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Welcome Emails

Welcome Email

This style of onboarding sequence is designed to take the users who have opted into your lead magnet giveaway or tripwire, further down the funnel.

There are 3 soap opera style sequences from 3 different industries: Fitness, Insurance, and Dietary Supplements.


The goal is that we build the rapport with the user to get them to know your brand and story in the hope that this relationship will result in them signing up as a new user.


The sequence follows the soap sequence framework. A framework that is based on sales psychology and used across the marketing and sales industry. It’s promoted heavily by clickfunnels and Russell Brunson, but used by all leading marketers.


This style of onboarding process will: – Welcome subscribers to your brand – Build trust, rapport and emotional connection via storytelling – Outline current promotions or giveaways – Promote certain actions towards making a sale/lead


Note*: The emails below are used to meet the style and tone of each brand. Some brands prefer not to use certain cheesy language and sales cliches etc. So, you will be able to improve on subject lines and content for your own brand etc. Use your own style!


EXAMPLE 1 – Fitness:

Email #1 – Sets The Stage

Example: Welcome to [XXXX], here is your download… this is why you should read, etc… (Introduce attractive character). Open a loop for the next email.


📬Subject: Hi { first_name } It’s [YOUR NAME] from [XXXX]

Hey {First Name} [YOUR NAME] here from [XXXX].


I thought I’d personally drop you a line to welcome you to the [XXXX] community after you downloaded the Insane Chest Workout.


How did you find it?

I’m going to give you access to some more free workouts over the next 5 days so keep your eyes peeled.


Getting our community access to the best fitness products, workouts, supplements and apparel is what we do here, so you might want to get used to it because I’ll send you free treats whenever I can.

Glad to have you in our community.

Take it easy.



P.S. Why do we do what we do? Why did I create [XXXX]? I’m going to share with you the story and purpose behind [XXXX] and why I created it in the coming days. It involves a situation you will have experienced yourself and the solution to my our problem.


Email #2 – What is [XXXX]? Example: Tell story, who you are what you do?


📬Subject: Hi { first_name }, Is this you?

Hi { first_name }


So yesterday I said I’d tell you about why I built [XXXX]… so here we go.


As you may have seen already, we want to inspire and motivate you to achieve your workout goals. We want you to look and feel good along the way.




Because I know how hard it is to reach your workout, fitness and health goals…


I had the same problem! I was finding it hard to keep motivated and continually go to the gym.


I could easily string a month or 2 together of going 3 days a week, but slowly 3 days would turn into 2 and then by the second month i was going once per week.


I needed something to keep me motivated, working out smarter and basically kicking my ass to get into the gym. I was getting skinner, unhealthier. My confidence and self esteem was low.


Can you relate?


That‘s when I thought of the [XXXX]. Delivered every month, just showing up on my doorstep hassle free to get me to the gym.


Workouts to teach me to workout smart. Equipment and shakers for help with building muscle. Clothing to keep me motivated, and to workout well.


The [XXXX] ticked all these boxes and is nearly as good as a personal trainer, but at a fraction of the price.


3 years ago, we put it to the test to see if it’s something other people needed, and now we have over 50,000 subscribers in our community and we keep growing.


We, and our customers feel physically, and emotionally better when we use it. It gives us confidence, satisfaction and happiness! So, if you need that added guidance and motivation… give us a try.






EMAIL 3: Outline current Features


Subject: { first_name } How we help 50,000 customers destroy their fitness goals

{First Name}


A few days ago we told you about how [XXXX] was born and why we want to help you, today I’m showing you how we’ve been helping and motivating over 50,000 subscribers destroy their fitness goals to become the number 1 fitness box in the world.


How do we do it? Well, if you’ve looked on our site you’ll see that we:


  1. Work with the best brands in the world to bring you the best products every month: Brands we work with include: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXXt and XXXX.
  2. We package XXXX+ worth of XXXX and send them to you for just $XXXX (plus shipping)
  3. We send you XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, sXXXX, protein goodies… PLUS specially curated workouts for more gains! Every single month.


It’s crazy simple. But you’ll see why that crazy idea of mine I shared with you yesterday just spiralled out of control and customers started flooding through the doors.


Our customers love receiving the gift each month. They love the surprises. They love the value.


They love the fact that we keep them motivated and feeling good to stay on track and achieve their fitness goals.


Here’s a little video to show you.


