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Offline Marketing Emails – Email Marketing Service

Subject 1: Get Paid 5-Figures for Setting up Emails (details inside…)
Subject 2: $10k to Setup an Auto-Responder?… YES PLEASE!
Subject 3: Earn 4-Figures Setting up Email Auto-responders (here’s how…)


Many years ago, after I quit my job, I was asked to setup an autoresponder system for the company. Of course, had I still worked their, they could have got me to do it for free.


However, I asked for a couple hundred dollars, but guess what they were willing to pay?… $10k!


Then, recently I spoke to an offline marketing friend, who works for a company that sets up autoresponders for ‘offline’ companies.


She told me that they charge $10-20k, simply to setup an autoresponder system for offline companies, and offer merging into the current database. For the most part, she said they just set it up….and that’s it!


I asked her “why these companies couldn’t just use a system like Aweber.”


She replied, “They’d rather pay someone to do it, rather than having to learn how to setup the system themselves” Time is more important…and this is your target market…. DING!


If you want to capitalize on this massive untapped opportunity then you can now follow a step-by-step plan that takes you by the hand and shows you how to set up a system that will allow you to approach these companies, and set up an autoresponder system for them, that will take you less than a couple days to set up…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Get Paid 5-Figures for Setting up Emails (details inside…)
Subject 2: RE: $10k to Setup an Auto-Responder?… YES PLEASE!
Subject 3: REMINDER: Earn 4-Figures Setting up Email Auto-responders (here’s how…)


If you’re interested in providing email services for offline business and getting paid handsomely for it, then this is for you…




Offline Email Cash is a step by step course will take you by the hand and shows you how to set up a system, that will allow you to approach qualified companies, and set up an autoresponder system for them, that will take you less than a couple days to set up.


Here’s a closer look at this course…


Module #1: Introduction to Easy Autoresponder Cash


In this lesson, you will be given an overview of this course, so you know what to expect. We’ll also tell you what tools you will need and what you need to understand , and how it all works.


You’ll know what to expect and how all the pieces of the system fit together. One requirement that WILL cost you money, is that you need an autoresponder system.


In this case we will use Aweber. However, you can apply this system to any other autoresponder email service.


Module #2: Approaching Offline Companies


Before we dive into setting up the system, it’s important for you to learn about your customer base. Who should you approach and how do you approach them? After you approach them, what do you ask them?


All of this will be answered in this video. It really isn’t hard, but I will tell you this…It does require you to call them up and meet them in person. If you want to make the big bucks, you have to do this.


Module #3: Creating Their Followup Series


Ok, after you have closed the deal with an offline company, then what? You need to know what their follow up sequence and emails are going to look like.


I mean it’s ok, if you have them create some of the emails first off, but to get them better results, you’ll want to spice them up a bit.


Creating a followup series is simple, but does require you to understand some of the basics, so that the company you’re helping actually gets good results.


Module #4: Email HTML Templates


Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! People do judge a book by it’s cover, and offline companies will want you to help them with their presentation.


Email HTML based templates make an ugly text email look real nice, and will also help you increase the value of your services.


This is like the icing on the cake. In this video, you will learn how to customize an HTML template. If you don’t have those technical skills, you’ll learn how to hire a designer to do the job for you.


Module #5: Setting Up The Emails (Welcome, Follow ups, etc)


In this lesson you will learn how to setup the welcome emails and follow up emails, in a specific sequence, so that everything is automated.


You’ll also learn how to setup a basic squeeze page and add a signup form to it, so that the offline company can begin to take in leads.


Module #6: Easy Shopping Cart Integration


Some companies use this, some do not. But this can be added as an additional service to increase your sales. Some companies are using shopping cart systems and want to build their list of paying customers.


As you know, sending offers to your list of paying customers, in itself is a gold mine.


It’s more icing on the cake if your offline customer is using a shopping cart that’s compatible with the Aweber system. More on that in this video


Module #7: Testing and Statistics


By now you should have learned how the system works, and how to set it all up. Now, after you set things up, you will want to test it, to make sure everything works as it should.


