Let me ask you a question…
Would you rather grab 100% earnings of your own work, or grab 1% earnings of the work of 100 workers?…
I hope you chose the latter because that mindset is the difference between someone who stuggles all their life to make money and someone who has an abundance of cash, time and energy!
Maybe the thought of ’employing’ someone may scare you, maybe you don’t want to get scammed by someone, or maybe you don’t know what on earth you should be outsourcing?…
Well worry not because you can now get your hands on a powerful course that reveals the best kept secrets to outsourcing and delegating your business and traffic.
Inside you’ll discover…
- How to get more done than working solo
- Find out what’s worth outsourcing and what’s not.
- Why you absolutely must outsource if you want to excel and expand.
- Who you should avoid and the clues they leave behind!
- Why you shouldn’t always be attracted to the lowest bidder..
- and much more!..
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
Most people who enter business online are usually on a tight budget.
While the benefits of starting an online business is almost unlimited and its profit potential can be enormous the problem is that most people are often doing this business solo.
Here’s the thing… driving traffic to your website is a necessary daily operation. It’s something you have to do every day if you want to grow your business.
And if you know anything about smart business delegation, then surely you know that anything that can be done every day is now worth outsourcing to someone else to do it, right?…
Maybe you’ve not thought of it before or maybe you have… but your tight budget doesn’t allow room for outsourcing.
Perhaps you think outsourcing is risky and yes it can be… if you don’t know anything about it.
Let me ask you a question…
Are you still tinkering around with some HTML code trying to get your website or blog to look the way you want?
Are you still spending most of the day manually submitting content to websites in the hope of picking a bit of traffic?
Are you still experimenting with graphic software figuring out how to design your product covers, only to realize that it still doesn’t look right?
If so then it’s possible that you could be spending most of your days wasting precious time…
Time that could actually be used to BUILD and GROW your business. Time that could actually be used to make SALES.
You may have to stand back from what you’re doing, re-think your strategy and shift gears because if you’re still hacking away and getting nowhere, your destination to online fortune will still be a long long way.
Check out this course below to see how it can help accelerate your success…
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
Time is running out! The opportunity to learn from pro marketers and discover the 12-step outsourcing plan for massive profit ends soon! Don’t miss out on this last call to expand and grow your online business in just one year. Here’s how to build a 7-figure empire without doing everything yourself!
There are two ways to go about building your online business: go solo or team up. If you choose to go solo, you’ll end up using more of your own energy and time the more you try to save and do things yourself. On the other hand, if you invest or outsource, you’ll need less of your own time and energy, allowing you to be more productive.
Teaming up with others can help you get more done and have more energy, while spending less time managing and checking on others’ work. This puts you in a better position to focus on the important tasks that lead directly to sales. By going solo, you’ll end up exhausted and frustrated by the time you try to sell your product.
So, what is your time really worth? If you make $10 an hour and a job can be outsourced for $5 an hour, it’s worth your time. However, if the outsourced work requires specialized skills and is worth $20 an hour, it’s worth considering whether attempting it yourself is worth the time and effort. It’s smart to outsource and recognize your own weaknesses while utilizing the talents and skills of others to work smart and efficiently.
This is exactly what our course is all about – teaching you how to outsource effectively and efficiently to build a successful online business. Don’t miss this chance to learn the 12-step outsourcing plan from pro marketers!
Act now before it’s too late! This will be the last email regarding this offer, and if the site says ‘closed,’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. All your purchases are kept within a secure members’ area for your convenience, so you can access them anytime, anywhere, and from any device.
To Your Success!
Your Name Your Online Teacher
P.S. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the 12-step outsourcing plan for massive profit! Act now before it’s too late!
Welcome to the first lesson in the Understanding Outsourcing.
Over the next few days you will receive several lessons that will help you learn the ins and outs of outsourcing and how it can help your business productivity.
In this first lesson let’s talk a little about what outsourcing is, how it works and what it can do for your business. We will examine some of the key elements of outsourcing to help you develop a better understanding of the concept of outsourcing.
Outsourcing is a term that has received a great deal of attention lately. Despite the increasing trend in businesses relying on outsourcing there are still some who don’t clearly understand what the term actually means.
What is outsourcing?
This is the most common question that many people have about the subject of outsourcing. Before you can dive into the more complex aspects of this business strategy it is important to have a basic understanding of the process.
In the simplest form outsourcing is when a company delegates the completion of certain tasks to an individual not employed directly by the company. This individual may be an independent contractor or an employee of another company who is subcontracted to complete these tasks. In exchange for the individual’s services, he or his company receives monetary compensation.