So that’s what keeps us going. We’re always determined to help our customers get fit each and every month.


You can check out our [XXXX] at: INSERT LINK


Have a great day! [YOUR NAME]


P.s. I have a free treat for you in the next couple of days and also keep your eye out for some discounts and offers in case you want to try out one of our boxes.




EMAIL 4: Promote certain actions towards making a sale.


Subject: { first_name } Do you want these free Arnold Schwarzenegger workouts and discounts?


Hi {First Name},


Did you see the video I sent you in the last email to show what the [XXXX] actually is and what’s inside?


No worries if not, I’m going to share with you a link below so you can see it again on our site. AND… I also have some offers on the box that you might be interested in.


So in addition to the [XXXX], if you sign up to today, you’ll get:


  1. 10% Discount on your first box
  2. An additional 10% referral discount for every friend that signs up to [XXXX]
  3. 50+ workouts from the worlds leading fitness brands. They are valued at $250. You’ll get access for FREE!


Honestly, 10% discount is pretty standard for most subscription boxes so that’s kind of something we have to do…



the library of workout and motivation materials that you’ll get access to is something we’ve never seen before.


The materials in there are amazing. So if you want extra gains, extra motivation, better results, and Arnold Schwarzenegger telling and showing you his tips and tricks then that offer alone is probably worth the $22.99 for your initial box.


Check it out for yourself anyway (INSERT LINK TO SALES PAGE)


Thanks, [YOUR NAME]


P.S. We’re running this offer as an experiment for the next couple of weeks so it won’t be there for much longer.




EMAIL 5: Social Proof: The testimonials


Subject: { first_name } Meet our community members crushing hteir fitness goals…




How are your workouts and fitness goals going?


I’ve found it difficult in the last few days to get motivated. You know when you hit that lull in motivation? That hit me this week I’ve had to really push through to get my ass to the gym.


This exact situation is one of the reasons that I started [XXXX] in the first place.


It’s hard getting focused and disciplined to keep on track. You’re probably stressed out about the whole process too.


A couple of things that I found really helped me were:


  1. Having friends and a community to support me on my journey
  2. Having the clear guidance and plan on how I was going to get fit
  3. Having all the workout supplements I needed to maximise my results
  4. Having fresh workout clothes and equipment so that I felt and looked good when working out.


So… that’s why I built [XXXX]! To fulfill all of those needs that helped people get fit. To help you! We know how bad it is. We’ve actually all been there.


And guess what… it’s working!


But, honestly, don’t take our word for it. See how our customers reviewed [XXXX]…


This is what I live for… TESTIMONIALS & VIDEO REVIEWS ETC Thanks, [YOUR NAME] LINK to sales page


P.s. Tomorrow I’m going to share with you some other boxes that you might be interested in.




EMAIL 6: More Products


Subject: { first_name } Need more protein?


Hey {first_name}


I’ve been sharing a lot of information about [XXXX] over the last week or so, but I wanted to introduce to you another box that might be more in line with your needs…


Meet ‘Protein [XXXX]’…


We wanted to provide fitness solutions to as many customers as possible, so if you’re not into the workouts, apparel or equipment and you just want to get jacked up on the best protein supplements, then here’s the box for you.


The box is entirely dedicated to protein, helping with weight loss and muscle repair.


The benefits are the same…


They keep your supplies up. They keep your performance up. They get you motivated. And they get you results.


Best of all, you get to try a bunch of different supplements for much cheaper than you would if you were buying the protein goodies individually.


Check it out here: INSERT LINK to XXXX.


You’ll also get access to the free workouts and 10% discounts 😉


Thanks, [YOUR NAME]




EMAIL 7: More Products


Subject: { first_name } Do you have or want a chick that lifts? Meet ‘XXXX’


Hey {first_name},


Our [XXXX] and XXXX are top sellers, but we know that chicks also like to get in on the action so of course we have an awesome box specifically designed to get women on the same fitness track.


So, if you know a chick who might need that guidance and motivation to smash her goals and get into shape then the [XXXX]’ might be the perfect gift or referral.




EMAIL 8: Time sensitive


Subject: { first_name } Warning: Your Offer Is Expiring


Hi {first name}


Remember when you sign up to any of our [XXXX] subscriptions, you’ll receive 50+ workouts from the worlds leading fitness brands and influencers. They are valued at $250.


You’ll get access for FREE! BUT that offer is ending in the next 24 hours.


