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Pinterest Analytics

Understanding Your Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest gives its users access to in-depth analytics, so you know what is working and what is not. To view and get the most out of your analytic report, you need to:

  • Create or use an already established Business Account
  • Confirm your website

What’s Analytics Does Pinterest Offer?

  • Follower Analytics
    • Net growth
    • Growth percent change by day, week, or month
    • Growth percentage relative to any prior time period on Pinterest
    • Daily net growth chart
  • Pin Analytics
    • Total pins sent in day, week, month, and percent changes
    • How many saves and clicks on particular posts?
    • Average and total saves and clicks
    • Post volume by day, week, and month
    • Average daily impressions, views, and percent changes
    • Top pins from the last 30 days
  • Web Analytics
    • Total clicks to site, site impressions, and site views from Pinterest
    • Daily and weekly impressions and viewers with percent changes
  • Your Audience Analytics
    • Affinity Score – How interested your audience is in a general category or specific topic relative to the rest of Pinterest users
    • What percentages of your audience are geared toward a certain general category or specific topic?
  • Advertisement Analytics
    • Total number of clicks and impressions
    • How many engaged with your ad (CTR – Click Through Rate)
    • Average earned and unearned cost per impression (eCPM – Effective Cost Per Mille [Mille = One Thousand])
    • Average cost per click (eCPC – Effective Cost Per Click)
    • Your total investment thus far relative to your preset campaign budget
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