How do you test it? How do you make sure your clients are happy? How do your clients access the stats reports, that bring a smile on their faces? More on that in this lesson.


If you’re interested in providing email services for offline business and getting paid handsomely for it, then be sure to grab this course now before it’s taken down…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! Get Paid 5-Figures for Setting up Emails (details inside…)
Subject 2: LAST CALL: $10k to Setup an Auto-Responder?… YES PLEASE!
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN Earn 4-Figures Setting up Email Auto-responders (here’s how…)


If you’re interested in providing email services for offline business and getting paid handsomely for it, then this is for you…




Offline Email Cash is a step by step course will take you by the hand and shows you how to set up a system, that will allow you to approach qualified companies, and set up an autoresponder system for them, that will take you less than a couple days to set up.


Here’s a closer look at this course…


Module #1: Introduction to Easy Autoresponder Cash Module #2: Approaching Offline Companies Module #3: Creating Their Followup Series Module #4: Email HTML Templates Module #5: Setting Up The Emails (Welcome, Follow ups, etc) Module #6: Easy Shopping Cart Integration Module #7: Testing and Statistics


If you’re interested in providing email services for offline business and getting paid handsomely for it, then be sure to grab this course now before it’s taken down…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Offline Lesson #1 – An Intro Into The Offline World




I’m sure you’ve tried many ways to make money online. After awhile you begin to find out that it is not as easy as you thought was because there’s actually a lot you have to learn.


These days you can start your own business with just the knowledge you have now. Search engine optimization, web design, and search engine marketing overall is what a lot of businesses need these days.


There are thousands of businesses out there that want and need online exposure. You will be giving them the opportunity to leverage the internet to get more customers and clients through their door or on their website.


Now I’m sure you heard of off-line marketing and offering it to small businesses because there is a lot of buzz around getting into this type of work. The problem comes when these so-called gurus don’t tell you how to bring in new business. Setting up your off-line marketing business and getting clients is two different things.


I’ll be taking you by the hand and showing you exactly how to set up your business so that you look like a professional and you’re able to command higher prices for your services. On top of that I’ll show you how to get fresh new leads and clients to your business on autopilot.


I would venture to say that creating an offline business is more lucrative than starting an online business because the profits are almost immediate and the paychecks are a lot bigger.


This is a GREAT opportunity for anyone looking to create a supplemental income or create a full time business.


After reading the offline Cash method and taking action on the information that you’ve found you will have a thriving business that has the potential to make you upwards of six figures a year!


Alright, I’m sure you’ve heard enough sizzle, now let’s get into the meat of this course! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email!


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #2 – Have A Plan In Place




I think it’s always important to have a strategy or a game plan so to speak. It’s easier to follow a well thought out plan than trying to wing it. So below you will find your blueprint to Offline success.


This is the roadmap you will use to get your business setup and all the way to profit mode.


NOTE: This is only an outline, please do not skip ahead. I would hate for you guys and gals to miss out on information that would make you 10x more money than you normally would.


The simple process goes like this!

1. Setup Your Business

2. Market you services

3. Accept payments

4. Get the work done

5. Get paid!


Below you will find a more elaborate explanation:


Part 1: Business Setup – This where I will take you through setting up your business to accept payments, whether or not you need a website and the pro and cons of each. Looking professional is key to closing more clients and I’m going to show you how.


Part 2: What Services to Sell – This is pretty straightforward but there are many approaches you can use. I will go over a few business models that work really well in this market. Your business can be as simple or as complex as you like, but obviously we want our business to be as simple as possible.


Part 3: Easy Marketing Tactics – This is where most offline courses and eBooks drop the ball, they will show you what services to provide and how to perform the services but marketing your services is a different story. I believe marketing is the single most important thing in any business venture. The more eyeballs you have on your product or service, the better.


Part 4: Getting the Work Done – You can always do the work yourself, but there are plenty of places where you can find full time employees to work for you for less than $3/hr and still have quality work. Remember, business is all about leverage, the more you leverage your time, the better!