So if you want to try out [XXXX] today and take advantage of this one-time offer then now is the best time to jump on it by hitting the link below:




The materials in there are amazing as you’ll see, and so is the box. You won’t be disappointed.


The {PRODUCT NAME} is just [$X]. The free workouts are worth so much more. And you can cancel your subscription at any time.


So if you want those extra gains, extra motivation, better results, and the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger showing you how it’s done. Then check it out.




Thanks, [YOUR NAME]




EXAMPLE 2 – Insurance Company

Email #1 Sets The Stage


Example: Welcome to [YOUR BUSINESS], here is your day you’ll be getting… this is why you should read, etc… (Introduce attractive character). Open a loop for the next email.


Subject: New Health Insurance Quote and Helpful Resources for Managing [INSERT HEALTH ISSUE]


Hi there,


[YOUR NAME] here, I heard you’re thinking about getting a new health insurance quote? Well you’ve come to right place…


[INSERT HEALTH ISSUE] is difficult to manage, so your insurance policy needs to give you everything you need. Check out this [INSERT BLOG POST / EBOOK RELATED TO HEALTH ISSUE].


It should give you lots of helpful information to figure out what insurance policy you should be looking for with your condition.


I’d also like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the [YOUR BUSINESS] community. You might have heard us on the radio or seen our ads online. You might have liked them, you might have hated them, but all you need to know is that we are a team full of intelligent agents that have faced the same adversity you have which is why we’re uniquely positioned to help you.


We’ll tell you our story another time. Right now, go check out the [INSERT BLOG/EBOOK ETC]


Or go get a quote from our website by hitting the link below and see how much money we can save you.




P.S. From time to time we‘ll send you updates and articles on the latest health tips to guide you to a healthy life and healthy insurance policy.




Email #2 – Who is [YOUR BUSINESS]?

Example: Tell story, who you are what you do?


Subject: Checking in and Introducing [YOUR BUSINESS] – Your Personalized Insurance Agent



It has been a couple of days since you expressed an interest in insurance policies at [YOUR BUSINESS]…


I wanted to check in with you to get your feedback and to see if you had any questions? We are happy to help.


First, I know you might be asking yourself who exactly is this [YOUR BUSINESS] guy, and why is he still emailing me?


Well, for those of you that aren’t familiar with our brand, [XXXX], Inc was founded by [XXXX]. [XXXX]. was introduced to the life insurance business by one of his lifelong friends,[XXXX]. (that’s me!). Me and [XXXX]. started as captive agents and eventually both made our way into the independent agent market.


A year or two ago a few my team were giving [YOUR BUSINESS] a hard time and the phrase “…call [YOUR BUSINESS], he is on meds too,” was coined as a joke, I loved it, so we started the [YOUR BUSINESS] advertisement. And hey, it worked pretty damn well!


We do acknowledge that our commercials may not appeal to everyone. That being said, we strive to create commercials that ring true to people who need our services. We realize that life is inherently off-color. We want to help people who are like ourselves.


Health conditions, medications, divorce, weight issues…This office has a staff that has personally experienced the issues most of you have in life. We are proud to use our experiences, in both life and in the life insurance market, to help us guide you in the best decision for the best price.


So, if you decide to call in, you may actually reach me, [YOUR BUSINESS]®. Or you may also reach a handful of other, equally capable agents that are eager to hear about your life and health so that we may present to you a solution for your needs.


We look forward to being your agent for life! “Be sure to call [YOUR BUSINESS] he’s just like you!”… seriously, I am!




CTA: Get a quote




EMAIL 3: Outline current Features


Subject: Compare Top Life Insurance Quotes in Less than a Minute with [YOUR BUSINESS]



A few days ago we told you about how [YOUR BUSINESS] was born and why we want to help you, today I’m showing you how…


If you didn’t know already, we compare quotes from top life insurance companies in less than a minute.


That means that you can go onto our website right now, and use our quote tool without having to part with any personal information, and you’ll be able to see and compare the best quotes available to you.


How easy is that? No more searching on multiple sites. No more hours wasted figuring out if the policy is right for you. We have cut out all of the crap you have to go through to streamline the entire process. After playing with our quote checker, if you are interested, you can then enter more details and we will take over the rest. It really is that simple!


Try it out for yourself!


CTA – Try out our Quote Tool


Have a great day! SIGN OFF




EMAIL 4: Promote certain actions towards making a sale.


