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Training Emails – Faster Smarter

Subject 1: ELITE COACHING Get The BRAINS To 6-Figure A Year Income (and quit your day job…)


Quick question…


Is your computer a pile of files and folders scattered all over the place that you have no idea what to do with it, where it came from, or who you bought it off?…


Or it is filled with video tutorial after video tutorial on teaching you only micro solutions, leaving you to figure out other pieces of the puzzle?


If you’re nodding your head to any of the above, then those are the tell-tale signs of someone who is collecting more than doing.




How do I know this?… Because I was doing this as well… and I remember how messy things were getting – not just on my computer but in my head!


Some things were completely useless to me, other things were useful but too advance for me to understand, and software that I had bought was more powerful that I knew what to do with.


Half the time I found myself buying things just because of the hype!


Other times I’d be buying things because I believed it was ‘going to be the one’ that’ll completely change my earnings overnight.


Then I grew up and got SMART.




I realized if I wanted to make it online, I have to DO what’s already WORKING for me. I had to remind myself that I already had the knowledge, I just wasn’t applying it fully and I was scattering my efforts all over the place with half-baked projects and unfinished work.


Only when I actually stood back and looked at the bigger picture did I see where I was, what I needed to do, and how I was going to get there.


I built my own roadmap and then followed it every step of the way because if I didn’t, I would be led off in a completely different direction.


I do not want this to happen to you – been there, done that, let’s not let the cycle continue!


Get yourself a roadmap so you too can see the bigger picture and grow your business faster…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: re: ELITE COACHING Get The BRAINS To 6-Figure A Year Income (and quit your day job…)


A few days ago I sent an email out to my subscribers of regarding a new training course that’ll really open up the gates for you.


If you’re interested in building a long term business and want to apply techniques beyond the horizon of email marketing, and want to see how all these marketing methods fit into the bigger picture then you’ll want to take a close look at this unique 12 month training course…




Faster Smarter Better Online is a 12 month training program designed to help you stand on your own two feet and build a solid business online – so you’re not puzzled by all the noise, the hype, the gimmicks, the gadgets, the ‘next in line guru’, the ‘free reports’ and so on that’s just flooding the internet right now.


Instead what I’m suggesting is that you find a quiet place – take time out to think to yourself where you are, where you want to be in 12 months from now, and how you’re going achieve what you’re already partially set out to do.


Is this for you?…

  • If you know where you want to be financially, but still a bit lost at to how you’re supposed to get there, then this course is definitely for you.
  • If you feel like you’re hitting a ceiling with your earnings and can’t seem to take it to the next stage, then this is for you.
  • If you’ve made your first ‘Notification on an Instant Payment’ selling your own product through PayPal, but feel it was a one-off fluke, and not consistent, then you need this.
  • If you’re logging into your ClickBank account every day in the hope that a commission bar will appear – when there’s nothing there, then this is for you.
  • If you’re filled with all this wonderful information about how to make money online, and even find yourself telling others about it, but are not applying it yourself because it sounds better as a conversation, then this is definitely for you!
  • If you’re thinking to yourself that it is possible to make it online, but you feel like you’re somehow you’re not entitled to this ‘privilege’, then slap yourself out of it – because this for you!




If you haven’t already checked out this course, then please take 10 minutes time out to see how this course can help you.


There are already 100s of students who have gone through this course and come out MUCH better than when they started.


Just read their testimonials because these are people just like you who are going through the same problems, the same frustrations, the same difficulties, but just needed a little guidance to get them on their way to building a 6-figure per year business.


Sounds like a lot, but trust me, when you break things down into their little baby steps and know what to do, and have someone that’s already done it to prove it to you – it all becomes so much easier!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: LAST CHANCE To Enrol For Online Classes! (full course details inside…)


If you’ve been reading my emails you’ll know there is a 12-month intensive program available for serious marketers who want to take their business to a 6-figure yearly income.


Faster Smarter Better Online is designed to help you stand on your own two feet and build a solid business online so you’re not puzzled by all the noise, the hype, the gimmicks, the gadgets, the ‘next in line guru’, the ‘free reports’ and so on that’s just flooding the internet right now.