This description of outsourcing makes it far easier to understand the concept. Most people incorrectly assume outsourcing only applies to situations where large corporations have products manufactured overseas by a subsidiary and don’t realize examples of outsourcing can be seen just about everywhere in corporate America.
Domestic outsourcing refers to outsourcing where both the primary company and the independent contractor or subsidiary are located in the same country. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to reduce costs but it is not always necessary to outsource work overseas to reduce costs. Cost savings will be discussed in greater detail in the section on the benefits of outsourcing but essentially outsourcing results in a savings as a result of a reduction of labor costs.
Overseas outsourcing is the type of outsourcing most people already understand. This is where large corporations such as Nike, and even some smaller companies, employ manufacturing plants overseas in third world countries to upsize their profits. This is significant because their costs including wages, materials and building lease would be considerably higher in the United States than they are in these other countries.
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the concept of outsourcing let’s go over some of the main benefits of outsourcing.
You may still be wondering why companies would go to the trouble of outsourcing certain tasks. Outsourcing is popular because there are a great deal of benefits to the companies who outsource the work. Some of the benefits include:
- Reduced labor costs – Reduced workload – Increased workforce – Greater flexibility
One of the main reasons companies resort to outsourcing is it can significantly reduce costs. In the case of overseas outsourcing of manufacturing tasks, costs can be cut dramatically because there are lower wages and costs associated with managing and maintaining the manufacturing plants.
However, companies also enjoy a cost savings when they outsource tasks domestically. Reduction of labor costs is the primary source of savings in this case. Independent contractors hired on a contract basis for the purpose of completing specific tasks are often not given benefits such as social security, Medicare and workers compensation.
Another benefit of outsourcing is enjoying a larger workforce and a reduced workload, without actually hiring additional employees. Businesses who maintain networking relationships with qualified individuals have more opportunities open to them because they are able to rely on these individuals to assist them if they acquire large or complicated projects.
Finally, outsourcing gives a company a great deal of flexibility. Companies who have a significant workload and backlog of work where the majority of the employees are highly utilized might be hesitant to compete for new work because they do not have a great deal of employee availability. However, with a network of individuals to rely on if the need to outsource arises, the company has more flexibility in pursuing new work.
We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to develop a firm understanding of how outsourcing works and how you can use it for your own business, but before we close this lesson I want to leave you with a list of the top reasons why you should consider outsourcing your business:
- You can take up more work from a better range of clients because you have an army of people working with you.
- You can get diversity in your team. When you find different outsourcing professionals, you find that these people are of different qualifications and skill-sets, which means you can even take up work which you were initially avoiding because of your own limitations.
- You can’t handle all the tasks related with a business alone. There will be several things you are not very conversant with and things that you don’t like doing. If that is the case, you might find outsourcing to be a great option to accomplish these tasks adequately.
- Outsourcing definitely helps you meet deadlines on time.
- For some people, outsourcing is also a means of reducing costs. If a particular service is expensive in your part of the world, you could find a professional from another part of the world where that particular service is cheaper.
Make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking more about the advantages of using outsourcing.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
It’s time for your second lesson in the Understanding Outsourcing crash course. I hope you found lesson one informative. In this lesson we will be talking more about the advantages of using outsourcing
As I mentioned in the last lesson, outsourcing has become a very popular alternative for a number of very valid reasons. Outsourcing initially emerged as a way for companies to cut costs by having processes like manufacturing and assembly done in overseas locations where costs were much lower.
Lower wages and operating costs both contributed to these reduced costs. These lower costs were appealing because they greatly improved the profit margins for the companies. However, outsourcing is now gaining in popularity for a variety of other reasons. While cost reduction is still a primary advantage, other elements such as access to industry experts, a larger workforce and more flexible options are being embraced as welcomed advantages offered by outsourcing.
As we discussed reducing costs was the original purpose of outsourcing and although outsourcing has since been demonstrated to have other significant advantages, cost reduction still remains one of the prime advantages. Companies look to outsource tasks which would be more costly to complete in-house.
An example of this type of task would be a software related task requiring specialized training. Companies who do not have an on staff employee qualified to complete this task can benefit financially by outsourcing this task.
There may be significant fees required to retain the services of an industry expert on a contractual basis but the efficiency of this individual will enable him to complete the task much more quickly than it could have been done in-house. If the task were not outsourced an in-house employee would have had to complete the task and may have taken significantly longer costing the company more in the long run.
This can result in a cost savings for the company but having these experts on call also provides the potential for new opportunities for the company. With experts waiting in the wings to assist, the company is able to go after larger and more specialized types of work. This is important because in doing this the company can find themselves enjoying greater prosperity.
