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Sales Funnel Emails – Sales Page Blueprint

Subject 1: Grab the Blueprints to Writing Profitable Sales Pages…
Subject 2: 9 Simple Steps to Crank Out Profit-Pulling Sales Letters (that sell all the time…)
Subject 3: Get More Clicks, More Leads and Make More Sales in YEAR (with 1 skill…)


Have you ever created a product and decided to write your own sales page?


Have you ever decided to become an affiliate of a product, but struggled to write a decent squeeze page?


Or maybe you bought a private label product, and just wanted to make it different from everyone else’s but lacked the creative fuel?


Whatever your reason, you are aware of how important this one skill can be. In fact, the ‘top guns’ are paid thousands per sales page to write the best copy.




Quite simply because their sales copy sells. If you knew you could invest $1000 on a professional copywriter which would trigger an avalanche of $197 sales for life, you’d do it in a heartbeat.


But here’s the problem….


Not everyone has $1000 lying around to invest on a copywriter. Nor do they have the skills to write seductive copy themselves. But what if one could just implement a fraction of the psychological triggers that the pros do?


You know, those triggers which eventually get your visitor to start reading past your headline into your opening paragraph and all the way down to your guarantee and onto your buy button.


Don’t you think you’d stand a greater chance than the other guy who didn’t put in the effort?


Don’t you think you’d finally start to see the sales you’ve worked so hard for?


Thankfully, there is a course available that teaches you all the triggers and devices of great copy writing and one that doesn’t require you to dig deep into your pockets.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: Grab the Blueprints to Writing Profitable Sales Pages…
Subject 2: RE: 9 Simple Steps to Crank Out Profit-Pulling Sales Letters (that sell all the time…)
Subject 3: REMINDER: Get More Clicks, More Leads and Make More Sales in YEAR (with 1 skill…)


If you knew you could invest $1000 on a professional copywriter which would trigger an avalanche of $197 sales for life, you’d do it in a heartbeat.


But here’s the problem….


Not everyone has $1000 lying around to invest on a copywriter. Nor do they have the skills to write seductive copy themselves.


But what if one could just implement a fraction of the psychological triggers that the pros do?


You know, those triggers which eventually get your visitor to start reading past your headline into your opening paragraph and all the way down to your guarantee and onto your buy button…


Don’t you think you’d stand a greater chance than the other guy who didn’t put in the effort?


Don’t you think you’d finally start to see the sales you’ve worked so hard for?




Sales Page Blueprints is a short, simple and highly effective course that will lay out all the important elements to writing great sales copy.


Inside you’ll uncover..

  • How to identify your prospect and write at their wavelength.
  • How to format your sales letter for the perfect pitch.
  • Why long sales letters win hands down and when you may use a short one.
  • How to tackle your headline and answer your prospect’s questions within seconds to make them read through to your first paragraph.
  • How to ‘sell’ and not ‘list’. Your product may be the best in the world with one million features but your prospect still won’t know why they’d need it. Answer this for them and you’re already half-way there!
  • How to close the deal, prove to your prospect that this is what they want and get them to click that buy now button.
  • How to split-test and increase your conversions. You’ve probably heard the guru’s telling you time and time again to split test your marketing. Now you’ll know exactly how to do this!
  • Plus much more…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! Grab the Blueprints to Writing Profitable Sales Pages…
Subject 2: LAST CALL: 9 Simple Steps to Crank Out Profit-Pulling Sales Letters (that sell all the time…)
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN Get More Clicks, More Leads and Make More Sales in YEAR (with 1 skill…)


If you don’t have a sales letter that converts, you will only waste your traffic generation efforts.


Even if you spend big bucks on an expert copywriter, that usually means a longer time before you can even cover your investment back.


Now this may come as a shocking truth but there is NO guarantee even if you engage an expert copywriter.


What if your offer isn’t compelling enough? No one else knows your product better than you do unless the copywriter takes your business as serious as his own.




But what if you can hardness the skills of a pro copywriter, achieve the same, if not better results without spending thousands per sales letter?


NO you don’t need special qualifications to do this. As long as you can type with the keyboard, you stand as much chance producing your own profit-pulling sales letters and see your conversion rates soar through the roof!


Then you can repeat the same step for every product you are selling online – over and over again.


It doesn’t matter whether you are selling your own digital product, physical product, or merely an affiliate for someone else… this simply works.




Sales Page Blueprints is a short, simple and highly effective course that will lay out all the important elements to writing great sales copy.


Inside you’ll uncover..

  • How to identify your prospect and write at their wavelength.
  • How to format your sales letter for the perfect pitch.
  • Why long sales letters win hands down and when you may use a short one.
  • How to tackle your headline and answer your prospect’s questions within seconds to make them read through to your first paragraph.
  • How to ‘sell’ and not ‘list’. Your product may be the best in the world with one million features but your prospect still won’t know why they’d need it. Answer this for them and you’re already half-way there!
  • How to close the deal, prove to your prospect that this is what they want and get them to click that buy now button.
  • How to split-test and increase your conversions. You’ve probably heard the guru’s telling you time and time again to split test your marketing. Now you’ll know exactly how to do this!
  • Plus much more…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


Don’t forget that ALL your purchases are kept within a secured members area. This means you’ll never lose your products and can conveniently access them any time, any where and from any device. Simply log in with your customer account and everything will be there for you.