Part 5: Business Management Software – Life is easy when you have system, so I developed a system in my business where I simply login and check on operations. So I could be on vacation and my business is still running smoothly. Make sure that you don’t skip this chapter because once you start marketing your services you will be getting more business than you can handle.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #3 – 3 Different Business Models




There are many different business models that you can use in order to start a successful offline marketing business. I cover the three most common business models and the types of services that you will provide.


Each model is listing according to how easy they are to implement based on your experience level.


Business Model #1


Provide One Service at low price Ė This allows you to focus on one thing so that you will better over time. By providing one service allows you to make quick cash so that you can bootstrap your business.


After you’re making decent income providing this one service you can add on more services or increase your prices to expand your business. These services could include:


  • SEO Site Optimization
  • Article Writing
  • Link Building
  • Site Design (using templates)


Business Model #2


Sell Marketing Packages – You want to charge a higher price for your marketing packages. I will be going over what types of marketing packages to offer and what price range you should stay in to make it worth your while. You can easily outsource and make this a hands free business.


Business Model #3


Recurring billing – you make monthly money, guaranteed income for a period of time, upfront work with monthly maintenance, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 24 month, can easily be outsourced.


These can be additions to your marketing packages. Say for instance you charge $600 for your SEO package, which is for a period of 30 days. You can bill every 30 days to keep their services going.


If you’re like me when I started you will want to start doing all three business models at once so you can make the highest amount of money possible. The key is to start somewhere you want to get comfortable so you will eventually know what you’re doing. Don’t chase too many things at once; get good at one business model and then upgrade. There is always room for expansion once you know what you’re doing.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #4 – Accepting Payments




You want to make your transactions comfortable so that you client is satisfied without putting yourself through a loop to get paid. The following payment methods work best.


Checks/Money Orders – You can have your client mail in a check or money order and once it clears you can send them your proposal which will be covered in part 4.


This generally takes longer for you to get paid but still worth the effort. Credit Cards – If you have a merchant account then this is going to be your best bet when accepting payments. If you don’t have a merchant account, it is highly suggested that you get one. The monthly fees and charges vary, so be sure to do your research.


1ShoppingCart – If you’re going to be accepting credit cards and your in this business for the long haul I suggest using 1ShoppingCart as your merchant and credit card processor.


They have easy integration so it’s easy for you to add payment links to your sites.


First Data – I have a First Data account, they are good for taking orders over the phone because once you login in they have the order form there for you. Integrating First Data is a tougher process.


PayPal Payments PRO – PayPal PRO is different from a regular PayPal because it is setup to where you clients/customers can enter their credit card information without having a PayPal account.


PayPal Standard


MY TOP RECOMMENDATION is PayPal because it is fairly simple to use and you can still have business owners pay you using their credit cards. Sign up for PayPal and once you login, look for the merchant tab to create your order links. You are instantly approved for a PayPal as long as you can verify your information.


On top of that you can receive a PayPal debit card 60 days after having your account so that you can use your card anywhere. This means you don’t have to wait on money to transfer you can go right up to an ATM to pull money out or use it make purchases.


Final Words


Ensure that your clients know when and how much their payments are so that there is no confusion. Nothing is worse than bad communication.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #5 – Services Your Can Provide – Part 1




Here is a list of services that you can provide to your potential clients. It’s best to stick to 3 to 4 services and not be a jack of all trades because when you focus your clients lose focus and that means no close.


You can sell these services individually, as a package or come up with a continuity program where your client is charged monthly.


Performing search engine optimization is going to be your bread and butter because that’s what most businesses are looking for these days.


NOTE: Your job as an online marketer is to increase your clients online exposure.


The thing you want to keep in mind is that you want your clients to show up on page on for their local market. Meaning their city, their industry this is the easiest way for them to see results.


Remember, you don’t have to do none of the work yourself, you can find people that will do the work for you, for a fraction of what your charging.


Below I will list actions that are associated with SEO that you can sell individually or package them together as a package. The choice is up to you. I don’t like to give new entrepreneurs a dead set way of doing something. This takes the fun out of becoming an entrepreneur and running the business of your dreams.


