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Survey Emails

📬Subject: Got your gift? Takes just a moment…

Hi [name],

If you haven’t claimed your gift for completing our quick survey, would you take a few moments to do that here [LINK]?

I’m trying to find new ways to [insert how you want to help your audience better] to help you achieve your goals faster.

It’s a win-win opportunity. A free gift for you now and I’ll implement what I learn from the survey to serve you better.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences. It’s much appreciated.

To Your Success,

[Your NAME]




📬Subject: Got a sec, [name]?

Hey [name],


I’m looking for new ways to [insert how you want to help your audience better] and if you had just a moment, I would LOVE your help.


Just click here [LINK] and complete our super quick survey.

It won’t take long and there’s even a little thank you for you at the end. [add a coupon, free download or gift on the thank you page of your survey].


Thank you! I appreciate you.


To Your Success,

[Your NAME]

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