Subject 1: Lesson #1 – The Sales Page: Your 24 Hour Sales Man




It has often been said that the purpose of the first sentence of a sales letter is simply to get the reader to read the second sentence.


Not surprisingly, the purpose of the second sentence is to get the reader to read the second paragraph. If we can get the reader to read the second paragraph then we have a good chance that they’ll go down the entire slippery slope of readership and read the entire letter.


If the focus of the first sentence is to raise a potential problem that the reader may be facing, the goal of the second sentence is to expand on that problem.


In video 5 of the Sales Page Blueprint we’ll show you exactly how to address your prospect in any niche so they can give you their full attention on what you have on offer. All the time they will enjoy what they’re reading and respond well to your ‘buy now’ button!


Get instant access to this technique from the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #2 – “Get inside my shoes”




A professional looking web site is a very important part of developing a profitable Internet business. However, your sales copy is just as important. Each will play a major role in your success.


The key to writing effective sales copy is simply learning how to write persuasive words specifically written for your targeted potential customer. You must feel their needs and write your copy with passion, excitement and benefits. Tell them exactly what’s in it for them by writing copy that evokes a specific emotion and stresses your product’s benefits.


Essentially you need to get inside the shoes of your would-be customers. You have to understand their mindset, their pain, and what they are looking for.


If you can be the person to give it to them whilst getting them to like and trust you, you’ve already made the sale without selling!


Does it get any easier?


Yes! Because in video 2 of the Sales Page Blueprint, we’ll reveal how to identify your prospect and get into their shoes!


Get instant access to this technique from the link below…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #3 – “I’ll give you 2 seconds to get my attention…”




The first and most important part of your sales copy is the headline. If your headline doesn’t instantly capture your targeted potential customers’ attention, and arouse a specific emotion, the rest of your sales copy will be useless.


In order to write an effective headline, you must learn how to use specific words to achieve a specific reaction.


Before writing your headline, you must first learn a little bit about the basic human motivators. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, human behavior is always the result of one or more of five basic needs.


He listed these needs in a sequence that he refers to as “the hierarchy of human needs.”


He believes that until a less important need is met there won’t be any desire to pursue a more important need. Below are the five human motivators, beginning with the basic needs and continuing to the most important needs.


Physiological – Basic human needs include hunger, thirst, shelter, clothing.

Safety (Security) – Human need for physical, emotional and financial security.

Social (Affiliation) – Human need for love, affection, companionship and acceptance.

Esteem (Self Esteem) – Human need for achievement, recognition, attention and respect.

Self-actualization – Human need to reach their full potential.


When you are aware of the basic human needs, you can incorporate these needs into your writing. A great headline will appeal to your potential customers’ emotions. You must feel their needs, wants and desires and write your headlines with passion and emotion!


Be sure to grab your copy of the Sales Page Blueprints and what how sales copy is put together from scratch…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #4 – Risk Removal “The Risk Is All On Me!”




Have you ever come to a website, it looked fantastic, the product was exactly what you were looking for, you even read about how well other people are doing after using the product?


Maybe you even scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the page and checked out the price first and then decided if you should read the rest of the sales page.


When the ‘Buy Now’ button was in view, you were some- what tempted to buy there and then but something was stopping you…


You just weren’t sure..


You just didn’t want to spend straight away because you weren’t entirely sure if YOU were making the right decision?


Stop for a minute and come back out.


If that was YOUR sales page and you could see your customers lingering around the buy now button you’d re-assure them there and then wouldn’t you?


You’d remind them about your money-back guarantee, that if they weren’t happy with it they could simply ask for a refund?


Well let me tell you.. sometimes a guarantee just isn’t enough. With all the other websites out there boasting a 30, 60, 90 day guarantee you need to up the ante. You need to place ALL the risk on you, and create a sense of urgency.


Try this..


“I’ll put all the risk on me by allowing you to try it for free with free shipping, just try it. And if you like it, which we know you will, you will be conveniently billed just 4 easy payments of $9.95.


But if you act now, we’ll knock off one of those payments all bill you just 3 payments at $9.95.


And if you are one of the next 100 to order, (while supplies last in our warehouse), you will also get a copy of our other top selling eBook which by itself sells for $19.95 absolutely free.


And if our product does not do everything we said, and more, you can keep it and never be billed by us. That’s our gift to you!”


This is a fine example of removing the risk altogether, creating a sense of urgency and breaking down the price to something more affordable which is essentially the same whilst offering a scarce bonus incentive.


If you like this tip, you’re going to love to golden nuggets of information in Sales Page Blueprints.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: Lesson #5 – Sales copy: Long vs. Short… Which is better?




It is a proven fact that long sales copy out-sells short sales copy. However, some visitors do prefer a short sales letter. You can provide your visitors with both. For those who prefer a short sales letter, provide opportunities to click through to your order page prior to ending your sales letter.


Try to keep your sales letter all on one page. Your visitors would much rather have to scroll through your letter than click through and load another page. With each additional click, you’ll lose a percentage of your potential customers.


Your words should seamlessly flow together from your headline through to your order page. Every word, sentence and headline should have one specific purpose: to lead your potential customer to your order page.


The simple, well-designed web sites with killer sales copy make the sales.


Question – “If I create a long sales page what exactly should I include? I don’t want to fill it with fluff!”


Whilst a longer sales page can leave you empty on words there are ways to reiterate your points and extend your sales page naturally whilst keeping your reader’s attention.


Watch the full videos of Sales Page Blueprints to find out how to do this and much more…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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