  • Keyword Research
  • Search Engine Report each month
  • On Page SEO
  • META Tag Descriptions
  • Title Tags
  • H1 & H2 Tags
  • Link building
  • Article Writing
  • Directory Submission
  • Content Submission


Here are some good resources to start learning.


Social Media


Social media or social marketing is the new buzz word these days and business owners have no clue on how to tap into the market and generate exposure.


To anyone that has been online for any period of time these should be very easy tasks to complete.


List of Social Marketing services


  • Account setup on popular web 2.0 sites
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • YouTube
  • Popular social bookmarking sites i.e.
  • Install WordPress Blog
  • WordPress Theme Upload
  • Schedule their Autoresponders
  • Create a Facebook group
  • Manage their Tweets on Twitter


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #6 – Services Your Can Provide – Part 2




Continuing on from yesterday, here is another list of services that you can provide to your potential clients. It’s best to stick to 3 to 4 services and not be a jack of all trades because when you focus your clients lose focus and that means no close.


You can sell these services individually, as a package or come up with a continuity program where your client is charged monthly.


Video Infomercials


You’re probably thinking of very elaborate, well thought out TV commercials. In this case, we will not be done this. Here you simply want to create a video that gives a brief overview of their business.


You can use services such as


This is simple software tools were you upload photos and enter the text you want and it will create a very cool video for you, all hands free!


If you’re looking for something different you can go to popular freelancing sites and get someone there to do it for you.


I suggest visiting they have the most quality video producers there. I spend no more than $150 for a video infomercial and sell them for $500 to my clients.


I have no problem getting this price because in the offline business world $500 is pennies for what we are offering.


Web Design/Development


This can easily be done with web templates or outsourced to someone for a fraction of the price that you will be charging your client. I got questions all the time asking if it is right to sell for such a high price when you’re getting the services for cheap. My answer is, YES! Business is business; you don’t walk into your computer store and expect to pay what the store paid for a particular computer do you?


So there is no reason to feel bad about it, I just wanted to clear that up for those of you that were thinking it.


How to get web design done for cheap?


Using Web Templates


It’s easier to use a template that you can customize to match a business that you are working with. This saves tons of time and it will look REALLY professional.


I suggest visiting popular template sites such as:


Template Monster – Here you can search templates by industry or style. There are thousands upon thousands of templates to choose from.


You can customize these templates yourself if you know a little bit about HTML/Web Design. I normally outsource using because my time is better leveraged in other areas.


Scriptlance – In my honest opinion, this is the best place to find outsourcers. I can get an entire site built from scratch for less than $100.


It’s worth a look, if you want to save time and energy trying to everything yourself.


Charge no less than $500 for web design, this leaves room for surprise costs that might incur.


Article Writing


A very simple service to provide and you don’t have to settle for $5 per article like most ebooks will tell you to do. If your articles are on point and provide solid information you can charge upwards of $15 each article.


This leaves room for you to outsource the work and still make a profit. There’s no need to go into much detail about this, writing articles for small businesses is pretty straight forward.


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.






Subject 1: Offline Lesson #7 – How To Market Yourself




Now were at the good stuff, which is marketing your services and business to attract a boatload of clients!


You need to approach marketing like a guerilla, there are lot of companies company for the same services so you must simple ďout hustleĒ them. If you want to be wildly successful you must cultivate this mindset.


Free Advertising


If your just starting out and you don’t have much money to invest in your new business. You can still make good money using free advertising methods.


Matter of fact, I recommend it because it gets you in the groove of doing business and marketing yourself and services. Here are a few marketing techniques I used when I first got started.




Since you will be performing online marketing services for other businesses, it would be good idea to it for your own site if you have one setup.


The quickest way to get results is optimize your site so that you get local clients first. For example if you live in Dallas, Texas you can use keywords such as Dallas SEO services.


This can get you a ton of traffic if you know SEO!


Also, you can show for local search in the three major search engines by submitting your business to their prospective directories.


Google, Yahoo and Bing (MSN) all have local business directories. Simply search Google local for example and an option should come up for you to submit your business.


Do this on all three search engines!


To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.



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