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Setting up a Facebook Page

Setting up a Facebook Page


If you’re ready to start a Facebook page, don’t let the tech overwhelm. Here’s your step-by-step guide to getting started…


    • Login to Facebook. You’ll want to use the account that you plan to manage the page from.
    • Look for the Pages button on the left side. If you can’t find the pages option, then you can access it here.
    • Choose your page type. You have two options: business or brand and community or public figure. Set up and features are very similar for both page types. You can also change this later if you want to.
    • Name your page. This can be difficult, although not impossible, to change later. That means you want to choose the correct name now.
    • Add a category. Pick the one that best describes what your brand does. Then click the blue ‘continue’ button.
    • Upload a profile picture. If your page is for your brand, you may want to use your logo for this. However, if your page is a public figure, you’ll want to use a picture of your smiling face.
    • Select a cover photo. This will be one of the first things that new visitors to your page will see. Choose an eye-catching graphic that captures what you do.
    • Create your page username. Facebook allows you to set a custom username for your page that can be up to 50 characters in length. Again, this is very difficult to change later, so choose wisely.
    • Click the about tab. You may have to click ‘see more’ in order to view this option.
    • Fill out the general information. This will contain the category, name, and username of

your page. Ensure it’s all accurate.

  • Edit your business info. Now you’ll want to add your start date, business type, and mission to your Facebook’s about tab. This information will be helpful to new visitors when they click on your page.
  • Include your contact info. Depending on whether your business is offline or online, you’ll want to enter a physical address. You can also include a phone number, email address, and website so customers can easily contact you.
  • Add your story. On the right side of your about tab, you’ll see the option to include your story. Be sure to fill this section out, describing how your business began and what makes it unique.
  • Set team members. By selecting team members, you help customers and fans see a real person is running the Facebook page. If you’re a solopreneur, you can set yourself as the team member.
  • Edit more info. This section allows you to go deeper into what your brand is about and how you help customers. Be sure to list any awards you’ve won and add the products you currently offer to your page.
  • Go back to the home tab. Once you’re here, click ‘add a button’. This gives you the chance to include a call-to-action. You can encourage visitors to visit your website, call your company, or shop with you.
  • Like your page. Now that all your information is filled out, like your own page so it will appear in your friends’ newsfeed.
  • Post your first update to your Facebook page. You can say something simple about how excited you are to get to know your customers on Facebook.
  • Invite friends to like your page. Now that you have some content, encourage your friends to like your page by inviting them. If you click ‘invite’, Facebook will automatically send an invite to them.
  • Congratulate yourself. You set up your Facebook page and you’re ready to begin reaping the benefits of this social media network. Way to go you!
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