Here’s a detailed look at what’s inside this 12-month course…




We’ll start off by planning for success. This is really the cornerstone of the entire system. First we’ll go over the complete ‘process overview’ that will give you a genuine understanding of how to create a six figure+ business from scratch.


  • Lesson 1: Introduction (5:58)
  • Lesson 2: Changing the Game and the Rules! (21:27)
  • Lesson 3: The Myth of Success and Living the Perfect Life Part 1 (11:36)
  • Lesson 4: The Myth of Success and Living the Perfect Life Part 2 (25:34)
  • Lesson 5: You Have Options! ( 29:27)




We’ll continue with laying the foundation but we’ll also move into the faster, smarter better way to do things like set up your hosting and domains, advanced and beginner site development, email management systems and even tracking systems to ensure that you’re maximizing your profits for the least amount of effort!


  • Lesson 1: Laying the Foundation (2:40)
  • Lesson 2: Changing the Game and the Rules! (15:01)
  • Lesson 3: Master of Web Masters (4:37)
  • Lesson 4: Building Your First Tool Box, and Picking Out Your First Tools (24:09)
  • Lesson 5: Becoming your own dot-com! (26:03)
  • Lesson 6: Hosting (21:27)
  • Lesson 7: Setting Up Your Customer Service. (11:25)
  • Lesson 8: Website Platforms (10:22)
  • Lesson 9: Payment Processing (19:07)
  • Lesson 10: Setting Up A Web Based Shopping Cart. (8:37)
  • Lesson 11: Additional Tools (6:29)




We’ll get up close and personal with profitable product development. You’ll discover how to build the perfect niche for you to build your business in. (And you won’t have to compete with thousands of others once you know these powerful strategies)


  • Lesson 1: Product/Service Development (18:10 minutes)
  • Lesson 2: Tapping Into Your Talents & Interests! (15:47 minutes)
  • Lesson 3: Keyword Search Tools (9:54 minutes)
  • Lesson 4: Keyword Researching – Real World Examples Part 1 (23:29 minutes)
  • Lesson 5: Keyword Researching – Real World Examples Part 2 (9:20 minutes)
  • Lesson 6: The Litmus Test (7:37 minutes)
  • Lesson 7: Listening In On Customers Conversations. (17:18 minutes)
  • Lesson 8: Search Engine Recon (20:36 minutes)
  • Lesson 9: Now Itís Time To Develop The Money Making Solution (8:44 minutes)
  • Lesson 10: Leveraging Your Many Options (45:42 minutes)
  • Lesson 11: The Power of Branding Yourself (12:02 minutes)




Reveals the secrets to targeted list building. You’ll actually be priming the pump for profits. First you’ll learn how to build a list magnet that attracts subscribers like crazy. Then I’ll show you how to take those subscribers and monetize them, actually turn them into paying customers faster than ever before.


  • Lesson 1: Building Profitable Relationships (16:13 minutes)
  • Lesson 2: Top Strategies to Increase Your Profits! (11:41 minutes)
  • Lesson 3: Stand Out From The Crowd! (25:07 minutes)
  • Lesson 4: Creating High Converting Opt-ins (14:26 minutes)
  • Lesson 5: Placing Your Opt-in (8:25 minutes)
  • Lesson 6: Collect, store, respond and deliver by email automatically! (14:49 minutes)
  • Lesson 7: Knock! Knock! (7:33 minutes)
  • Lesson 8: Robot Wars & Promoting Your List! (11:22 minutes)




We go over free traffic tactics. First you’ll learn how to completely dominate the search engines and get your business positioned where your customers will find you above your competitors.


  • Lesson 1: Setting-Up Your Sales Funnel! (4:24 minutes)
  • Lesson 2: Dissecting The Sales Funnel! (22:51 minutes)
  • Lesson 3: Robot, Spiders & Algorithms (3:10 minutes)
  • Lesson 4: Search Engines Exposed (12:47 minutes)
  • Lesson 5: On Site Search Engine Optimization for Your Website and Content! (19:09 minutes)
  • Lesson 6: An Invitation to the Party! (9:15 minutes)
  • Lesson 7: Off Site Optimization (1:05:03 minutes)




I’ll show you how to build profitable partnerships. This is all about “bagging the elephants”…the level of partner that can make or break and explode your business income literally overnight!


