PLR software available that will teach you how to avoid spam and unclog your email, the ins and outs of screen capture, including tips for retouching your images and making slide shows from them, how to create and publish viral articles to expand your customer list for a long time and how to build or improve your websites.


The PLR software exists for almost any project/niche/area you are interested in. The problem is finding it…our Treasure Hunt without a map!


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #3 – Why Do You Need PLR Software?




I can hear you now. “I write my own stuff and do my own programming!” “Why would I want to use PLR anything? Take a deep breath and let me explain.


Any busy webmaster or marketer who is creating and selling their own products on their own website usually has a “To Do list” that would break the back of a totally dedicated Type A personality.


There is only so much time in a day to accomplish all the tasks that need to be done just to keep people interested in your offerings and visiting your website. You might be thinking that using an autoresponder can free you up so you can do the important things, like checking your bank account. Sounds good, but not that easy to accomplish.


Let’s quickly look at why the best (i.e. richest) marketers see themselves as one thing only marketers.


Forget your ego – you might be able to write better than any ghostwriter you could hire or program better than any outsourcer but if you try to do the whole product creation thing yourself you’re not going to make much money.




Because when you outsource work to writers or programming you’re NOT paying for that work, despite what you may think. You’re actually paying for TIME. Time to do what you’re best at ideas.


You can’t outsource ideas. If you have the creativity to think of a project that you believe can make you a decent profit, then seriously think about getting someone else to do the actual work for you.


If you’ve had one idea you can have a hundred. Count yourself lucky too, because most people struggle to come up with even one decent product idea. Actually creating the product is the easy bit.


Look at product creation as just another part of the money making process. And PLR software (or ebooks or article for that matter) make the product creation process easier.


PLR gives you a starting point. I find it easier to write starting from a lump of material, even if I change it utterly beyond recognition than I do staring at a blank word processing screen.


And with software PLR I don’t have a choice anyway because I’m not a programmer and haven’t the foggiest idea about how to change or adapt it.


But I have the ideas and can tell someone else what I want my new software to do.


The rights that come with each product give you great freedom to do your own revisions and recreate a product that is totally yours and considered new content by the search engine spiders.


Or to pass on to your writers, programmer or outsourcers and say make this unique.


Hordes of people are searching the Web, looking for solutions to their problems or a way around the virtual roadblocks they encounter when they are trying to design their own websites or make some process easier or faster. That’s your market and your business would be to fill those needs as quickly and inexpensively as you can.


Less time spent + less money spent = greater profits for you!


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #4 – Giving Your Software Functionality And More Value!




The real value in using PLR software is that it gives you a fully functional starting point to launch your revision or reconstruction to make it your product and not a clone of several hundred others.


Changing PLR software is an alien concept to anyone who’s not a programmer. It was to me. In fact it scared me rigid.


In actual facts there are smaller tweaks that you can make to any software to get it working better, be more user friendly, or just plain old BETTER LOOKING, that are cheap and easy to do for most programmers. When you find your techy (covered later), you can discuss this with him.


If the software works as promised (make sure you test it a lot doesn’t) you can spend valuable time changing it cosmetically and creating a different look and feel that says, “This is mine!” A different color scheme or one that follows what you’ve used on your other products, a new cover and some interesting and pertinent graphic touches all create a product that your customers will recognize as coming from you…visual branding goes a long way when you are trying to establish customer loyalty.


Give it a different name too.


Don’t be worried about reselling software in areas where there is a lot of competition. How many books on copywriting or AdSense are there? A lot yet I’ve still made a nice amount of money by competing in this market.


If people are selling software in a particular subject area it usually means there is a market for it. Don’t get obsessed with finding empty niches. Too many marketers do this.


You can also separate single functions out of the original code and make each one an individual and specific application or process that can be sold on your site as a stand-alone piece of software. This can create several steady income streams where none existed before.


I know of a great piece of software that had four main functions, all of which it does extremely well. However I reckon that most people who buy this software need 2 of those functions at most.


Perhaps a better idea would be to create four different pieces of software that do one of the functions each. You could charge the same amount of money for each as you did for the original software and make a lot more profit.


