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Sales Funnel Emails – Reverse Sales Funnel

Subject 1: JUST RELEASED! Reverse sales funnel strategy to get highest profit first NEW!
Subject 2: Reverse Engineer Your Sales Funnel in 60 Minutes! (for best setup…)


Putting a sales funnel together can be overwhelming.


In fact you can end up more confused and left in the dark wondering how on earth you put it into practice.




Can you relate to any of this?…

Q. “There’s so many things I need to do… but where the heck do I start?…”

Q. “What kind of offers should I create so I have the highest converting funnel?…”

Q. “How do I know if I’m doing the right thing when I do start?…”

Q. “What should my freebie be to get people to opt into my list so I can promote my front-end offer?…”

Q. “What the heck should my front-end offer be?…”

Q. “What is my one-time offer or first upsell?…”

Q. “What about my upsells after that?…”

Q. “How do I go about creating my high-end product, mastermind or coaching program?…”


The list goes on and on.


And to be honest… if you can relate to any of these questions… then you’re already ahead of the game.


Why?… Because you’ve being doing your homework and you’re actually AWARE of what needs to be done.


Just think how bad it is for the person reading marketing these marketing slangs and not knowing what a ‘one time offer’ is!


Fortunately there is a new improved strategy that almost ditches the traditional way of building a sales funnel.


It’s a reverse sales funnel strategy that turns everything up-side down so you’re working on the most important offer first.


Full details below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: RE: How to build a profitable sales funnel… fast!


A sales funnel is nothing more than a system to acquire leads and customers efficiently at minimum cost.


Whilst there are tons of variations on this business model, there is an effective way to attract your highest paying customers and clients fast without having to build complex sales funnels.




Reverse Sales Funnels is a powerful system designed to help you do just that. Inside we’ll take you through the necessary steps to building the most efficient funnel designed for speed and profit.


Lesson 1 – Introduction to the System Lesson 2 – The Ladder Approach Lesson 3 – The Biggest Mistake Lesson 4 – Your High Ticket Offer Lesson 5 – Your One Time Offer Lesson 6 – Your Front End Offer Lesson 7 – Your Lead Magnet Offer Lesson 8 – Practical Application: 5 Minute Examples Lesson 9 – Platforms for Building Sales Funnels


If you struggle to attract enough leads to sell anything or find it difficult to get anyone on your list to buy from you, then you need to start implementing this in your business today.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST REMINDER: Reverse sales funnel strategy to get highest profit first ENDS SOON!
Subject 2: Reverse Engineer Your Sales Funnel In 60 Minutes! (for best setup…)


Reverse engineering your sales funnel is the most smartest thing you can do right now.


I mean think about it… the whole point of creating one in the first place is to maximize your profits. Why not do so by creating your most profitable product first and attract your highest-paying customers and clients?




Afterall it only makes sense because now you can SAFELY expand your sales funnel to attract more of the marketplace and more customers.


And yes we know that the idea of flipping a traditional sales funnel upside down and reverse engineering it sounds complicated… but really it’s just a different (and more importantly easier) approach to building something that’s already quite challenging.


If you understand the importance of a sales funnel and want to create a profitable campaign as quickly as possible with the most minimum amount of risk… then YES this is for you.


If you have already begun the process of building your first sales funnel, but feel like you’ve hit a wall or things are going much slower than they should be… then YES this is for you.


If you haven’t got to work on your sales funnel because you were just so overwhelmed by the entire process and felt like you needed one more piece of advice to make sure you do it right… then YES this is for you.


This specialist course was designed to help you create a long-term conversion strategy using the most profitable and safest process. This is not known by the masses and is your change to get a head start in the game. Discover how to set up all your products and services inside of your sales funnel to create the highest converting funnel right off the bat!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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