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Rant Emails

Rant Emails


📬Subject: Ohhhh, this makes my blood boil…


Hey [name],

I hate to start out with such negativity, but it really frustrates me when [insert thing that is frustrating you that will probably upset your audience too].

[Add more details, share a story and give the background]

The problem is, people don’t realize [give a list of reasons why the thing that makes you mad is the wrong approach].

That’s why [I’ve created XXX product/content that cuts through the B.S. / I’m glad there are people like XXX product/content creator who cuts through the B.S.]. Click here to get the real truth [insert link to content/product etc. If you are trying to sell a product give them a list of benefits and more reason to take action].


It’s time the truth gets out!


To Your Success,

[Your NAME]




📬Subject: I’m tired of the lies..


Hi there [name],

The other day I told you about [insert thing that is frustrating you that will probably upset your audience too].

But I also gave you a solution that cuts through that B.S. If you haven’t checked it out yet, click here now. [LINK]

Success is in your hands…don’t believe the naysayers. Get truth on [topic subject] with [solution name/title].

To Your Success, [Your NAME]

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