Of course you could go the other way too find a number of tasks that usually go together for a group of people webmasters, writers, designers etc and grab the PLR to each of these smaller tasks. Combine them into a larger more powerful piece of software that does the whole thing, and sell it for a larger price.


It’s the idea that’s the important bit, as I’m sure you’re starting to see. Don’t be afraid of trying things out.


Your possible subjects for this merging of applications are endless. Think about the processes you have to endure on a daily basis when you are expanding or promoting your business. How many of those are actually record-keeping, checking out keywords, researching for new material, testing for conversion improvements or some other tedious and monotonous procedures?


If you wish you had simpler, faster ways to accomplish some of your daily tasks, you can be sure that several hundred, or several thousand people share your attitude and would be eager to buy software that would free them up to improve the rest of their projects.


When you have a list of PLR software saved on your hard drive, organize them according to their focus and see if you can combine some and make a hot new product that appeals to those bogged down with the tedious side of being a webmaster, just like you are.


This is where your lack of technical knowledge could be a major advantage. I’m a great fan of going to techies and saying make me a button that does this. I learned this phrase from a man who was a serious non-techy but had the ideas to make a lot of money.


All you need to know is what application would make your life, work or any other process easier for you. Once you know that, go pay a techy to make it for you.


One last suggestion for your use of PLR software concerns all those PHP scripts that can be found almost anywhere online. Though they are called “scripts,” they are essentially software written in another language than HTML…PHP.


PHP scripts are written in a computer scripting language that was originally designed to produce the dynamic web pages you see everywhere you land lately. This is a popular and widely-used scripting language that can be embedded in HTML code to enhance old-style web pages and bring them “up to speed” with the Web 2.0 look.


But, regardless of what they call them, they are essentially pieces of software that easily perform useful functions to make your website more attractive, more useful or more interactive.


A focused search will uncover hundreds of free PHP scripts to make your life, and that of your customers, easier. Some of those frequent giveaway sites will have related collections of PHP scripts free for your download and use, after giving them your email address, of course.


You will have to search for the PLR Software, though, since it is usually overshadowed by the outrageous popularity of PLR articles. This is the “Treasure Hunt” previously mentioned occasionally. Good PLR Software products exist for your use, if you can find them in the PLR article blizzard.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #5 – Do You Know What Software To Sell?




Knowing what software to sell and how to make that decision might be a good topic to discuss here before we get to how to find PLR software specifically. If you don’t know what your customers are looking for, you will not make good decisions about what to sell to them.


But if you know what you’d like to see you’re halfway there.


There’s several good ways to find out what problems your customers are having that need good solutions.


The simplest way is to just ask them. If you send emails, you can send one that isn’t trying to sell anything, but asks a simple question about what your readers would like to have for software or what online business or website task they would like to make easier. You will get answers.


Most serious marketers belong to at least one, if not several, forums and get some good ideas from the postings members leave asking for help or solutions to marketing, list building, driving traffic or design problems. If you don’t belong to a forum yet, join one that interests you and pay attention. If someone asks a question, you can bet there are several hundred more with the same question. Supply the answer with some PLR software and you have sales.


Blogs and newsletters are other great sources for ideas for products you can create from PLR software and PHP scripts. Subscribers and readers often ask for advice and solutions. Subscribe to some of each and make a list of what people are asking for help with or advice about. Keep that list current and look for answers in your stash of PLR software.


You might ask the publisher of the newsletter if you could run a survey of his subscribers. If he agrees, ask your questions in a survey format about what they need or want. There’s software available for creating surveys on newsletters, blogs and forums.


Remember that you can split your software packages up into single focused applications or combine several for the “Big Bang” answer to major problems or those with several related problems rolled into one.


Searching for the number of people looking for keywords that match your PLR software topics is a powerful way to decide what software is needed by your customers and those you want to become your customers.


There are quite a few free, online keyword search tools you can access 24/7 to help you determine how many people were looking for your information last month.


