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Organizing Pinterest Boards

Organizing Your Pinterest Boards For the Best Results

Why Organize?

To Help Others Find You

Maintaining an organized Pinterest profile is not only professional, but also can help stimulate the growth of an account. Clutter creates dissatisfaction, confusion, and anxiety, especially when there are countless varying topics pinned to one board. Creating a user-friendly profile will allow for others to seamlessly browse your account, which in turn, can catalyze the growth of your following and the likelihood of more people sharing your content.

To Help Yourself

Rather than rummaging through one cluttered board with a vast range of topics, maintaining several organized boards will allow you to find what you’re looking for more easily, whether that’s while browsing your boards, or pinning something new.

Checklist for Staying Organized on Pinterest

  • Write down a list
    • Get a pen and pad and make a list of broad topics currently featured on your page.
      • Example: Photography, Art, Music, Quotes
  • Break it down
    • Under each topic, create specific subcategories based on your pages content.
      • Example: Under “Photography,” write Outdoors, City, Animals, etc. Under “Quotes,” write Motivational, Leadership, Biblical, Inspirational, etc.
  • Name Your Boards
    • Log onto Pinterest, and create new boards using the categories and niches you came up with. When you go pin something new, you will have the ability to scroll through your boards, which will be alphabetized. Pinning “Category – Niche” will help you find your boards easier and will help others more easily navigate your profile.
      • Example: “Photography – Outdoors”, “Quotes – Biblical”
  • Change Board Covers
    • Now that your boards are organized, go to each board, and click “Change Cover” to make your boards more visually appealing to your audience. Have the covers representative of the content contained and find images that stand out to catch your viewers’ attention.
  • Prioritize Your Top Row
    • Assume when your account is found, a viewer will judge whether to follow you by the content in your top row. By gearing your top row towards your ideal target audience, you will make a great first impression and will show viewers your account is worth the follow.
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