Subject: Introducing [YOUR BUSINESS]’s Referral Scheme for Health Insurance Quotes



Did you check out the quote tool in the last email I sent you? What did you think of it? See anything you like?


CTA – Quote Tool

We have introduced a new offer that you might like, it’s a referral scheme because we know that it’s not only you that needs a health insurance quote… it’s probably your spouse, your parents, brothers, sisters, friends and even your kids.


So, don’t do it alone, invite a friend to check out [YOUR BUSINESS]’s and we’ll give you [INSERT REFERRAL OFFER] Not bad is it.



You’re welcome.





EMAIL 5: Social Proof


Subject: Customer Reviews of [YOUR BUSINESS] – See What People are Saying!



If you are still receiving these emails, I’m disappointed in you. Because it means that you haven’t taken action on your insurance policy yet.


That means you aren’t covered if something goes wrong, you don’t have the best deal you could possibly get, and you aren’t saving money.


You’re probably stressed out about the whole process too.


But, you shouldn’t be! That’s what we are here for. That’s why we created this whole company. To help you! We know how bad it is. We’ve actually all been there.


And, so have these guys… Meet our happy customers who were in exactly the same position as you are right now. They were probably apprehensive about getting a policy too, but remember, you don’t need to do anything else other than play with our quote tool and get an actual quote.


Honestly, don’t take our word for it. See how our customers reviewed






EXAMPLE 3: Supplement Co

Email #1 – Sets The Stage


Example: Welcome to my list, each day you’ll be getting… this is why you should read, etc… (Introduce attractive character). Open a loop for the next email.


Subject: Thank You for Downloading our eBook – Get Ready for More Free Information!



[Your Name] here from www.[your business].com


I wanted to take a minute and thank you personally for downloading our [your business] eBook. I hope you found it useful.


As a special way of saying thanks we want to give you a few more bits of *unadvertised* FREE information over the next 5 days.


I want to tell you a little more about how and why I discovered a secret supplement that would completely transform my health.


The secret has literally changed my life… And that’s the secret I want to share with you tomorrow!


So keep your eyes glued to your “inbox“ for some very special BONUSES and information.


It‘s just one of our ways to “Thank You“ for your sign up to [your business] and our quest to make you healthier 🙂


So thanks again


[Your Name] [Your Business] – “the complete nutritional food supplement for sensitive eaters“


P.S. Here‘s another unadvertised BONUS! From time to time we‘ll send you updates and articles on the latest tips, tricks and techniques you can use to get incredible results with


[Your Business]. So keep your eyes peeled!




Email #2 – High Drama -> Backstory -> Wall


Example: Tell story, and how that story brought you to a wall… and tomorrow you’ll reveal how you broke through that wall! (build bond w/ attractive character)


Subject: Discover the secret to living a pain-free life with [your business]


I sat in the middle of an extremely important business meeting with 10 sets of eyes glaring at me, all waiting for an answer…


But the pain was so bad that I couldn’t even make a connection to what the meeting was for. I didn’t care.


I had not slept in days and the medication had been making me drowsy. Beads of sweat ran down my forehead…


The looks of curiosity suddenly turned to concern as my colleagues quickly came to my aid as I hunched over my chair as my stomach clenched.


Not again I thought! Yet another episode where my IBS got the better of me.




This [INSERT SICKNESS] was taking over my life. It was causing me so much discomfort that I could barely sleep, work or play with my kids.


I visited every doctor in the land and took medicine after medicine and supplement after supplement to put things right.


But nothing worked. I was spending a lot of money on meds that were actually adding to my ill health.


I was miserable. I was sick. And that afternoon in the office was the final straw.


That was the day when I decided to take things into my own hands… This was the moment that I changed my health and my life.


It lead me to a discovery that would create a life where I could walk into meetings knowing that I was able to concentrate and keep things ‘together’.


A life where I could play with my kids, watch and play sports. And eat what I wanted to eat.


And it’s my discovery that I want to share with you and as many peoplearound the world so they can finally live a pain free life!


In tomorrow‘s email, I’m going to share with you the epiphany that I had that has gone on to change hundreds of people‘s lives. More importantly I’m going to explain how it can change your life too.


So stay tuned and look out for my email with the Subject: “[your business] Secret”


Thanks [Your Name]


P.S. Yesterday I told you I was going to give you some BONUSES to help you improve your health…


So check out this recent article we wrote about “[Article]”. The steps in this article has made so many of our customers healthier and happier that we had to share it with you.