Google “free keyword search tools” (with and without quotes) and you will have enough choices to keep you busy for a while. Once you decide on some keyword tools to use, put in your keywords and write down your results or print the page, if you can. Quite a few of these online keyword search tools will also include suggestions for additional keywords and long tail keywords (keywords with 4-8 words, instead the usual 1 or 2).


If you do not find a high level of interest in your keywords or phrases, you probably should pick another set to search or another problem to solve.


Here’s an example from Wordtracker that illustrates that last statement. I entered the same two keyword phrases in at least 10 separate keyword search tools I found online and had similar results from all of them.


My keywords were “free PLR software” and “PLR software.” I used both of them with and without quotes.


931 Total Searches 614 article generator software endless free PLR 158 article generating software endless free PLR 149 free software making articles unique endless free PLR 6 PLR software 4 exclusive PLR software


The first three results are perfect examples of long tail keywords.


What you need to notice from this example is that my search terms were worthless and a poor choice. “Free PLR software” didn’t even get one hit and the other one, “PLR software,” had 6 people looking for it out of 931 searches. Not a good start.


Also notice that the long tail keywords had 921 people entering those phrases in the major search engines. If you read those long tail keywords, you will see that there is real interest in PLR software that will generate articles. There’s an example of your market article generating software.


Those 931 potential customers also want that software to be PLR, free and not have an expiration date or be limited to a certain number of uses (see the word “endless”). Reading those same three phrases also tells you that those people are looking for software that will take PLR articles and rewrite them, making them unique for acceptance to article directories. You can also presume that they’re interested in viral marketing, which uses unique article submissions to drive traffic to websites.


Besides article rewriting software, you uncovered another topic of interest, viral marketing. See how you get all that from a few results from a keyword search engine? Pay attention to everything you read.


Finally, take a good look at the top three phrases. They represent the way those searching for your information typed in the phrase they were looking for, actually a collection of words relating to what they wanted to find. Learn from it. Your keyword searches have to recognize how people are typing in the query or you will never get the results you are looking for.


Using the same two search terms used above, here’s the terms returned by another keyword search tool:


  • PLR software for cheap
  • PLR software
  • PLR articles rewrite software
  • Free PLR software
  • Internet marketing software PLR
  • PLR roulette software
  • Software PLR


At least my original two search terms made the list this time! By now you should have a pretty good idea about how to find what software people want and are looking to buy. The hard and cruel fact of Internet Marketing is that the only software that is going to sell is the software people want.


You could create the most beautiful piece of software ever written on any of several thousand subjects or niches. If no one wants it, no one will buy it. Simply put, your business is to create software you know people want… nothing else.


Remember to keep your eyes open and be aware of what’s right in front of your face. You’ll find treasures you can use to jump start your business I want to just add a quick note here about why NOT being technically minded is a good thing. Programmers aren’t marketers.


They’re from another planet altogether. They appreciate beautiful coding or seamless integration when it comes to software. They are genius artists and deserve to be revered as such.


However they are not marketers and are rarely rich.


Your clunky, clumsy idea the simple little piece of software that makes your marketing life easier may not be elegant or technically brilliant But if it costs you $300 to pay a techy to get it made (or get the PLR adapted), and then brings you $25,000 a month and a licensing deal with Apple, who cares?


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #6 – A Realistic Look Into Outsourcing




There’s so many variables to evaluate when you are considering outsourcing your PLR software and coding changes that the answer to that question is “Yes and No.” To begin with, let’s check out the two major types of outsourcing available so you will recognize what is being “said” to you when you read some of the providers’ information.


There are three main problems with outsourcing or offshoring that have to be considered by software publishers and Internet Marketers when they look for ways to streamline their business by having their PLR software modified or rewritten by someone else.


Some problems that are basically geographical in nature, include language, accent, political instability, cultural issues and unexpected changes in laws and regulations that affect the outsource service.


Another is a shakily developed support infrastructure that could mean disaster to your business, particularly if you are outsourcing your site’s hosting. These problems include unreliable email and other contact difficulties, inadequate disaster recovery, inability to generate the power you need for the bandwidth, or data transfer rate, your website requires.


