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Training Emails – Domain Secrets

Subject 1: How to Buy Cheap $10 Domains and Re-sell for $40 or more…
Subject 2: Secrets to Profit from $10 Domains (for quick and easy income…)
Subject 3: Don’t like creating products or affiliate marketing?… Try this…


If you like the idea of investing in cheap $10 domains and selling it later for 3 times, 5 times, even 10 times the price or more little to no effort then you may be interested in ‘domaining’.




FACT: The Domain investing industry is not dead…


There are millions of common keyword phrases out there, that people are willing to pay for …which means there are domain names people will gladly pay BIG Bucks to own.


PROBLEM: You may have heard a few frustrated domainers say something like:


“All the good domain names are taken…”

“There just isn’t enough money left in the domain investing industry…”

Fortunately these are false…


What is Domaining?… According to Wikipedia, Domaining, or Domain name speculation, is the practice of identifying and registering or acquiring, Internet domain names, with the intent of selling them later for a profit.


Why Domaining?… The online market changes rapidly, which means there are profitable keyword phrases coming out, virtually on a DAILY basis. The result of this, is a constant flow, of highly profitable, sought after, domain names.


While Domaining is indeed very profitable… many new domainers tend to buy tons of domain names, without doing the proper research and following a system!


That’s where this video series comes in. Not only are we going to show you how to find profitable domain names…


But you’re going to learn how to increase the value of these domain names… so when it comes time time to sell them, you will make a nice profit on your investment.


All you need to do, is follow the simple, legal techniques, set out in this video course…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: How to Buy Cheap $10 Domains and Re-sell for $40 or more…
Subject 2: RE: Secrets to Profit from $10 Domains (for quick and easy income…)
Subject 3: REMINDER: Don’t like creating products or affiliate marketing?… Try this…


Cash Domain Secrets shows you how to find profitable domain names and increase the value of these domain names…


So when it comes time time to sell them, you will make a nice profit on your investment.




Here’s a look at what’s inside this course…


Module #1: Introduction to Domaining

You will be given a brief overview of what will be discussed in this course. Once you understand this and the websites you’ll be using to find profitable domain names, and flipping them… then, and only then should you move on to the rest of the lessons with ease.

You will need some money of course to buy your domain names, but fortunately they don’t cost an arm and a leg and you can pick them up for a little as $10 each.


Module #2: Things you should Avoid doing

You will learn several things that you need to avoid doing, to save wasting time and money. By understanding what to avoid doing, and how to use certain tools to keep yourself safe… you will set yourself on the correct path to finding profitable domain names.


Module #3: How to Find Profitable Domain Names

By now, you should be ready to start looking for profitable domain names. There are tons out their, but how do you know which domain names will sell, and which ones will not? Well, before you start investing your time and money looking for domain names, make sure you go through this lesson. We have covered some basic research and guidelines that you should follow, first. This is a very important step of this domaining process.


Module #4: How to Register Your Domain Name

Just as the title says, you’re going to learn how to register your domain name. This is a quick and easy lesson, but a necessary part of this whole process. If you’ve never done this before, don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.


Module #5: Generating Passive Cash

If you’d like to generate passive cash without putting too much time into flipping the domain name. Be aware however, that this method isn’t going to increase the value of your domain name. By using this method, we will presume that you did the necessary research, to find a profitable domain name,which already has traffic going to it…in order for this to work.


Module #6: Flip Your Domain

You will learn how to increase the value of your domain name. This means that after you implement this step by step process, you should be able to sell your domain for at least three times more… than if you hadn’t done this before.

This process does take some time, but not too much. However, think about how lucrative this can be if you spend just a few hours a day on flipping your domain names?


Module #7: Selling Your Domain Name

Once you have found a profitable domain name, and flipped it, it’s time to sell it. In this lesson, you will learn where to sell it, how to sell it, and most importantly how to get the best price.


You can’t just buy a bunch of domain names and sell them. In fact, that is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, but with this step by step system, you can avoid mistakes, that will cost you time and money. So be sure to grab this course now before it’s taken down…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: ENDS SOON! How to Buy Cheap $10 Domains and Re-sell for $40 or more…
Subject 2: LAST CALL: Secrets to Profit from $10 Domains (for quick and easy income…)
Subject 3: CLOSING DOWN Don’t like creating products or affiliate marketing?… Try this…


If you like the idea of investing in cheap $10 domains and selling it later for 3 times, 5 times, even 10 times the price or more little to no effort then you may be interested in ‘domaining’.




What is Domaining?… According to Wikipedia, Domaining, or Domain name speculation, is the practice of identifying and registering or acquiring, Internet domain names, with the intent of selling them later for a profit.


Why Domaining?… The online market changes rapidly, which means there are profitable keyword phrases coming out, virtually on a DAILY basis. The result of this, is a constant flow, of highly profitable, sought after, domain names.


While Domaining is indeed very profitable… many new domainers tend to buy tons of domain names, without doing the proper research and following a system!


Not only are we going to show you how to find profitable domain names…


But you’re going to learn how to increase the value of these domain names… so when it comes time time to sell them, you will make a nice profit on your investment.


All you need to do, is follow the simple, legal techniques, set out in this course…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.


P.S. This will be the last email you’ll receive from me regarding this offer. If the site says ‘closed’ it means the training is no longer available to the public. Be sure to act now before it’s taken down for good!


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