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Training Emails – Newbie Training

Subject 1: STUDENTS WELCOMED! 20 week home study program (get started today!…)
Subject 2: Complete Newbie Training Just For You! (full 20 week coaching…)


Hi {!firstname_fix},


A wise man once said that clever people learn from their mistakes, however a wise man learns of other people’s mistakes.


Do not be the ‘clever’ person attempting it alone with trial, torment and fustration!


It has these marketing experts YEARS of trial and error to get to where they are today.

Which leads to another problem: do you REALLY have that luxury of time to learn all of these?


…Affiliate Marketing …List Building …Membership Sites …Video Marketing …Affiliate Programs …Auctions (eBay) …Forums …Internet Business Optimization …Web Design …Promotion Tools

…Auto-Responders …Link Building …Resell Rights …Joint Ventures …Promotion Tools …Product Creation …Search Engine Optimization …CPA (Cost Per Action) …Outsourcing …Social Bookmarking

…Banner Advertising …PPC (Pay-Per-Click) …Podcasting …Physical Products …Offline Marketing …Blogging …Online Copywriting …Tele-Seminars …Automation …Press Release

…Domain Names …Graphic Designing …Squeeze Pages …Mindset …Surveys …Web Hosting …Product Launch …Back-Ends …Internet Business Models …SPAM Blocking

…Audio …Email Marketing …Traffic Generation …Up-Sells …Recurring Income …E-zine Publishing …Website Protection …Social Networking …Personal Branding


No?.. I didn’t think so.. which is why I recommend you learn from the experts, those who have already walked that path and check this out today!




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.




Subject 1: STUDENTS WELCOMED! 20 week home study program (enrol before doors shut!…)
Subject 2: re: Complete Newbie Training Just For You! (full 20 week coaching…)


Hi {!firstname_fix},


Anyone in their right mind knows that if you were to try to cramp everything into your head right now, you will DIE from information overload. Period.


If you are currently employed, you already know that job security is a myth. You can risk losing your job anytime, and all the more chances now in this financial climate.


If you are an offline business owner, you can feel the pinch of the global recession effects on your business.


If you are currently unemployed or still studying, you don’t need to get another job to find out the cold, harsh truth about the never-ending rat race.




Now For The Good News!


Regardless of your current circumstances, did you know that you DON’T have to read hundreds of books or courses on Internet Marketing to truly start making your first dollar online?


Neither do you need to spend years of pioneering your way towards your first million dollar success!


Look, I’m telling you all these not because it’s something you want to hear – but you NEED to hear it. Don’t get me wrong on this – you don’t have to be a popular face on the Internet to start raking big bucks.


Making money on the internet is not hard UNLESS you learn from someone who has already been through the pain and suffering and trials and errors.


In fact it makes me cry when I see others trying to do everything themselves from scratch and still end up getting nowhere.


Allow me to show you what you SHOULD understand first before you even attempt to start your business…




To Your Success!


Your Online Teacher.

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