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Product Creation Emails – Audio Product Creation

Subject 1: How to Extract More Profit from Your Existing Products in YEAR!
Subject 2: 10 Simple Steps to Boost Profits with Audio MP3s…
Subject 3: How to Turn Your Content into Audios to Boost Profits…


Niche marketing is truly an amazing way to make money online.


With the rapid change of the internet, the number of internet users increasing every day, there is more opportunity to make money than ever before…




But you need to stay away from the biz opp and internet marketing markets if you want to make any real, sustainable income because you’ll literally have a competitor in 24 hours.


The fact of the matter is there are copy cats out there that are waiting for you to start a new “making money” related website so they can pounce on your idea…


But how would you remedy a situation like this? How can you protect yourself?


It’s actually quite simple, you need to create rich multimedia based courses and products in little known markets that these people will never see or hear about.


That’s how you make your income under the radar and collect a hefty pay check every month.


But how do you create rich, multi media based courses that not only sound professional but impress your customers?


Audio Niche Riches will guide you through the process of creating and designing your audio product.


It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in. If it’s information related, you can build another stream of income for yourself without having to start a new product from scratch!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: How to Extract More Profit from Your Existing Products in YEAR!
Subject 2: RE: 10 Simple Steps to Boost Profits with Audio MP3s…
Subject 3: REMINDER: How to Turn Your Content into Audios to Boost Profits…


There are literally hundreds of thousands of e-Books all over the internet now.


The internet is literally flooded with garbage e-Books so it’s hard to even prove your e-Book has any value, let alone make it stand out as an incredible product!


You need to create something unique and that’s where Audio Niche Riches makes your job easy as pie…




Isn’t creating an audio set a complicated and expensive process that requires not only loads of money but hours of complicated work?


Ohh no, it’s the complete opposite…


Did you did know you can made beautiful audio products out of any of those eBooks cluttering up your hard drive using simple, cheap, and powerful software?


Have you ever wanted to create an audio product but just don’t think you can pull it off? You absolutely can! You’ll be popping out product after product quickly, easily and in record time.


Imagine having your own line of interactive audio products that you sell to select niche markets know one even knows about that rake in gobs of sales every day…


You’ll be way ahead of the crowd of people selling e-Books, newsletters, and monthly membership sites…you’ll be interacting with your customer on a personal level! Through their ears.


Let’s face it, the internet is going interactive. Internet users want to go to a site and watch video and rich audio content because it’s so much more fun than boring old e-Books and text websites.


Think about it, which would you rather do….read a boring e-Book or listen to a content rich audio course? That answer is simple!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! How to Extract More Profit from Your Existing Products in YEAR!
Subject 2: LAST CALL: 10 Simple Steps to Boost Profits with Audio MP3s…
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN How to Turn Your Content into Audios to Boost Profits…


Writing is a laboring task. It takes days or weeks to plan and even longer to actually write…


It’s a grueling process that most people just don’t have time for. That’s where audio and private label rights make an all star team.




Here’s how the system works…


You load a private label or source code product into the software we are about to train you on and bam…


Out pops a deluxe audio version of the product that you can sell for several times more than the e-Book… talk about easy product creation!


There are many more ways to make money selling rich audio than just in website based audio form! There is a special section in the course that exposes all of them so you know exactly how to rip the maximum amount of cash from your audio products.


You won’t be left holding an audio product wondering what to do with it…


Now you can using the secret strategies in Audio Niche Riches to generate tons of traffic and more sales that doesn’t cost you a thin dime in no time.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #1 – Making More With Less!




Niche marketing is truly an amazing way to make money online. With the rapid change of the Internet, the number of internet users increasing every day, there is more opportunity to make money than ever before.


But you need to stay away from the biz opp and internet marketing markets if you want to make any real, sustainable income because you’ll literally have a competitor in 24 hours. There are copy cats out there that are waiting for you to start a new “making money” related website so they can pounce on your idea.


But how would you remedy a situation like this? How can you protect yourself?


It’s actually quite simple, you need to create rich multimedia based courses and products in little known markets that these people will never see or hear about. That’s how you make your income under the radar and collect a hefty pay check every month.


But how do you create rich, multi media based courses that not only sound professional but impress your customers?


That’s what Audio Niche Riches was created for. Each video in this new series will guide you through the process of creating and designing your audio product.


It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in. If it’s information related, you can build another stream of income for yourself without having to start a new product from scratch!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #2 – Is Audio Creation Expensive?




Creating an audio product can seem like an expensive task. Until today, the only way to create a multimedia course has been to buy expensive recording software, teleprompter software, and hire professional programmers to create a user friendly way to present the whole thing…


But with this new system you’ll be able to turn out amazingly content rich audio courses that turn the heads of your visitors, customers, and prospects in record time.


Have you ever wanted to create an audio product but just don’t think you can pull it off? You absolutely can! You’ll be popping out product after product quickly, easily and in record time.


