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Sales Funnel Emails – Funnel Secrets

Subject 1: Grab 17 Step Plan to Build a REAL Sales Funnel! (how-to videos inside…)
Subject 2: 17 Steps to Build a Profitable Sales Funnel (works every time…)


Did you know that a lot of the money you make online is from back-end profit through a sales funnel?


When setup right, a sales funnel will allow you to profit even when you break even upfront when paying for advertising.


Will give you better visitor value or EPC (earnings per click) so you’ll know how to budget your spending.


And on top of that will allow you to scale your business and find other sources of traffic so you know what to except with a given amount of visitors.




Sales Funnel Secrets is designed for you to squeeze every last bit of profit from your sales process.


Even if you don’t have a sales funnel yet, you’ll still benefit from it wildly by having everything laid out in front of you so you know where to start.


Inside this course you’ll discover…


Module #1: What Is A Sales Funnel And Why Do I Need One?

Module #2: The 3 Things Your Funnel Must Have

Module #3: How To Get Good Product Ideas For Your Offers In Your Funnel

Module #4: What Makes A Great Free Offer

Module #5: How To Create An Effective Squeeze Page That Captures Targeted Prospects

Module #6: The Best Ways To Deliver Your Products When A Customer Subscribes

Module #7: How To Create PDF Reports And eBooks

Module #8: The Basics Of Recording Video Products Using Affordable Software And A Laptop

Module #9: The Free Html Editor Software You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #10: A Couple Different WordPress Themes You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #11: The Free FTP Software You Can Use To Upload All Of Your Funnel Files In Bulk

Module #12: Product Types That Sell Well As OTOs And Add-on Products

Module #13: Secrets Of Pricing You Frontend And Backend Products And Services

Module #14: How Many Up-Sells You Should Have In Your Funnel To Maximize Profits Without Going Overboard

Module #15: How You Can Increase Customer Value On The Backend Separate From Your Initial Funnel

Module #16: Understanding EPC And Customer Value So You Can Scale Up Your Business

Module #17: How To Monetize Your Download Page With Related Offers Like The Pros Do

and so much more!…


Plus you’ll also be able to pick up a bonus report ‘Low Ticket, Mid Ticket And High Ticket Product Ideas!’


Check out the full details from the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: STILL AVAILABLE! Sales Funnel Secrets Revealed! (17-part course inside…)
Subject 2: re: 17 simple steps to sales funnel profits…


If you pay close attention to what the gurus are doing you’ll notice that they always ask you to sign up.


Then they present an offer to you also known as an OTO or up-sell or special offer.


If you pass on that offer, they then present an alternative offer, also known as a down-sell.


Depending on how they’ve built their site, you’re either taken directly to a thank you page, or presented with yet another offer.


Now before you start losing your temper and think ‘why do they present all these offers to me when I just want what I signed up for?’…


You need to understand that they do this to break even or at least generate a small profit for the cost of acquiring those leads.


Not everyone buys, but a small percentage do. And those that do allow the guru to continue to spend on advertising and build their list.


Most beginners don’t understand this because they’re at the receiving end.


But what I’m going to show you will change all that and turn the tables around.




When setup right, a sales funnel will allow you to profit even when you break even upfront when paying for advertising.


Will give you better visitor value or EPC (earnings per click) so you’ll know how to budget your spending.


And on top of that will allow you to scale your business and find other sources of traffic so you know what to except with a given amount of visitors.


Inside this course you’ll discover…


Module #1: What Is A Sales Funnel And Why Do I Need One?

Module #2: The 3 Things Your Funnel Must Have

Module #3: How To Get Good Product Ideas For Your Offers In Your Funnel

Module #4: What Makes A Great Free Offer

Module #5: How To Create An Effective Squeeze Page That Captures Targeted Prospects

Module #6: The Best Ways To Deliver Your Products When A Customer Subscribes

Module #7: How To Create PDF Reports And eBooks

Module #8: The Basics Of Recording Video Products Using Affordable Software And A Laptop

Module #9: The Free Html Editor Software You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #10: A Couple Different WordPress Themes You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #11: The Free FTP Software You Can Use To Upload All Of Your Funnel Files In Bulk

Module #12: Product Types That Sell Well As OTOs And Add-on Products

Module #13: Secrets Of Pricing You Frontend And Backend Products And Services

Module #14: How Many Up-Sells You Should Have In Your Funnel To Maximize Profits Without Going Overboard

Module #15: How You Can Increase Customer Value On The Backend Separate From Your Initial Funnel

Module #16: Understanding EPC And Customer Value So You Can Scale Up Your Business

Module #17: How To Monetize Your Download Page With Related Offers Like The Pros Do

and so much more!…


Plus you’ll also be able to pick up a bonus report ‘Low Ticket, Mid Ticket And High Ticket Product Ideas!’


