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Social Media Copy Tools – Transitions

Ok, so you’ve gotten potential readers beyond the “open” and “click to read more” part. They’ve made it past your pre-headlines and a sub-heading or two. But you’re worried that your content may be too long and they’ll click away, which does happen often.


A smooth, even content flow keeps drawing them down, connecting them to the next line, the next thought, and the next section. By then, they are so interested in what you’re saying that they don’t realize that they are quickly coming to the end. Does that sound like something you’d like to accomplish?

Here’s how you can do the same thing….

If you want your target audience to read to the end of your content, develop the art of adding transition phrases to encourage readers to continue along the page. In fact, there are quite a few transition phrases in this content to give you a feel for how well this works. Admittedly, it is easer to see in longer content but you get the picture. Have you identified the ones we used, yet? Don’t stop reading now! There are more than you think.

They’re in this list of 170 transition phrases to keep your audience reading. You’re going to love this…

    1. Actually…
    2. Additionally…
    3. Alternatively…
    4. Amazing, isn’t it?
    5. And best of all…
    6. And I’m not stopping there…
    7. And most importantly…
    8. And now, you’re thinking…
    9. And on top of that…
    10. And remember…
    11. And the best part is…
    12. And then it hit me…
    13. And this is where people run into trouble…
    14. As a matter of fact,…
    15. As if that’s not enough…
    16. As you may already know…
    17. As you may have noticed…
    18. Aside from that, one thing’s for sure…
    19. Back to what I was saying…
    20. Bear with me because…
    21. Before you forget…
    22. Bottom line is…
    23. Breaking this down into bite-size pieces…
    24. But before you decide…
    25. But don’t take my word for it…
    26. But guess what I realized just in the nick of time…
    27. But how do you…?
    28. But if you’re still not sure…
    29. But that’s not all…
    30. But there’s a catch..
    31. But wait, there’s more..
    32. But what does that mean..
    33. But what exactly is…?
    34. But what if…?
    35. But where can you find…?
    36. Case in point…
    37. Consequently…
    38. Consider this…
    39. Could this be true?
    40. Do you ever wonder…?
    41. Do you see how huge this is?
    42. Don’t stop reading now…
    43. Don’t you wish…?
    44. Even I was surprised at what happened next..
    45. Fair enough?
    46. Follow me so far?
    47. For example…
    48. For instance…
    49. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution…
    50. Furthermore…
    51. Get started right now with…
    52. Guess what happened!
    53. Had enough…
    54. Hang on to your hat, you’re about to find out…
    55. Here’s a little case study of this strategy in action…
    56. Here’s exactly why..
    57. Here’s how to do it yourself…
    58. Here’s how you can do the same thing…
    59. Here’s how you solve this…
    60. Here’s how…
    61. Here’s something we can both agree on…
    62. Here’s the big secret…
    63. Here’s the bottom line…
    64. Here’s the interesting part…
    65. Here’s the main issue with that…
    66. Here’s the next step..
    67. Here’s what else…
    68. Here’s what happened next…
    69. Here’s what I mean…
    70. Here’s what we found instead…
    71. Here’s why that’s important…
    72. How awesome is that?
    73. How do I know?
    74. How?
    75. I can almost hear you thinking…
    76. I can’t stress this enough…
    77. I finally understood that…
    78. I know that’s a lot to take in, but bear with me…
    79. I know what you’re thinking…
    80. I’ll explain…
    81. I’ll let you in on a little secret…
    82. I’m sure you’ll understand…
    83. I’m sure you’re with me on this one..
    84. If that sounds good…
    85. In addition [to this] …
    86. In all honesty…
    87. In fact…
    88. In truth…
    89. Is it true?
    90. Is that something you’d like for your business?
    91. It all boils down to this…
    92. It all comes down to…
    93. It gets better…
    94. It’s all included in the…
    95. Just imagine…
    96. Just look at what happened to…
    97. Keep reading…
    98. Let me ask you this…
    99. Let me break this down for you…
    100. Let me clarify…
    101. Let me elaborate…
    102. Let me explain…
    103. Let me lift the veil for you..
    104. Let me tell you how…
    105. Let me walk you through…
    106. Listen, …
    107. More importantly…
    108. Never again…
    109. Not only [this] …but also [that].
    110. Not to make light of this, but…
    111. Now, I don’t know about you…
    112. Now, I know what you must be thinking…
    113. Now, tell me…
    114. Now, this is important…
    115. On the other hand…
    116. Please, don’t let this happen to you…
    117. Quite frankly…
    118. Reality is…
    119. Remember…
    120. Seriously…
    121. Shocking, isn’t it?
    122. So what’s my point?
    123. So what’s next?
    124. So what’s the catch?
    125. So what’s the solution?
    126. So when do you use…?
    127. Sound good?
    128. Stay with me now…
    129. Stick with me here, because..
    130. Still not convinced?
    131. Take a deep breath and relax…
    132. Take Alice’s story, for example…
    133. That’s just the tip of the iceberg…
    134. That’s when I realized…
    135. That’s when you might hit a snag…
    136. The answer is yes…
    137. The answer?
    138. The best part is…
    139. The cold, hard truth is…
    140. The next step is…
    141. The problem is…
    142. The result?
    143. The solution is simple…
    144. The trick is to…
    145. Then it finally dawned on me…
    146. There’s just one problem…
    147. There’s no doubt…
    148. These were our results..
    149. Think about it…
    150. To prove it, here’s…
    151. To put this in a different perspective…
    152. To top it off…
    153. Today, more than ever…
    154. Want proof?
    155. Well, I’ve got news for you…
    156. What if you could…?
    157. What’s more…
    158. What’s worse…
    159. While that may seem shocking…
    160. Why does this work?
    161. Why is that?
    162. Why?
    163. You don’t want to miss this next part…
    164. You guessed it…
    165. You see my point, right?
    166. You see…
    167. You won’t believe how the story ends…
    168. You won’t believe what we discovered…
    169. You’re about to find out how…
    170. You’re gonna love this…
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