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Product Creation Emails – Coaching

Subject 1: Grab 7-Figure Formula to Create and Sell High Ticket Items How to Develop and Sell
Subject 2: $1000+ Coaching Programs Exposed!
Subject 3: 7-Figure Marketer Reveals Secrets to Selling $1000+ Packages…


How would you like to start making serious money like what many marketing top guns are doing right now?


If you are currently selling your own product or rendering your own service and you want to make at least 5 to 10 times more than what you are making right now…


…Without exerting even half the efforts you’re expecting to put in then this is for you…




Listen… the key to unlock your financial freedom and make an explosive impact to your monthly bottom-line is in DUPLICATION.


As long as you have a product you are selling or a skill you are rendering and it can be duplicated, you’ve struck your own goldmine!


This is what a lot of experts, professionals and self-employed’s do to explode their revenue and income… they start their own seminars or coaching programs!


If you have a skill that’s in demand, you can plug in a second income-stream by teaching that skill!


There is leverage in a classroom: you make more money teaching a group of students at a go vs. one-on-one arrangements and clients are better to work with.


If you sell your products or service too cheap, the problem is you usually attract cheap customers who do nothing but consume your time and effort, and eats into the true worth of your time.


Starting a conventional seminar business isn’t easy because you have to-arrange the premise to gather your students, advertise in the local papers, hire staff or recruit volunteers etc…


This is just too much effort for one person. And even if you work in a group, will the paltry profit margin justify your efforts?


However when you take things online, it’s a whole different ball game. This is exactly why I love to do things the eCoaching way…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Grab 7-Figure Formula to Create and Sell High Ticket Items
Subject 2: RE: How to Develop and Sell $1000+ Coaching Programs Exposed!
Subject 3: REMINDER: 7-Figure Marketer Reveals Secrets to Selling $1000+ Packages…


If you’ve ever wanted to teach your skills to people who want to learn from you and charge at least 4-figures or more for it, then this is for you…




Inside this high-level strategy course you’ll discover…


Module #1 – E-Coaching Explained

  • Discover why webinars are better than offline seminars. As long as you have a skill that you can duplicate to other people, it’s something you can already market!
  • Here’s the thing about the EXPERT concept: you don’t need to know everything; as long as you know 5% of what 95% people don’t know, you are already an EXPERT!


Module #2 – Planning Your Virtual Presentation

  • How to craft your Core Message
  • Webinar platforms that are easy-to-use and low-cost so you can run a high-profit margin seminar from home!
  • How to plan your schedule for your interactive e-seminar
  • How to survey your target market in 5 minutes!


Module #3 – How to Attract High-End Clients

  • How to get free leads using the FREE webinar approach
  • How to convert free leads into high-paying customers
  • How to get other experts and Joint Venture partners to promote your webinar for you
  • PLUS other ways to promote your free webinar to attract a large of prospects


Module #4 – E-Coaching Automation

  • How to eventually automate your e-coaching business and automate your income
  • How to create spin off products you can sell from the same content you have created with your online students


Module #5 – The Secret: Value for Money

  • Have you wondered that why even though everyone has 24 hours, why are people earning various incomes?
  • Take a janitor and business consultant for example. A janitor earns $5 an hour but a business consultant can earn $500-$1,000 per hour just consulting.
  • This is because one person provides more value to the society than the other.
  • Understand this: this is one of the biggest keys to making more money with less effort. When it comes to high ticket products, the key is to provide massive value that people are willing to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars.


Module #6 – High-Ticket Product Ideas

  • 7 totally unique ways to go high ticket
  • How to demand hundreds of dollars per hour for your consultation… and why your clients should choose you over your competitors
  • Leverage through starting your own group coaching step-by-step
  • How to achieve automation on selling your ideas and no this is not about writing an e-book that sells for a paltry sum of $27… we’re talking about going $497-997 using the same information you would have written in an e-book!
  • The ‘customization’ model – get paid hundreds to thousands for this
  • Achieve passive income from the same customers – over and over again
  • PLUS 2 more unique ways to make money on high ticket items


Module #7 – Affiliate Conversions

  • Why do some people get paid more while others get paid less, even if they are selling the same product, in the same business, to the same people?
  • Which type of person do you want to be? The one who makes more or the one who makes less for the same amount of effort?