The third and maybe the main outsourcing problem concerns your projects. When you have PLR software you want revamped or redesigned to suit the needs of your customers, your outsourcer in another country might not have the knowledge or experience you need or the language proficiency to specifically understand what you want done and how.


However, all is not as bleak as the description above makes outsourcing or offshoring your PLR software projects sound.


Here’s some advantages:


  • You can decrease your operating costs…your time is a cost of doing business
  • You can access cheaper and more efficient labor
  • You can often access better technologies at a cheaper cost
  • Your personal productivity will increase
  • You can concentrate on the money-making side of being a software publisher
  • You can stay even or surpass your competition




  • You can have your project stalled if your outsourcing company has financial troubles, like bankruptcy, labor problems, etc.
  • The actual control of the processes required for your project will no longer be in your hands, but passed to the outsourcing service
  • The outsourcing service may have contract obligations with many other companies that push your project to the end of a long list


At the time of this writing, the following countries are all promoting their outsourcing services to the rest of the world:


  • China
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • The Philippines
  • The Ukraine


There are, however, some very successful and professional outsourcing services that many marketers use for their PLR software needs. While they may be based in the US or in Europe, a large percentage of their programmers are living in other countries. Let’s move on to that aspect of outsourcing.


Well we’ll move on in a minute..


I’ve offered an intelligent argument as to the pros and cons of outsourcing.


I’d now like to draw your attention to two things:


  1. Unless you can write code yourself you DON’T HAVE A CHOICE.
  2. Just bloody DO IT.


I waited and wondered for a lot of years about outsourcing, not only in terms of PLR and software, but in my marketing business in general.


I can honestly say that major problems have been few and far between and I wished I’d done it years before I actually did.


The biggest single thing that held me back for so long was fear of the unknown Ė would programmers laugh at me if I couldn’t tell them what I wanted in techy language?


Would outsourcing to other countries mean language problems, security problems or other such things?


All the above are unrealistic fears. You will find that outsourcers treat you with the utmost respect, because:


a. They’re used to dealing with people like you and me, and they will highly respect you because you are the ideas person.

b. You’re the one who’s paying them.


If you take nothing else away from this book, please take this try outsourcing. It’ll change your business forever.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Software Lesson #7 – The REAL Art Of Profiting From PLR Software




Software has a higher perceived value than ebooks or most other information products.


If you want to make your software product look even MORE valuable (i.e. so you can charge more for it), forget digital downloads. Write it onto CD and deliver it in a professionally printed box.


Think about the last time you bought real, physical software. It probably came in a big box that rattled.


And it rattled because inside was a warranty form, an operating manual (possibly not much thicker) and a scrawny little CD. The big shiny box was there because if you saw what was inside you probably wouldn’t give it the time of day.


Going down the physical selling route is now a possibility thanks to services such as It’s certainly worth considering.


Whichever way you decide to sell, the whole point of PLR software is to change it from PLR software into YOUR PRODUCT.


So you need to think about renaming (easy), rebranding (just pick a nice color and a logo), and changing those parts of the application that either don’t work, or could work better.


And all you’ve got to do in that case is to use it and see how you like it. Ask other people for their opinion too if you trust them. Get an idea in your head (and written down) of what you want the software to do. Once that’s done contact a coder.


Get them to sign a secrecy agreement.


Chat to them (I use email or Skype for this) to see if what you want done is possible. If it is, get a quote for cost.


If it’s not, either go looking for some more PLR or find another coder.


At this point do not get stubborn or emotionally attached to your idea. If it’s going to cost too much money or it’s going to become a major headache, DUMP IT. The less work your PLR needs, the more money you’ll make. Again, 95% of people will never, ever get to the stage of speaking to a coder let alone following the idea through to completion. And when it is complete and you own your own product Ė and a software product at that – you should start to see serious benefits.


I’d also like to mention that it is possible to skip the WHOLE PLR thing altogether and go straight to a coder with your idea for some new software. This is likely (although not always) going to cost more money that having someone work on PLR.


That’s it from me {!firstname_fix}! If you want to start developing your own software and get paid handsomely for it, then please check out my entire video series. You’ll be able to watch over my shoulder and see exactly what I do!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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