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Time Management Emails – Smart Time Focus

📬Subject 1: How to Create Laser Sharp Focus and Get Things DONE (…manage your time and habits)
📬Subject 2: Do your days feel unfocused?… Do projects never get completed? (watch this video…)


Have you ever heard the phrase “time is money?” It’s true – time is a valuable commodity that, once used, can never be replaced.


Many people end up kicking themselves because they lose valuable time by not planning their day correctly. Does this sound like you?…


Maybe you keep telling yourself that today’s the day you’re going to finally take care of that to-do list, only to find yourself procrastinating and being unable to complete everything.


Your time is definitely limited. There’s no changing that. But what you do have control over is what you do in the time you have.


Now I know you’ve heard this before time and time again, but rather than talking about things in theory or hypotheticals, I’m about to give you REAL, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS.


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by taking on too many projects?… Do you ever feel like you’re not succeeding because you’re not taking action?… Do you procrastinate and not take action because your mind is scattered?… Do you have constant regrets that lead to other regrets that are dragging you down?


Most likely you have these problems because your mind is distracted by too many things.


You’re about to discover how to solve this problem once and for all so you can become UNSTOPPABLE in your personal and business life…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




📬Subject 1: re: How to Create Laser Sharp Focus and Get Things Done (and manage your time and habits)
📬Subject 2: fwd: How to Become UNSTOPPABLE in your personal and business life…


Your time is definitely limited. There’s no changing that. But what you do have control over is what you do in the time you have.


Now I know you’ve heard this before time and time again, but rather than talking about things in theory or hypotheticals, I’m about to give you REAL, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS.


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by taking on too many projects?… Do you ever feel like you’re not succeeding because you’re not taking action?… Do you procrastinate and not take action because your mind is scattered?… Do you have constant regrets that lead to other regrets that are dragging you down?… Then this is for you.




In this video course you’ll discover…


  • Module 1 – Introduction to Smart Time Mangement
  • Module 2 – What Does Your Every Day Really Look Like?
  • Module 3 – Your High and Your Low
  • Module 4 – The Truth about Multitasking
  • Module 5 – Time Management Tools
  • Module 6 – Pomodoro Technique Timers
  • Module 7 – Automate Your Tasks
  • Module 8 – Automating Your Email
  • Module 9 – Automating Twitter and Facebook Posts
  • Module 10 – Finding out your personality/who you are
  • Module 11 – Understanding the Way Your Process Data
  • Module 12 – Understanding Your Habits
  • Module 13 – Analyzing What You Spend Your Time On
  • Module 14 – Ways to Break Free From Your Bad Habits
  • Module 15 – How to Remind Yourself About Your Main Focus
  • Module 16 – How to Set Realistic Goals
  • Module 17 – How to Be Accountable to Yourself


Don’t let any more of your precious time go to waste! Learn proven and effective ways to plan your day right and manage your time.


Learn how rewire your brain, break your old habits, and create a laser sharp focus so you that you can consistently bring yourself closer to completing your projects and bring yourself closer to reaching your goals!


Now you have everything you need to improve your time management skills with helpful easy-to-follow techniques.




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


📬Subject 1: REMINDER: Do your days feel unfocused?… Do projects never get completed? (watch this video…)
📬Subject 2: LAST CALL: How to Create Laser Sharp Focus and Get Things DONE (…manage your time and habits)


Imagine this…


You’re excited and pumped up. You’ve just had an exciting new idea or came back from somewhere and are ready to get started…. You’re thinking “This is it! This is finally it! This is going to be a game changer! A life changer! I’m finally ready to take this on!”


Now think of how many times you have thought this, whether it be a business idea, career idea, or personal life idea?


But then it’s finally quiet and you are focused… You’re sitting at a desk, and then it hits!


Negative thoughts from all over the place invade your creative brain and you get seriously distracted…


You fight those thoughts and try to move forward…


Soon this wonderful and powerful idea gets diluted as we get distracted. If it’s not our thoughts, it’s our friends, kids, neighbors, spouse, roommates, and the list goes on…


What just happened here?… In most cases it’s your habits.




Yes, we have habits and weaknesses that make us fall into a never-ending loop of distraction traps. And if you don’t know what they are, then you can’t really fight them and rewire your brain.


Do you want to learn how to develop a laser sharp focus to more done?… Do you want to learn how to break your habits, regain a deep focus and avoid multi-tasking?… Do you want to learn how who you are, and how you tick?…. Do you want to learn how to prioritize your projects to get them done?…


There is really no ‘one size fits all’ solution until you can tackle YOURSELF.


That’s right, and that’s what we’re going to do in this course. Focus can be lost in many ways. However you will learn how to regain it in relation to you and how you tick.


Whether it’s for your work life or leisure time, this will help guide you through the process of managing not just your time… but your focus and energy levels and productivity which will result in you living a happier, more fulfilling life… not to mention more profitable business!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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