Discover 8 cutting-edge ways to differentiate and make yourself stand out from the sea of ‘me too’ marketers… and why your clients and customers should be going to you… and pay you more


Check out the link below for full details…



To Your Success!



Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! Grab 7-Figure Formula to Create and Sell High Ticket Items
Subject 2: LAST CALL: How to Develop and Sell $1000+ Coaching Programs Exposed!
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN 7-Figure Marketer Reveals Secrets to Selling $1000+ Packages…


If you have a skill that’s in demand, you can plug in a second income-stream by teaching that skill!


As long as you have a product you are selling or a skill you are rendering and it can be duplicated, you’ve struck your own goldmine!


The problem is… if you sell your products or service too cheap, the problem is you usually attract cheap customers who do nothing but consume your time and effort, and eats into the true worth of your time.


That’s why you have to sell high ticket courses…




eCoaching Success is a high-level strategy course that helps you develop and sell high-ticket products and services so you can charge anywhere from $500 to $1000 or more per sale.


Inside you’ll discover…


Module #1 – E-Coaching Explained

  • Discover why webinars are better than offline seminars. As long as you have a skill that you can duplicate to other people, it’s something you can already market!
  • Here’s the thing about the EXPERT concept: you don’t need to know everything; as long as you know 5% of what 95% people don’t know, you are already an EXPERT!


Module #2 – Planning Your Virtual Presentation

  • How to craft your Core Message
  • Webinar platforms that are easy-to-use and low-cost so you can run a high-profit margin seminar from home!
  • How to plan your schedule for your interactive e-seminar
  • How to survey your target market in 5 minutes!


Module #3 – How to Attract High-End Clients

  • How to get free leads using the FREE webinar approach
  • How to convert free leads into high-paying customers
  • How to get other experts and Joint Venture partners to promote your webinar for you
  • PLUS other ways to promote your free webinar to attract a large of prospects


Module #4 – E-Coaching Automation

  • How to eventually automate your e-coaching business and automate your income
  • How to create spin off products you can sell from the same content you have created with your online students


Module #5 – The Secret: Value for Money

  • Have you wondered that why even though everyone has 24 hours, why are people earning various incomes?
  • Take a janitor and business consultant for example. A janitor earns $5 an hour but a business consultant can earn $500-$1,000 per hour just consulting.
  • This is because one person provides more value to the society than the other.
  • Understand this: this is one of the biggest keys to making more money with less effort. When it comes to high ticket products, the key is to provide massive value that people are willing to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars.


Module #6 – High-Ticket Product Ideas

  • 7 totally unique ways to go high ticket
  • How to demand hundreds of dollars per hour for your consultation… and why your clients should choose you over your competitors
  • Leverage through starting your own group coaching step-by-step
  • How to achieve automation on selling your ideas and no this is not about writing an e-book that sells for a paltry sum of $27… we’re talking about going $497-997 using the same information you would have written in an e-book!
  • The ‘customization’ model – get paid hundreds to thousands for this
  • Achieve passive income from the same customers – over and over again
  • PLUS 2 more unique ways to make money on high ticket items


Module #7 – Affiliate Conversions

  • Why do some people get paid more while others get paid less, even if they are selling the same product, in the same business, to the same people?
  • Which type of person do you want to be? The one who makes more or the one who makes less for the same amount of effort?


If the information in this course can help you generate an extra one or two more digits in front of whatever you’re making right now… how much do you think this course is worth?


If after going through this course you manage to make your first $1000 sale, is the information within this course worth at least 10 times the amount?


Secure your copy now and use this information to change your life for the better…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log into your customer account and everything will be there for you.

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