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Posting to LinkedIn and Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience through posting builds relationships. Use this checklist to be sure your posting and engaging in the best way for your audience.

Posting Content

  • Post native content. This can be videos, written content, articles, job openings,
  • Post by going to your LinkedIn account and click on the “start a post” button at the top of your home page.
  • Post videos, documents, or photos by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the post. Share ones that educate or inspire.
  • Include links in the post.
  • Click the dropdown menu to “Anyone” to go to the settings to set who sees your post.
  • Tap “Post” when ready.
  • On the sharing settings, choose your preferred audience- public, shared to your connections only, or shared on connected social media profiles.
  • Click “Done”.
  • Use Attention getting headlines with LinkedIn articles.
  • Post articles by clicking on “Write an article.”

Engaging Your Audience

  • Post high quality content.
  • Join LinkedIn groups and be helpful to others in the group.
  • Encourage influencers to participate in one of the following ways…
    • Ask them to contribute or give feedback
    • Acknowledge their help if they’ve given you some
    • Interview them and tag them in a post
    • Share a quote by them
  • The first 3 lines of the post should hook your reader to click “see more.”
  • Use smaller chunks instead of large paragraphs for easy skimming.
  • Put your links in your comments instead of the post. Posts with link previews perform poorly so only include text and hashtags in the post.
  • Share beautiful photos with inspiring quotes.
  • Post questions that can be answered quickly. Start a conversation about something in your niche. Ask for advice about some problem you’re having.
  • Share helpful resources for your industry or niche.
  • Share parts of your story.
  • Have thought provoking opening line in videos.
  • Use videos that tell your story or show what you see.
  • Use up to 3 hashtags to get people to notice your content.
  • Share statistics. People love statistics.
  • Invite people to an event you’re attending or hosting.
  • Share your favorite tools or resources. Create top ten lists of tools, courses, apps that you use.
  • Celebrate an achievement of your own or that of a colleague.
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