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Setting up a LinkedIn Profile

Complete each section thoroughly in your LinkedIn profile. Use this checklist to create a profile that is complete.

Profile Basics

  • Your personal information including first and last name. Don’t use keywords, nicknames or humorous references to your job here.
    • Name
    • Title
    • Location
    • Industry
    • Contact Information including an up to date email you use often.
  • Customized URL such as www. so your LinkedIn profile is easily found.
  • Decide whether you want a basic free account or the premium account. The premium account costs a fee but has more features.
  • The headline created is captivating, professional, simple, funny, concise, creative or captures attention and includes key terms about my industry and the role I have within it.
  • Consider your target audience when creating your headline.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition.
  • List your Education, Experience, Honors/awards and Skills/Endorsements
  • It includes case studies, research papers, e-books, blogs, events organized, products, my work, the services I offer.


  • Use bullet points or paragraph form to communicate your expertise, skills, major accomplishments and awards/degrees.

For example: I am a [published writer] at [National Geographic], a [technical writer], an [engineering career consultant], [professional speaker] and a [singer]. Currently I work as a [data scientist] at [ABC group], [improving] products and services by using [skills].

Previously, I was [Senior researcher] at [place] where I analyzed market data from {company] for [purpose].

Competencies: [skill], [skill], [skill] Specialties: [A], [B], [C]

  • Shows off your personality in some way.
  • Not worded in the third-person. Write like you talk.
  • Keep it short and concise. Write in active voice and proofread carefully.


  • Add a profile photo of you that is professional, clean and in focus. Select a headshot with a clean background whenever possible.
    • Get a professional headshot if possible
    • Consider the background and colors you’ll wear
    • Opt for a square image that can be cropped at upload
    • Image size should be about 400px x 400px
    • File size limit is 8MB
  • Add a banner or background photo of your business, career, brand. It should be something that looks smart, is a part of your branding using your color or tone and captures attention.
  • Pay attention to how the cover photo and your profile pic work together.
  • It can be an image of you at work or represent what you do every day. It can feature a quote, be abstract, show your achievements, hobbies or adventures or a pretty picture of your location.
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