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TikTok Content Topic Brainstorming Worksheet


What do you want to
accomplish with this video?

What do you want the viewer to do during/after the video?

Who are you trying to reach with this video?

What kinds of accounts do they follow?

What content do they share?

What does your ideal audience want to learn about?___________________________

What problem does your ideal audience need help with?___________________________
What content is getting a lot of engagement from the people you are trying to reach?___________________________
What are people saying in the comments of videos from businesses similar to yours?___________________________
What can you create that will help build trust and authority?

Content Type
What type of content would be best for the topic you want to present?___________________________
Do you have the necessary resources?___________________________

What hashtags are similar businesses using on their videos?___________________________

Which ones do your ideal viewer use?
 Giveaway
 Challenge
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 Invitation
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 Competition
 Inspirational
 Holidays
 Countdown
 Q&A
 Behind-the-Scenes
 Fun Facts
 Personal
 Tutorial
 Educational
 Review
 Recipe
 Trivia
 Candid
 ________________________
 ________________________
 ________________________

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