Still another advantage to outsourcing is the benefit of enjoying a larger workforce when necessary without the hassle of maintaining a larger staff. Through outsourcing companies can bring in additional employees on a contract basis during times of prosperity without worrying about having to lay them off or keep them utilized when the surge of work begins to wane. This is particularly relevant in industries which enjoy peak seasons as well as off seasons.
Another advantage of having a larger workforce is the ability to generate a larger profit. This is important because smaller companies can find themselves in a position where they can compete with larger companies for bigger jobs by outsourcing a portion of the workload.
Finally, more flexibility is another considerable advantage to outsourcing work. Even the most well planned projects may suddenly end up behind schedule or under a time crunch due to minor errors, changes in plans or other incidental activities.
Smaller companies who do not have the resources to compensate for these inevitable mishaps may find themselves in serious trouble without the ability to outsource work when necessary. These companies can take advantage of outsourcing in times of trouble to help them deal with problems without alienating clients or performing poorly on a project.
That’s it for today’s lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about finding ways to outsource for your business.
Again, I appreciate your joining me for this short course. If you have any questions or need any assistance please feel free to contact me at anytime. I will be glad to help.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
In today’s lesson we will be talking about finding ways to outsource for your business.
I am assuming that since you signed up for this short course that you have been considering outsourcing but chances are that you don’t know what parts of your business you should outsource and have little or no idea where to start?
Well you will be glad to know that in almost every business there is the opportunity to outsource at least a few of the general tasks performed. In some businesses there may be the possibility of outsourcing the majority of the common tasks while in other businesses there may only be the opportunity to outsource one or two of the common tasks. In either case outsourcing can result in a lightened workload as well as an increase in profit.
The first step in finding ways to outsource is to take a really close look at the daily activities you perform when tending to your business. Make a list of each of these activities and note any related activities that are typically performed in conjunction with each other. Making this note is important because activities which are typically performed together should either be outsourced together or remain as in-house activities together to maintain the highest level of efficiency.
Once you have compiled this list of activities, carefully consider which activities can easily be performed by another person and which activities require your personal attention. This will give you a good idea of which activities you could outsource and which activities would not be good opportunities for outsourcing.
Finally, review your list of activities and note how long it takes you to perform each of the activities you could outsource. This information will be helpful later if you decide to search for a candidate to complete these tasks.
After you have carefully examined your daily activities, it is time to prioritize these activities. Create a comprehensive list of all of your daily activities in their order of importance. For this list include both the activities requiring your personal attention and the activities which can be outsourced.
When you make your decision to start outsourcing some of your daily tasks, start with the highest priority on the list which you believe can be outsourced. Attempt to outsource this task as a test to determine whether or not outsourcing will work for you. If you decide you are comfortable with outsourcing and that it is working for your business, you can continue down the prioritized list attempting to find those capable of handling your daily activities.
We have already discussed the importance of evaluating your own daily tasks in the process of finding ways to outsource but it is also important to consider tasks completed by your staff members. Administrative tasks are often tasks which can be outsourced so examining these tasks will give you a good idea if you can increase the efficiency of your administrative assistance by outsourcing some of their responsibilities.
Activities such as data entry, transcription and other activities often handled by personal assistance are all example of activities which can easily be outsourced. Additionally, there is a great deal of qualified candidates available to fulfill these tasks. The industry of virtual personal assistants has become a booming industry with many savvy entrepreneurs offering their skills in these areas as a consultant.
Before starting to outsource daily activities, you should develop a plan for managing all of your outsourced activities. This plan should include the following:
- Method for selecting candidates to handle outsourced work
- Method for overseeing work performed by independent contractors
- Method for evaluating the work performed by independent contractors
Once you have your plan in place you will want to start looking for professionals that you can hire to outsource your work to. The best place to get outsourcing professionals is on online job sites. Here are a few places that you can begin your search in no particular order.
oDesk – http://www.odesk.com eLance – http://www.elance.com GetAFreelancer – http://www.getafreelancer.com EUFreelance – http://www.eufreelance.com Guru – http://www.guru.com PeoplePerHour – http://www.peopleperhour.com LimeExchange – http://www.limeexchange.com RentACoder – http://www.rentacoder.com GetACoder – http://www.getacoder.com ScriptLance – http://www.scriptlance.com
On each of these sites you will find various job categories. When you have a particular work requirement, all you do is post your project in the relevant job category and people who are interested in accomplishing the task for you will apply and make their bids for the job. While each site is different the concept is simple, and because the people who apply are genuinely looking for work you can be sure that you will receive plenty of capable applicants to choose from.
