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Social Media Ad Templates

Ad Template #1 – Free Webinar

Area above the image: See how ____ [you] of ____ [your company] made $____ in just ____ [time frame].

[image with wording] Duplicate [his/her] process and you too can see your ROI increase. CTA – Join [him/her] ____ [date] at ___ [time] to learn the exact steps you need to take. This webinar is totally free, so sign up today [LINK]

Ad Template #2 – Free Sample

Area above the image: ________ [ask a question related to the result the product/service offers (example: Want whiter, brighter teeth in just 7 days?] [Company name] is giving away free samples of ___ [product/service] for the next ____ [time frame]. No payment required.

[image shows a picture of a sample product or service they will receive]

CTA: Get your free sample here: [LINK]

Ad Template #3 – Free Report

Area above the image: _______ [make a bold (but achievable) statement (ex. Shorten Your Work Week Without Reducing Your Income)] Learn tips, tricks and shortcuts to ____ [the outcome they are seeking].

[image] — Something that represents the report, or the solution being offered.

CTA: Stop what you’re doing and grab this no-cost report ___ [title] right now. [LINK]

Ad Template #4 – Request a Quote

Area above the image: If you’re planning _____ and are overwhelmed with the process, let me be your guide. I’ll show you how to

  • _____
  • _____
  • _____


[Image]of you, your results, or? with wording such as “Get it right with your _____ [topic – (email marketing, content marketing, car maintenance, home renovation…whatever the topic is about)].

CTA: Request a Free Quote: [LINK]

Ad Template #5 – Discount Coupon

Area above the image: _______ [make a bold (but achievable) statement (ex. Build Your Summer Wardrobe This Weekend Without Leaving Home)]. Save ____ [% or $] when you ___ [take this action]. Free shipping on every order purchased within the next ___ [time frame].

[Image – Photo(s) of products/services.]

CTA: Start shopping now! [LINK]

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