  • Lesson 1: The Press Release (10:06 minutes)
  • Lesson 2: The Video, Video! (24:05 minutes)
  • Lesson 3: There Is More to Social Media Than Facebook! (33:18 minutes)
  • Lesson 4: Social Media Psychology. (21:28 minutes)
  • Lesson 5: Converting Visitors Into Customers (18:16 minutes)
  • Lesson 6: The Recipe For Cooking Up Killer Copy! (1:12:10 minutes)
  • Lesson 7: Tracking Your Results (16:53 minutes)




This is where we start to ramp things up and accelerate your business growth so buckle your seatbelt. We cover our advanced media buying strategies. This is paid traffic done right. Inside I’ll explain what you really need to know before you can maximize your income (finally you can open the floodgates to all the traffic that you’ll ever need and you can turn it on and off at will)


  • Lesson 1: Joint Ventures Intro 45:48
  • Lesson 2: Finding a Partner 36:13
  • Lesson 3: Joint Ventures – from Infrastructure to Introductions. 45:51




These includes everything from how to launch a new product, how to build a rampant army of affiliates that will fight each other to promote your offers.


You’ll see how to build huge profit funnels, create instant residual income machines that pour cash into our accounts money month after month


Plus you get my bullet-proof conversion strategy that can triple and even quadruple your current conversion rate.


This is so sneaky former students have actually asked us to remove it from the course because they don’t want anyone else to see it!


  • Lesson 1: Your Intro to Underground Media Buying (13:28)
  • Lesson 2: Ad-networks Exposed (26:30)
  • Lesson 3: Social Media Explosion (19:34 )
  • Lesson 4: Co-Registration & Email Buys (9:45)
  • Lesson 5: Portals, Direct Buys, and the cutting edge of Mobile Markets (9:24)
  • Lesson 6: Underground Media Buying Strategies (8:58)




We’ll cover our all of our personal outsourcing strategies. This is how you can apply simple leverage techniques to generate massive profits.


These powerful techniques will help you attract real superstars into your business and to push it to new, profitable heights. (I also cover the stuff that you should outsource and the stuff that you must never let anyone else touch)


  • Lesson 1:Your Intro to Advanced Conversion Tactics 15:33
  • Lesson 2: Underground Up-sale Multipliers Exposed and Real Life Examples! 36:28
  • Lesson 3: Playing with Side Pocket Continuity Funnels 19:34




Now it’s time to turn a five figure business into a six or seven figure business!


Discover how to “cash out” big with your business and how to multiply your revenue many times over. You’re going to see how to build a high value asset that can make you so much money in one hit that it could easily pay for the rest of your life spent living in wealthy retirement!


  • Lesson 1: Making Your World Bigger! 18:52
  • Lesson 2: Time Your Most Valuable Asset! 26:13
  • Lesson 3: The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing 13:25
  • Lesson 4: Building Your Freedom Machine 16:49
  • Lesson 5: Step-by-Step Through the Process – Part One! 14:17
  • Lesson 6: Step-by-Step Part II, Through the Process! 5:31
  • Lesson 7: Managing Your Many Outsourcers 6:26




Next we cover how to succeed with high level outsourcing.


By this point your business is moving past the six figure mark and it’s time to expand (if you want to) by taking a ‘back seat’ – You’ll learn how to build a rock solid team. (you put this in place and leave the day to day stuff for someone else to do!)


If you want to know the true secrets to rapid business expansion and the best practices to do it with cast iron confidence then everything you need to know is here.


  • Lesson 1: Standing On The Cross Roads! 24:22
  • Lesson 2: Increasing Your Value and Profits! 12:05




In our final training module you get to scale up to the next level. This is all about taking what I’ve shown you throughout the course and compounding your success.


  • Lesson 1: Taking It to the Next Level! 25:26
  • Lesson 2: Time! Retaining Employees & Maintaining Smooth Workflow 37:04


This is not your average online tutorial. This is the school of internet marketing. It not only gives you ALL the pieces of information you need, but the brains, the mechanics behind building a life-long business online and offline.


Today is the last email you’ll receive on this course. I truly believe it will help you just like it will help all the other students who have enrolled.


Just take a look at what they have to say…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher

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