Check out the full details from the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CALL: 17 Steps to Create Profit-Pulling Sales Funnels


This is just a quick friendly reminder that the Sales Funnel Secrets promotion is about to come to an end.


If you’re serious about build a profit sales system and turning as much traffic into sales as possible then this is for you.




When setup right, a sales funnel will allow you to profit even when you break even upfront when paying for advertising…


Give you better visitor value or EPC (earnings per click) so you’ll know how to budget your spending…


And on top of that… will allow you to scale your business and find other sources of traffic so you know what to except with a given amount of visitors.


Inside you’ll discover…


Module #1: What Is A Sales Funnel And Why Do I Need One?

Module #2: The 3 Things Your Funnel Must Have

Module #3: How To Get Good Product Ideas For Your Offers In Your Funnel

Module #4: What Makes A Great Free Offer

Module #5: How To Create An Effective Squeeze Page That Captures Targeted Prospects

Module #6: The Best Ways To Deliver Your Products When A Customer Subscribes

Module #7: How To Create PDF Reports And eBooks

Module #8: The Basics Of Recording Video Products Using Affordable Software And A Laptop

Module #9: The Free Html Editor Software You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #10: A Couple Different WordPress Themes You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Module #11: The Free FTP Software You Can Use To Upload All Of Your Funnel Files In Bulk

Module #12: Product Types That Sell Well As OTOs And Add-on Products

Module #13: Secrets Of Pricing You Frontend And Backend Products And Services

Module #14: How Many Up-Sells You Should Have In Your Funnel To Maximize Profits Without Going Overboard

Module #15: How You Can Increase Customer Value On The Backend Separate From Your Initial Funnel

Module #16: Understanding EPC And Customer Value So You Can Scale Up Your Business

Module #17: How To Monetize Your Download Page With Related Offers Like The Pros Do


and so much more!…


Plus you’ll also be able to pick up a bonus report ‘Low Ticket, Mid Ticket And High Ticket Product Ideas!’




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Build Your First Sales Funnel in 16 Steps!…
Subject 2: Get Traffic, Build Your List, Make Sales, Recruit Affiliates, Maximize Revenue and More!
Subject 3: 16 Steps to Build Your First Sales Funnel in 47 minutes! (squeeze, OTOs, emails and more…)


Building and running an online business can be confusing…


You have to create products, create upsells, track conversions, build a customer base, attract prospects, create and distribute content to get traffic, manage your paid ads just to name a few.


Then you still have to consider what emails to send out, what’s the best product to sell to your new customers, what’s the best upsell, what’s the best high-ticket offer, how to price everything, when to present these offers… amongst many other things.


It can get very confusing… and even when you do experience some success, you still have to put aside the hype of making a few sales and really question if what your doing can be done better… and in most cases it can!


Experienced marketers realize that there is only one way to organize all this chaos… and that’s with a sales funnel.


When you sell a variety of products consistently, know what products work well as upsells, how to attract affiliates, what content generates the most traffic, what emails get you the highest clicks, not to mention what software and scripts work best… then you start to streamline everything.


You simply stop doing the things that don’t work and start doing more of what does. This is led to the conclusion of the sales funnel.


If you find yourself doing many seamingly related tasks in your business but are not getting anywhere, struggle to focus on completing one project, or just feel like you can squeeze more profit from your existing websites, or just haven’t fully grasped the concept of a sales funnel then this is for you…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: How to Build your first sales funnel (best strategy)
Subject 2: RE: build your first sales funnel (best strategy…)
Subject 3: RE: build your first sales funnel in 47 minutes (squeeze, OTOs, emails and more…)


A successful online business is built around building profitable systems that are easy to follow and fast to implement usually with the help of pre-made content like PLR and MRR.


However as your skills improve and you develop a vision for your business, you may want to consider building your own unique line of products and placing them in your own sales funnel to stand out in the marketplace.