Speak tomorrow




Email #3 – Epiphany -> The ONE Thing


Example: Explain the big epiphany, and how it ties into the ONE thing you created for them…


Subject: Introducing [Your Business]: The Solution to IBS – Subject: End your IBS woes with [Your Business]!


After extensive research, testing and development, I used my resources to eventually discover the secret to getting rid of my IBS without the expensive medications and without the side effects.


I was sitting in the lab with my team that I assembled solely to work on the solution to the problem that affects so many American lives…


We were amazed at the amount of ingredients in the supplements that were on the market and the side effects they caused.


Traces of [INSERT INGREDIENTS] which caused [INSERT SIDE EFFECTS] were in pretty much everything we looked at. It was crazy.



No wonder so many people were made to live with their situation. So what did we do???


We created [your business], the complete nutritional food supplement for sensitive eaters.


NO IRRITANTS. NO ALLERGENS. 100% NATURAL! It’s Gluten Free, Inulin Free, and Legume Free. It has no added sugars or sweeteners and… It’s 100% Vegan Natural too!


Yes, after 2 long years, we created a food supplement that changed my life within 7 days of taking the supplement.


It takes away my IBS, and leaves me with no side effects!


As you can imagine, I was pretty ecstatic that we had produced a product that would end my sickness and I was so excited to get it out to as many people as possible!


Now… thousands of people around the world are having the same amazing results!


Literally, Life Changing! You can check it out at www.[your business].com And let us know what you think.


[Your Name] P.S – I want you to benefit from this too…


So tomorrow I’m going to send you an email explaining the benefits of [your business] and why it works for everyone!


Stay Tuned!




Email #4 – Hidden Benefits


Example: Here are other hidden benefits you probably didn’t realize that the product has..


Subject: Sharing the Benefits of [Your Business] – Physical, Mental, and General Lifestyle Benefits




So yesterday I was excited to tell you about the big breakthrough I had in creating a food supplement that ended my IBS and changed my life.


I know you will have been curious and hope you checked out the site to have a look but there are even more hidden benefits that I want to share with you…


It was only last week when I finished watching my son’s baseball game and realized I was completely relaxed. No stress. No stomach cramps and bloating. No searching for the closest bathroom for an escape route.


It was a comforting feeling knowing that I could sit and enjoy the game without missing any of the action.


Since taking [your business], I have been so much more active in my general lifestyle.


I‘ve been traveling so much more… I take the family out for road trips on the weekend. We see so many new amazing and exciting places which is awesome and something that I could never do before.


The biggest impact is that being able to physically take part in more traveling and activities means that I’m mentally happier too.


I can take the time to connect with my family. I can give them my time and attention. I can focus at work.


On the whole, I have much more clarity and freedom. I can’t believe I used to live the way I did.


Parables of:

– [Physical Benefits] – [Mental Benefits] – [General Lifestyle Benefits]


Those are some of the benefits I wanted to share with you. But I also have a couple more surprises for you too…


The first one is a link to some of our happy customers explaining how their lives have changed with [your business]. So check them out… there are some amazing stories that you will be able to relate to.


The second surprise is one that I’m sending over your way tomorrow as a little GIFT as we end the 5 welcome emails since you signed up.


And… I cannot wait! So watch out for that one tomorrow! [Your Name]


P.S. Tomorrow’s email will be time sensitive to make this a little more fun, so make sure you act fast!




Day #5 – Urgency C.T.A


Example: Give them scarcity about why they need to sign up now.


📬Subject: Final Call: Get a FREE Bottle of [Your Business] Today!

Hey [NAME]


I‘ve been talking about my complete nutritional food supplement for sensitive eaters, [your business], for a week now.


Today I wanted to let you in on a final secret…


Because you are a new customer we are giving out a special offer. JUST FOR YOU!


You know exactly why I spent so much time and money in the lab and you know the endless benefits that are all natural and without any side effects.


And now we want you to try it for yourself.


So we want to give you a FREE bottle of [your business] when you make a single [your business] purchase.


But, that offer ENDS TODAY.


So if you read this email tomorrow then I apologize, because it will be too late. And you will have to pay the full $69 cost.


But, if you use the code below today, then you will be taking the first steps to improved health and a new life.


So go change your life. And see you on the other side 🙂

[Your Name]

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