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YouTube Ad Script Template

Grab Attention
     » Call Out Your Audience
     » Focus on main point / desire of audience
     » Use hooks to capture attention
     » “Hey, if you’re not a [target audience], skip this ad.”
     » “Did you know that [surprising fact]?”
     » “In this video, I want to show you how to [insert target desire].”

Build Emotion (Pain & Desire)
     » Introduce pain or desire that audience is feeling
     » Show opportunity of what life looks like once fixed
     » Hint at future solution. (Tease a soft Call To Action if it fits)
     » “Are you tired of [pain point]?”
     » “Are you looking to [desire]?”
     » “What would happen if you were able to achieve [desired result]?”

Emotional Connect (Feel, Felt Found)
     » Connect with your audience by relating to them
     » What gives you the right to talk about this topic?
     » Share an experience that gives you special insight on topic
     » “I used to struggle with this same thing, until I discovered…”
     » “Our company has been able to [desired results] for hundreds of clients.

Give Value / Solution
     » Give 1-3 points that fulfill on the promise of the video
     » Share stories, case study, examples, quotes etc.
     » Explain Product / Service features & benefits
     » “Here are 3 things that most people get wrong when they [insert topic].”
     » “We’ve created this [offer name] that will show you how to [insert desire].”

Call To Action
     » Challenge the audience to act on the knowledge they’ve been given
     » Give a benefit-based Call To Action (Ex: “Click here to download this free
tool that will help you get more leads in less time”)
     » Point to the place on the screen where you’d like them to click
     » “Click Here to get instant access to our [offer].”
     » “If you want [insert desire] click here to sign up for [offer].”

This script should be used for In-Stream Ad with Direct Marketing (Lead
Gen / Sales) objectives.

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