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Promotional Sales Emails

Coming Soon – Product Launch Email

NOTE: This is a short email you send out to your list to build anticipation for a product launch. It’s a teaser email, designed to arouse curiosity.


SUBJECT – Something big is coming soon…




Hi [First Name],


Do you ever struggle with [some bad thing, such as “unwanted weight gain”]? Do you [have some other bad thing, like “low conversion rates”]. Do you ever [experience/have some other bad thing]?


If you answered yes to even one of those questions, then you’ll be very happy to know that help is on the way.


It’s coming on [date] – mark your calendar, because you won’t want to miss this.


Simply put, you’re going to finally find out how to [get some really good result] and [get some other really good result] – simply, quickly and more easily than you ever thought possible.


Are you ready? [sign off]


P.S. Have you guessed yet what it is? Check this link to see if you’re right: [link to a Facebook discussion, blog post or even a “sneak peek” sales page if the launch date is close].




Direct Promotional Email

SUBJECT – Who else wants to [get a good benefit]?




Hi [First Name],


If you’re like most people I talk to, you’ve tried a whole lot of different ways to [get some good result]. And you know what? I bet they didn’t work.


Does any of this sound familiar?


  • [Insert sign or symptom of the problem, such as “you lose weight for awhile, but then you end up gaining it all back”]
  • [Insert sign or symptom]
  • [Insert sign or symptom]


I hear ya. It’s frustrating. But the good news is that you don’t have to suffer any longer. Introducing [Name of Product] – [insert quick benefit-driven description of the product]. Check it out here: [link]


Everywhere people are raving about [Product Name], and you will too once you see it for yourself. Just look at what you get:


  • [Insert benefit 1, such as “You’ll discover the #1 way to {get a good benefit} – this one might surprise you!”]
  • [Insert another benefit, such as, “Discover the 200-year old secret for {getting a good benefit} – you’ll wish you had known about this years ago!”]
  • [Insert another benefit, such as, “What do {group of people, like “pro golfers”} do when they want {to get a good benefit}? Find out the surprising answer {on a page number, within a certain video module, etc}!”]


And much, much more – too much for me to list here.


See it all for yourself at [sales page link]


Click the link now, because this is the answer to your [type of problem, such as “weight loss”] prayers!


[sign off]


P.S. You won’t find a better way to [get a great benefit], and you won’t find a better price then if you act now. This deal won’t last long, so gets yours now at [link].




Warming Up Promotional Email

NOTE: This is an email you may send as part of a general promotional push for a product. At this point, you’ve already sent out direct promo emails (like the one above). This email is intended to identify and handle common objections (e.g., “the price is too high” or “I don’t know if this will work for me”).


SUBJECT – So what’s the deal with [product name]? (See the truth inside…)




Hi [First Name],


You’ve heard everyone and their brother talking about [Product Name]. They’re saying it’s the best way to [get some great benefit] and [get some other great benefit].


But you’re sitting on the fence because you have a few questions. Here are some answers…


What does [Product Name] do?


Simply put, this product [describe exactly what it does for the customer].


Will this work for you?


It almost sounds too good to be true, right? You’ve hears so many people talking about their good results that you can’t help but be skeptical.


The claims are true. And here’s your proof [insert your most compelling proof, such as a case study, a “before” and “after” picture or video, a persuasive set of testimonials, etc].


Based on all that, I’m 99% certain this will work for you too.


But you know what? There is absolutely no risk to giving it a try. That’s because [Product Name] is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. If it doesn’t work, you get a refund with no questions asked.


Fair enough?


See the guarantee for yourself at [sales page link]. That’s pretty iron-clad, so buy with confidence.


[Insert any objections that are specific to the product, and then answer those objections. For example, are some worried about a book being too short? That might be an objection, but you can turn it into a positive by talking about how the book is for busy people, or how it contains all meat and no filler. So look for ways to turn perceived liabilities into assets.]


Where can I get my copy?


Get yours here at [sales page link] – you’ll be glad you did. [sign off]

P.S. [Number of customers] satisfied customers can’t be wrong. Click here now [link] to find out why they’re so happy with [Product Name].




Free Membership Trial Email


SUBJECT – Claim your free [type of trial] trial inside…
SUBJECT – Get [product/membership] for [timeframe] – free!
SUBJECT – [Timeframe] of [product name] for free?




Hi [First Name],


You asked for it, and I’m delivering…


If you act now, you can get [timeframe, such as “one week”] [of the item – such as “access to [name of] membership site] absolutely free. But hurry, this offer expires [relatively short time frame, such as “in three days”].


Get it here:


[link to claim the free trial offer]


I’ve never offered this deal before, and I’m not sure if I’ll ever offer it again. That’s why if you’ve ever thought about [joining this membership site, purchasing a SaaS offer, etc.], you’re going to want to grab this deal right away because it may not come around again.


Why am I doing this?


It’s pretty simple – I know that if you try out [product/membership] for [timeframe] for free, then you’re going to want to [become a full member/paying member/etc.]. That’s why I’m giving you unfettered, unlimited access for the next [number of days].


This isn’t stripped down or “lite” version of [product/service/membership site]. You’re not getting a [bronze/basic/etc.] [membership/trial].


Nope, act now and you get [the full version/the platinum version/the diamond version/ etc.].


This includes the following benefits:

  • You’ll get instant access to [some component of the offer, such as the private members- only forum]
  • You’ll get [another component of the offer, such as the ability to download X number of courses, reports, etc.]
  • You’ll also enjoy [some other component of the offer, such as group coaching, unlimited access to an app, etc.]


In total, there are [number] of [resources – such as courses, reports, modules, etc.] inside [the site] that are all designed to do one thing: [list the big benefit of this site].


You don’t need any previous experience in [the niche] in order to start [getting some benefit], because [explain how this site has everything a beginner needs to get started in the niche and getting some desired benefit].


You don’t need much time to start [getting some desired outcome], because [explain why they don’t need much time. For example, do you share time-saving tips inside the site? Is it a quick and easy method to get some result? Does the site include some sort of tools for making the process quick and easy, such as a time-saving app, printable checklists and similar?].


And best of all, when you act now you don’t even need a single cent to get started, because this offer is completely free..


If you purchased this offer, you’d pay [$x amount that the trial offer is worth] – and it would be worth every penny and then some. By why pay when you can get it for [a length of time] for free?


Take advantage of your free trial offer right now by clicking here: [link to free trial offer]


I’ll see you inside! [sign off]


P.S. Every day people ask me, “What’s the best way to [get some desired outcome]?” And every day I share tips, tricks and strategies in my newsletter, free reports, social media and elsewhere.


Now for the first time ever I’m revealing ALL my best tips, tricks and secrets for [getting a desired outcome] FREE for [length of time]. It would be really smart if you took advantage of this free trial offer before I changed my mind or before this offer is gone for good on [date that the free trial offer expires].


Get it here: [link to free trial offer]


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