If so, then this will be of great use to you…




Here’s why a sales funnel is the ideal online business model for any niche, product or service you’ll offer…


  1. It directs the focus of your traffic so they see all the important and most profitable pages in a series of events.
  2. It allows you to pinpoint exactly where the weakest link in your sales system is, such as a low conversion rate or low volume of sales or lack of engagment… allowing you to make smarter decisions for improvement.
  3. It puts all the best aspects of online marketing into one streamlined system that you can continiously improve upon.
  4. It helps you maximize your conversion rates so you can generate the greatest number of subscribers and customers per number of visitors.
  5. It provides an organized buying experience for your customers and helps you segregate the tyre-kickers, first time buyers, and loyal customers and clients so you know who you’re marketing to.
  6. It enables you to develop high-ticket, high value products and courses for your most valued customers such as webinars, group coaching and one-on-one sessions.


…All of this of course enables you to maximize your revenue per customer… Turn costly advertising into a profitable venture or at least minimize it… plus it makes your business resistant from constantly changing SEO algorythms and trends!


On top of that it also opens up the doors for the possibility of starting a solo ad business or ad swap with other successful list owners to grow your list even faster!


The truth is if you don’t have a sales funnel in place, then your business is not optimized and you’re most likely leaving some serious money on the table.


So today we’re going to break down a basic horizontal sales funnel for you step-by-step so you can follow along, learn what you need, apply what you need, and build your own unique sales funnel step-by-step.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CALL: Setup your squeeze page, OTOs, thank you pages, emails, buttons, dl links, and more!
Subject 2: ENDS TONIGHT: Setup your squeeze page, OTOs, thank you pages, emails, buttons, dl links, and more!


This is just a quick reminder to let you know that the discount for Sales Funnel Master is about to come to an end.


If you need step-by-step guidance on building your own basic sales funnel from start to finish then this will be of great help to you…




Still questioning if you need to build a sales funnel of your own? A highly developed and finely-tuned sales funnel can…


Give you an incentive to build your list whilst making money at the same time! Ever feel like not bothering to build your list? We’ve all been there! However when you know that you have a special offer in place you’ll be happily building your list and knowing that you’ll be able to make sales as well!


Allow you to build on top of what you’ve already done! Wait! Don’t tell me you’ve bought countless of other products and courses in the past telling you how to do this and how to do that… with the Sales Funnel Master course you’re going to finally put everything together into one perfect system! Your past efforts are definitely not wasted!


Increase the number of sales from the same amount of traffic! Have you already got a product you’re selling? Have you already got traffic coming to your squeeze page? Perhaps you’ve already got a blog setup and are getting traffic that way?… Well wouldn’t it be great if you could not redirect that traffic into your own sales funnel using the techniques discussed in this course? By build on top of what you’ve already got, you’ll increase your income literally overnight!


Increase your monthly income – so you can invest time and money into other areas of your business that need it! We all need to develop however it’s hard enough keeping up with everyday life expenses – it becomes difficult to reinvest, almost impossible to reinvest in your business when you don’t have good cash flow. This is why many people stay stuck at the same point and can’t get any further. When you apply the techniques in Sales Funnel Master you’ll finally be able to boost your income to another level so you can progress!


Allow you to develop your sales funnel even further to increase your income! Add more up-sells, add more value to your offers, increase your price, add a tell-a-friend script, add an affiliate program and so much more! Once you’ve mastered this course you’ll be able to develop your own sales funnel and develop it how you want!


Force you to make use of your auto-responder service! You and I we both know that your auto-responder service is costing you monthly and who’s to say that you’re fully utilizing it? Do you think a handful of highly targeted emails added to your sales funnel will make a difference! You bet! When you understand the logic behind great sales funnels you’ll start to see that your auto-responder can bring in more sales that would otherwise be left on the table for someone else!


Prepare you for selling high ticket products! With time and practice you’ll start to see how having your own sales funnel will build your business to new heights! Sales Funnel Master is only the beginning of something much MUCH bigger! It won’t be long before you start charging high ticket prices like $97, $197, $497 even $997 or more for your own products!


It’s never too late to build your own sales funnel, and nothing has to be set in stone. So even if you’ve made mistakes in the past or never really got anything going, there’s always room to improve.


For your peace of mind, remember any purchases made are added immediately to your Super Sales Machine account. So you can log in from anywhere, anytime on any device to access your purchase. It also means you can never lose your files or video tutorials!


Use the special link below to get access to this course…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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