Imagine having your own line of interactive audio products that you sell to select niche markets know one even knows about that rake in gobs of sales every day…


You’ll be way ahead of the crowd of people selling e-Books, newsletters, and monthly membership sites…you’ll be interacting with your customer on a personal level! Through their ears!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #3 – eBooks, eBooks, everywhere!




You’ve got them and I’ve got them. In fact I bought a few of them not so long ago. What were they?.. eBooks!


But here’s the problem with them..


There are literally hundreds of thousands of e-Books all over the internet now. The internet is literally flooded with garbage e-Books so it’s hard to even prove your e-Book has any value, let alone make it stand out as an incredible product! You need to create something unique and that’s where Audio Niche Riches makes your job easy as pie.


Now you may think that creating an audio set is a complicated and expensive process that requires not only loads of money but hours of complicated work but it’s the complete opposite with this system!


Audio Niche Riches will show you how to make beautiful audio products out of any of those eBooks cluttering up your hard drive using simple, cheap, and powerful software…


And once you’ve done one successfully, you’ll want to do another and another and another. There really is no limit.. you can literally double your sources of income with a couple of hours work and you’ll be thinking to yourself.. “why didn’t I do this before?”.


Trust me, it can get addictive!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #4 – Coming Up With Content




Let’s face it, unless you really enjoy sitting at the computer, loading up Word, and coming up with new creative content every day you’d think writing is a laboring task.


Well.. guess what it is!


It takes days or weeks to plan and even longer to actually write. It’s a grueling process that most people just don’t have time for. But there is a way around this and that’s what our system can teach you!


You’ll be able to load a Private Label or Source Code product into the software we are about to train you on and BAM, out pops a deluxe audio version of the product that you can sell for 30 times more than the e-Book.. about easy product creation!


And that’s not all!..


There are many more ways to make money selling rich audio than just in website based audio form! There is a special section in the Audio Niche Riches course that exposes all of them so you know exactly how to rip the maximum amount of cash from your audio products.


You won’t be left holding an audio product wondering what to do with it!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #5 – Make Your Audio Product Successful In 4 Steps!




Do you want to make sure that your audio products sell like crazy?


Here are 4 simple steps that will help you to create your own audio product in a flash…


Here are step by step details to get you started instantly…


Step 1 – Research Your Niche Thoroughly.


It is important that you research your niche thoroughly before you go about creating your audio product. If you fail to research you are surely planning to fail.


The secret to success is to research what your niche wants and then provide them rather creating a product and then finding out no one wants it.


Visit forums in your niche. You will get lots of tips and ideas out there to create your products.


Also survey your subscriber list and they will give you lots of tips to create your own audio product.


Discover how solving problems will get your audio products sales skyrocket…


Step 2 – Try Solving Problems.


Visiting forums and doing a survey will give you lots of details as to what problems your niche is facing.


If you analyze them closely deep within those information will be hidden your product ideas.


Make sure you take those hidden secrets to create your product.


Once your product is created you can simply place your product in front of those audience and your product will sell like hot cakes.


Here’s a tip that will improve the quality of your audio product extensively…


Step 3 – Provide Step by Step Info.


If you want to make a top notch audio product it is important that you provide your subscribers step by step info.


Visitors love things when given them step by step rather than jumbling things up and then they have to decide where to get started.


So make sure you guide them from the first step to the last one.


Here are some tips to market your audio products and sell them like wildfire…


Step 4 – Market Your Audio Products Well.


There are lots of ways to market your audio products.


This includes…

  1. Article Marketing – Write and submit your articles in article directories to drive instant traffic.
  2. Create a Content Site – Drive search engine traffic through content on your site.
  3. Setup a Blog – Keep posting valuable content and drive visitors to your audio product.


Apply the above 4 steps and I can assure you that your audio product sales will shoot right off the charts.


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Audio Riches Lesson #6 – PDF To MP3 Conversion




If you’re anything like me, you want to get more done in less time whilst earning more. 🙂


It’s not easy to do this all the time, but it is possible when it comes to delivering content in various formats!


For example..


Let’s say I created a ‘how to’ video or bought private label rights to it.

Right off the bat, I could just sell the product as a stand-alone video product.

It would appeal to a lot of visual learners but what about those who prefer to read?


Well, I could get the video transcribed by either doing it myself or hiring someone else to do it for me.


What about those that are so busy in their daily lives that they can only listen to your product when they go jogging, driving to work, or are at the gym?


Well then you’d have to create an audio version of your product. If your product originated from a video, an MP3 version would be a straight forward process.


So what about eBook to audio?.. Can it be done swiftly?.. You bet!


In fact it’s so straight forward that you may want to consider turning all your current eBook products into MP3 audio to add an additional source of income for yourself!


Not only will you make more, you’ll adhere to a certain group of buyers, increase your overall conversions and build a stronger business!


Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!..




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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