That’s it for today’s lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about how to outsource business tasks without being†taken advantage of in the process.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.
How are you? We’re winding down to the end of this short course. But we still need to go over a few things. That is why today we are going to jump right in and talk about how to outsource business tasks without being taken advantage of in the process.
There are many who tout the advantages of outsourcing (including myself) as essentially a secret to success. As we have discussed there are certainly a number of distinct advantages to the process of outsourcing. Some of the most notable advantages include cost reductions, reduced workload, increased possibility for profit and the existence of a larger workforce without maintaining a staff of salaried employees.
All of these incredible advantages may make outsourcing seem as though it is an ideal resource in all situations but as with most things in business, this is not true.
To protect yourself and your business from being outsmarted there are certain precautions which should be taken when outsourcing any project. It is important to be mindful of these precautions when outsourcing a project to ensure the project runs smoothly and you get what you pay for.
- Verify Candidate Qualifications
When outsourcing a task or project to an individual, care should be taken to screen all applicants carefully before deciding to outsource the work. This is important because you want to be sure to outsource the work to a qualified individual. Awarding a project to an unqualified individual can be a costly mistake if they turn in subpar work at the conclusion of the project. It can also be costly if it results in unnecessary delays or setbacks as a result of the lack of qualifications.
One way to avoid being outsmarted by fancy resumes hyping the accomplishments of an individual is to verify all of the information on the resume before awarding the project. This may entail contacting previous employers as well as references to determine the capabilities and work ethic of the individual. Taking the time to verify the information on the resume can help to ensure the individual you outsource the work to is truly qualified to complete the project.
- Outline Project Requirements Carefully
When outsourcing a project it is important to be very clear in outlining the project requirements. This is important so both the client and the independent contractor understand all of the requirements of the outsourced project. Preparing contract documents stating the exact project details and compensation to be provided is a good idea as well. Taking this extra precaution will ensure the client does not have to pay fees until the contract specifications are met. A contract can also be helpful if disputes arise and mediation is required to resolve the conflicts.
Additionally, it is wise to include information regarding the required deliverables in the contract documents. This should include the exact end product which should be submitted. In this portion of the document the client can specify information regarding whether they require the project submitted as a hard copy of the completed project, a soft copy of the completed project or both.
- Schedule Periodic Milestone Meetings
Regularly scheduled progress status meetings are very important when a project is outsourced. These meetings should be scheduled often enough to ensure the project does not fall too far behind schedule during any one phase of the project.
These meetings can be helpful to both the client and the independent contractor. The client will benefit because they will remain in control of the project and can intervene if the independent contractor is heading in the wrong direction with the project. These meetings are also beneficial to the independent contractor because they can prevent him from being caught by surprise at the conclusion of the project if he misinterpreted the project requirements.
It is important to keep these things in mind when you are selecting and working with an outsourced professional. Before we close this lesson I want to leave you with a quick list including several things that you should include in your job description when posting your projects on job sites. This will help ensure that you are selecting the right person for the project.
As I mentioned above you have to make all of the project details very clear. Write down everything you that expect in your job description.
These are some of the things your project post should cover:
- The nature of your work
- The amount of work in total – Any milestones, like if you want the work to be completed in small chunks and within what frame of time
- The time you can give for the completion of the whole project
- The price you are willing to pay – Any special qualifications you are looking for in your employees – Any characteristics that you don’t want in your employees – Special points that you will need to make your decision, such as samples.
When you take time to spell out as many details as possible, you can be almost sure that you will get the right people bidding on your work. You will also want to make sure that you post the project in the right category. People will get alerts based on the categories they have applied for.
Make sure to check out samples of their work. If you require an original sample, you can mention that in your project post. This can help you weed out less serious applicants and narrow down the right candidate for the job. You may also consider posting several short-term projects initially. This can help you build up a good reputation of trust with employees.
Here are a few more tips for choosing people with the right qualifications:
- The quality of their work, which you can see through their samples.
- The ratings and reviews they have obtained on the site.
- Their responsiveness – it is very important they respond to your emails quickly and it is best if they have an instant messaging id that they can use.
- Their pricing – price shouldn’t be an important factor unless you are working on a budget.
Once you get a good professional, make sure you pay them promptly and give them reviews according to their work. This helps ensure that they will stay with you longer and you won’t have to undergo the process of repeatedly looking for new employees.
I hope today’s lesson was helpful to you. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for my next email. There will be some great stuff in your last lesson.
To Your Success!
Your Online Teacher.